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Department of Applied English (International Business) Ming-Chuan University, April 10, 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Department of Applied English (International Business) Ming-Chuan University, April 10, 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Department of Applied English (International Business) Ming-Chuan University, April 10, 2010

2 Introducti on Literature Review Methodolog y Data Analysis and Results Conclusions and Recommend- ations

3  Internationalization and liberalization of global telecommunication had effects on the telecommunications service market in Taiwan.  National Communications Commission (NCC): The popularizing rate of cell phone was 105.9% in Taiwan in the fourth quarter of 2007.  王政涵 (2006): Every college student had bought 2.43 cell phones averagely. Introduction: Background

4  A survey from National Cheng Chi University(2009) stated that while selecting cell phones, college students mainly focused on the function. In all functions, college students preferred camera, MP3, and game. Background Background (cont.)

5 1. To understand and find the factors related to the motivation of college students to purchase a cell phone. 2. To understand college students’ perception of a cell phone. 3. To explore the different considerations for female mobile users and male mobile users while purchasing a cell phone. 4. To analyze college students’ preference of a cell phone. The Purpose of the Study

6 Significance of the Study  Those results in this study are for references for mobile marketers to understand the most related factors of cell phone among college students while making decision.  It provided relative data and findings to support follow-up researchers who also conduct the similar topic of this research.  It also showed that important information for customers who want to purchase a cell phone.

7 Q1. Which brand is the first choice while MCU students purchase cell phones? Q2. What range of cell phone price is acceptable for MCU students? Q3. What is the most important function of a cell phone considered by MCU students? Q4. Do female students’ considerations differ from male students’ when purchasing a cell phone ? Research Questions

8 Introducti on Literature Review Methodolog y Data Analysis and Results Conclusions and Recommend- ations

9 Consumer Behavior Definition:  The process of consumption was the significant activity that people participated every day (Blackwell, Miniard, & Engel, 2007).  Consumer behavior could help marketers to maximum the value creation and value delivery ( 林欽榮, 2002). Literature Review

10 The Purchasing Patterns Among Young People  With the economical progress in Taiwan, the ability of spending was ascending among young people. The market in young people and their influences were more noticeable (Young Vocational Training Center, 1997). 9 Literature Review (cont.)

11 The Consumption of a Cell Phone on College Campuses  College students had purchased 2.43 cell phones averagely since they had their first cell phones ( 王政涵, 2006). Literature Review (cont.) 10

12 Consumer Decision Process Definition:  Consumer decision process (CDP) model showed the steps how consumers made decisions for obtaining products and services. 1. Need Recognition 2. Information Search 3. Pre-purchase Evaluation of Alternatives 4. Purchase Decision Making Process 5. Post-Purchase Behavior (Blackwell, 2006; Karjaluoto et al., 2005) 11 Literature Review (cont.)

13 12 Consumer Decision Process 1. Need Recognition Consumer motivation was a drive that led consumer to satisfy needs (Assael,1998). 2. Information Research Information search was the important step for consumers to acquire relevant information which could focus on certain products and meet customers’ needs (Butler & Peppard,1998). Literature Review (cont.)

14 Consumer Decision Process 3. Pre-purchase Evaluation of Alternatives Consumers’ conditions of purchasing did not use one way to evaluate but several kinds of decision making process of evaluating (Kotler & Keller, 2006). 4. Purchase Decision Making Process The behavior of evaluation would influence the attitudes of consumers to a particular product (Herr, Kardes, & Kim,1991). 13 Literature Review (cont.)

15 Consumer Decision Process 5. Post-Purchase Behavior Post-purchase behavior was a series of steps that consumers compared their own expectations to their satisfaction or dissatisfaction, and took some actions afterwards (Gilly & Gelb, 1982). 14 Literature Review (cont.)

16 Introducti on Literature Review Methodology Data Analysis and Results Conclusions and Recommend- ations

17 Relative Information Searching Questionnaires Design Questionnaires Distribution Problems Finding Data Analysis Data Collection Methodology: Data Collection Procedure 16

18  SPSS  EXCEL 2003  Questionnaire Revised mainly from 消費者對選購手機的行為分析 by 楊喻雯、蔡佳恩、蘇愛琦、陳艷芬. Divided into three main parts: Personal information. Personal experience of using a cell phone. Factors influencing purchasing a cell phone. Distributed to college students at library, first and second restaurants on MCU Tao Yuan campus. Convenient sampling technique. 17 Methodology: Instrument

19  There were two major research methods in this study:  Questionnaire research Modified the questionnaires based on the well- designed ones.  Literature research Books, essays, newspapers, and websites were referenced in this study. 18 Methodology: Research Design

20  The total sample was 300 college students in MCU participating in this study. 49 out of the 300 responses received from the MCU students were invalid; the total valid response rate was 83.6% (n=251).  Males accounted for 31.5% of the population with 79 participants.  Females accounted for 68.5% of the population with 172 participants. Methodology: Population & Samples 19

21 Introducti on Literature Review Methodology Data Analysis and Results Conclusions and Recommend- ations 20

22 Which brand is the first choice while MCU students purchase cell phones? Research Question 1 21

23 22 What range of cell phone price is acceptable for MCU students? Research Question 2

24 23 What is the most important function of a cell phone considered by MCU students? Research Question 3 FunctionsFrequencyRank Digital camera 192 1 MP3 player or radio 188 2 Bluetooth162 3 Dictionary 151 4 Slight size 150 5 Enlarge the memory 141 6 Photo phonebook 103 7 Streaming radio 84 8 FunctionsFrequencyRank Multimedia service 84 9 GPS61 10 Internet 60 11 Handwriting Recognition 45 12 PDA43 13 Change the box 37 14 Flash35 15 Others5 16 Total1541 (Multiple Choices)

25 24 Do female students’ considerations differ from male students’ when purchasing a cell phone? Research Question 4

26 Introducti on Literature Review Methodology Data Analysis and Results Conclusions and Recommend -ations 25

27  According to this study, it showed that brand was the main consideration while MCU students purchase cell phones. There was no difference between male and female mobile users.  Sony Ericsson was the first choice for most of MCU students.  NT$3,001~NT$5,000 was the most acceptable range of cell phone price for MCU students on Taoyuan Campus when they had to purchase cell phones. Conclusions 26

28 Conclusions (cont.) 27  Based on the result, it indicated that digital camera was the most important and necessary function of cell phone for most of MCU students on Taoyuan campus. → It was consistent with a survey from National Cheng Chi University(2009) stated that while selecting cell phones, college students mainly focused on the function. In all functions, college students preferred camera and MP3.

29 For mobile marketers 1. In the target market of college student, they could revise the marketing strategies and design cell phones which fit their expectations. 2. To develop innovative products and provide more multiple functions to attract different customer groups in mobile markets. Suggestions of the Study 28

30 Suggestions of the Study (cont.) 29 For follow-up researchers 1. To focus on other factors (such as different research methods, research variables and research range, etc.) related to college students to purchase a cell phone. 2. To expand the range of research product to pursue widespread results. 3. To research other participants (such as businessmen, housewives, or other groups).

31 Thanks for your listening 30

32 Q & A 31

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