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Tomaž Curk Scientific Skills 1 lecture 2: Bibliography October 21, 2015.

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1 Tomaž Curk Scientific Skills 1 lecture 2: Bibliography October 21, 2015

2 Outline “Old” times Why publish? How to publish? Where to publish? How and where to search for publications? How to measure the impact of authors, papers and journals? COBISS and SICRIS Homework 2 21.10.2015Sci. Skills 1 | Bibliography

3 Good ole times Before the web, ~20 years ago: printed publications, slow process, correspondence by regular mail, re-prints send by regular mail, months, how to learn about the latest developments? After the web, but before search engines: web publication of pre-prints, fast email exchange of manuscripts, how to find the authors and their papers, if not on web? With google, google scholar (and similar services): electronic, fast, open, accessible, too much and too many. [still possible to order reprints] 3 21.10.2015Sci. Skills 1 | Bibliography

4 Why publish? Authors are not paid (directly) for journal articles, they write them for free. Authors want other researchers to read, use and cite their work. heuristic: a good piece of work gets many citations. Well cited authors have better chances for academic promotion and to get money from funding agencies (e.g., in Slovenija, Science is like sports: challenge, competition and bragging. 4 21.10.2015Sci. Skills 1 | Bibliography

5 How to publish? Old model: Authors send papers to publishers. Publishers sell journals (collections of papers on a subject) to libraries. Readers must have access to library. Authors would “cheat” the publishers by putting online an “uncorrected, pre-proof” version of the manuscript. New model(s): Authors pay the publishers for providing open access (to readers). Authors form project communities to publish papers, e.g., 5 21.10.2015Sci. Skills 1 | Bibliography

6 How to publish? Ethical dilemma of new, open-access model: What about “poor” authors who cannot afford to pay? e.g., PLOS Biology $2900 USD publication fee => partial or full fee paid by the publisher. So anyone can just buy a paper publication? Yes, but not in highly regarded journals. See, Bohannon (2013), Who’s Afraid of Peer Review? Science You should avoid such journals and email invitations. [show examples of spam mail] 6 21.10.2015Sci. Skills 1 | Bibliography

7 Where to publish? In “respected” journals and conferences. Quiz, which of the three journals are respected and legitimate? – American Journal of Medical and Dental Sciences – European Journal of Chemistry – Journal of International Medical Research How to know that: NIPS is OK, Hindawi is ~OK, American Journal of Polymer Science is not OK, Journal of Polymer Science is OK. 7 21.10.2015Sci. Skills 1 | Bibliography

8 Where (and how) not to publish? 8 21.10.2015Sci. Skills 1 | Bibliography

9 How and where to search for publications? Use web search services, enter few keywords. “Classic” bibliography search engines are curated and provide functionality not provided by general-purpose search engines. 9 21.10.2015Sci. Skills 1 | Bibliography

10 Where to search for publications? DBLP – DataBase systems and Logic Programming Digital Bibliography & Library Project (backacronym) Trier University, Germany Links to papers. Organized by journals and conferences. References in BibTex, XML format. Coauthor index, identifies coauthor communities. 10 21.10.2015Sci. Skills 1 | Bibliography

11 Where to search for publications? Faceted: Links to papers. Organized by journals, conferences. References in BibTex and other. Organized by keywords and topics (GrowBag graph). 11 21.10.2015Sci. Skills 1 | Bibliography

12 Where to search for publications? PDFs of papers (acquired by robot, from the authors pages). Links to papers. References in BibTex. Social bookmarking. Active bibliography: papers that cite same papers as current. Co-citation: papers that cite same papers as those papers that cite current paper. CiteSeer is more comprehensive than DBLP, but has errors. 12 21.10.2015Sci. Skills 1 | Bibliography

13 Where to search for publications? Links and PDFs of papers (sometimes, main link not best). Related articles. Citation counts. Links to Web of Science, COBIB.SI. References in BibTex. Similar to CiteSeer, but better. Metrics: To promote your work, setup a google scholar page: To get updates, setup alerts: 13 21.10.2015Sci. Skills 1 | Bibliography

14 Where to search for publications? Social bookmarking. 14 21.10.2015Sci. Skills 1 | Bibliography

15 Where to search for publications? By Elseview. Similar to CiteSeer, but better. More entries, better analyses. Tends to report more citations than WoS. 15 21.10.2015Sci. Skills 1 | Bibliography

16 Where to search for publications? Web of Science. By Thomson Reuters. Includes “Web of ScienceTM Core Collection”: – Science Citation Index Expanded SCI (1900-), – Social Sciences Citation Index SSCI (1900-present), – Arts & Humanities Citation Index A&HCI (1975-). Counts citations. Indexes over 12000 journals. To make it to the list, a journal is observed for a few years and has to meet high editorial standards (will examine 2000 journals per year, and select 200-300). 16 21.10.2015Sci. Skills 1 | Bibliography

17 Where to search for publications? Other sources: Look for and identify “established” researcher and ideas at conferences, blogs, laboratory web pages, twitter users and posts, youtube videos (recorded lectures),, etc. 17 21.10.2015Sci. Skills 1 | Bibliography

18 Why and how to measure impact (scientometrics) Impact of authors. Impact of papers and journals. Authors need to prove scientific proficiency and relevance for academic promotions and research grants. … or, in your case, to be awarded a PhD. Publishers need to prove the value of service they provide (peer and editorial review of manuscripts). 18 21.10.2015Sci. Skills 1 | Bibliography

19 Why and how to measure impact (scientometrics) Number of citations is an indirect measure of relevance. … but it takes time to get cited. An indirect way to determine relevance is to publish papers in highly respected journals, e.g., those on the SCI (Science Citation Index) list. Papers in a SCI journal get trustworthy citations. Success of a journal is a proxy for future relevance of papers that will be published in that same journal. 19 21.10.2015Sci. Skills 1 | Bibliography

20 Why and how to measure impact (scientometrics) Which citations count? From papers published in SCI journals. Citations of other papers do not count. Self-citations get reported but do not count actually. Given person X, look for all papers written by X. For each paper written by X, look at papers that cite it. If X among authors, then self-citation. Better: a self-citation is when two papers share at least one co-author. 20 21.10.2015Sci. Skills 1 | Bibliography

21 Why and how to measure impact (scientometrics) Ranking of journals. [show Impact factor for 2008, Computer Science] also Google’s Impact factor (IF) for 2008 = number of citations in 2008 received by papers published in 2006 and 2007 divided by all journal papers published in 2006 and 2007. May vary dramatically by research area. Need to consider and compare journals within the same field. => quartiles within the area facilitate comparison of journals from different areas. 21 21.10.2015Sci. Skills 1 | Bibliography

22 Why and how to measure impact (scientometrics) Progress of Slovene science journals. [show and compare list of indexed Slovene journals in 2008 and 2014, “Država izdaje=Slovenia”] 22 21.10.2015Sci. Skills 1 | Bibliography

23 Why and how to measure impact (scientometrics) Ranking of authors. h-index: measures both productivity (number of publications) and citation impact (number of citations of publications). An author has a h-index if he has published h papers each of which has been cited in other papers at least h times: – Order papers by decreasing number of citations. – Look for last position where number of citations is greater than the position index (one-based index). h5-index: consider papers published in last five complete years. 23 21.10.2015Sci. Skills 1 | Bibliography

24 COBISS, SICRIS Institute of Information Science, Maribor, Co-operative Online Bibliographic System and Services, – Virtual library of Slovenia – Bibliography curation: formžnica/Obrazec_za_bibliografijo.pdfžnica/Obrazec_za_bibliografijo.pdf typology show 1.01, 1.08, 1.04, 1.05, 1.16, 1.17, 1.08 (conference articles, sometimes indexed and treated as 1.01), 2.08 – PhD thesis. – Filled out by the first author and processed thru the FRI library. 24 21.10.2015Sci. Skills 1 | Bibliography

25 COBISS, SICRIS Slovenian Current Research Information System, – Information system about Slovenian researchers and research institutions [show About Sicris]. – Used to evaluate researchers and research groups [show examples]. 25 21.10.2015Sci. Skills 1 | Bibliography

26 Homework Select five papers from your research area. Use WoS to find: – (older) papers that the selected five papers cite, – (newer) papers that cite the five selected papers. Among all discovered, identify three that you should read next. For each, write a short explanation why did you select it. For the three selected papers, use Cobiss to find and plot the impact factors of the corresponding journals for the last five years. Identify three key authors in the field (in discovered papers). 26 21.10.2015Sci. Skills 1 | Bibliography

27 Homework Prepare a short report in LaTeX and upload the source and PDF. Submission – Deadline: 28.10.2015, 16:00 – Submit PDF and source files (tex, bib, eps, pdf), compressed to a single ZIP file. – 27 21.10.2015Sci. Skills 1 | Bibliography

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