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Robert Ule JDSU Global Energy Manager JDSU Energy Program.

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Presentation on theme: "Robert Ule JDSU Global Energy Manager JDSU Energy Program."— Presentation transcript:

1 Robert Ule JDSU Global Energy Manager JDSU Energy Program

2 © 2013 JDS Uniphase Corporation | JDSU CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY INFORMATION 2 Enabling Broadband & Optical Innovation Business Segments Communications & Commercial Optical Products Communications Test & Measurement Advanced Optical Technologies Total Market Size (Annual)* $3.9B$2.8B$1.5B Annual Growth Rate* 5-15%6-12%5-10% JDSU Market Position* #1-2 Markets Telecom, Datacom, Submarine, Long Haul, Metro, Access, Biotech, Microelec, Telecom/Cable Access, Metro, Core & Home Networking Currency, Defense Authentication, Instrumentation Sample Customers Alcatel-Lucent, ASML, Becton Dickinson, Ciena, Cisco, Ericsson, ESI, Fujitsu Huawei, KLA Tencor, Nortel, NSN, Tellabs Alcatel-Lucent, AT&T, British Telecom, China Telecom, Comcast, Telmex, Verizon Abrisa, Bank of China, Dolby Laboratories, ITT, Lockheed Martin, Pfizer, SICPA * Sources: Central Banks, Frost & Sullivan, Infonetics Research, Ovum-RHK, PIRA Research, Prime Data, US Chamber of Commerce, and internal analysis.

3 © 2013 JDS Uniphase Corporation | JDSU CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY INFORMATION 3 JDSU Goal & Strategy  Team Work Place Solution Senior Staff Consultants  Goal Reduce utility costs by 20% Reduce carbon footprint by 20%  Strategy Behavior Change Projects Procurement Financial

4 Behavior Change

5 © 2013 JDS Uniphase Corporation | JDSU CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY INFORMATION 5 A Typical Message  Lights are less than 10% of our energy use  Motors are the major user of energy Ask why is this motor running?  Every kilowatt of waste heat takes 2 to 3 kilowatts of air conditioning to remove from a building  Summer afternoon electricity is 2.5 times more expensive than evening or weekends  One 500 CFM air exhaust system can cost over $3,000 per year

6 © 2013 JDS Uniphase Corporation | JDSU CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY INFORMATION 6 Behavior changes  Production equipment cleaning was moved to the afternoons  Low energy standby modes were developed for production equipment  Workforce training resulted in: Remote controls for the roll-up doors Timers on exhausts Product mix rescheduling  The rate dropped from $95 to $90 per MWH  The manufacturing line change we didn’t make

7 © 2013 JDS Uniphase Corporation | JDSU CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY INFORMATION 7 Print Free Anti-Reflective Coatings  Our PrintFree coating eliminates this tradeoff by enhancing HEA performance with a surface that repels fingerprints, water, oil, and chemicals. It is chemically bonded directly to the optical layer of the HEA coating, allowing it to maintain its industry- leading low reflectivity. The result is a smoother, more durable surface that can be cleaned with a simple wipe of a soft cloth.

8 Projects

9 © 2013 JDS Uniphase Corporation | JDSU CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY INFORMATION 9 Water Recycling  450,000 gallons per month of waste DI rinse water  The costs are $12.45/1000 gallons  City rebate of $200/1000 gallon-month  Saves $60K/year

10 © 2013 JDS Uniphase Corporation | JDSU CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY INFORMATION 10 Lighting Controls  Wi-Fi controller for each light fixture sensing light, occupancy and temperature  Allows triple reduction Occupancy Dimming to required light levels (not too bright) Day-light harvesting (lights dim when sun shines in)  Additional savings from extended bulb life due to dimming  Each light fixture is individually controllable (can be adjusted to support work function)  Enhanced Security  Provides data history of building Occupancy (can track movement through building) Temperature (analyze thermal history)

11 © 2013 JDS Uniphase Corporation | JDSU CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY INFORMATION 11 Enlighted HVAC Troubleshooting

12 © 2013 JDS Uniphase Corporation | JDSU CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY INFORMATION 12 Enlighted Occupancy Heat Map

13 © 2013 JDS Uniphase Corporation | JDSU CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY INFORMATION 13 Enlighted Optimization – 80% Savings Achieved

14 © 2013 JDS Uniphase Corporation | JDSU CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY INFORMATION 14 Clean Rooms and HVAC  Problems found were Over pumping air Excessive exhaust air  Solutions Control air flow to maintain the required particle count Operate VFD’s using constant pressure control Adjust make-up air based on exhaust air flow  Savings Project Cost $806K PG&E Rebate $349K Net Cost $457K Annual Savings $434K ROI 1.05 years Carbon Savings 1,500 tons/year CO2

15 Procurement

16 © 2013 JDS Uniphase Corporation | JDSU CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY INFORMATION 16 Charge DescriptionQuantityUnitBothSCE EnergySCE TotalDA EnergyDA Total Facilities Rel Dmd3,742KW13.0600$0.00$48,871$0.00000$48,871 Sum On KW Charge1,289KW$0.0000$14.67$18,910$0.00000$0 Sum Mid KW Charge1,238KW$0.0000$3.49$4,320$0.00000$0 Demand Chg Total $72,101 $48,871 Win Mid KWH Charge398,463KWH$0.02052$0.05676$30,795$0.05500$30,092 Win Off KWH Charge303,515KWH$0.02052$0.04271$19,192$0.05500$22,921 Sum On KWH Charge114,775KWH$0.02052$0.10548$14,461$0.05500$8,668 Sum Mid KWH Charge143,669KWH$0.02052$0.07549$13,794$0.05500$10,850 Sum Off KWH Charge171,682KWH$0.02052$0.05280$12,588$0.05500$12,965 Energy Chg Total $90,830 $85,496 DWR Bond Charge1,132,104KWH$0.00515$0.00000$5,830$0.00000$5,830 Customer Charge12Month469.0000$0.00000$5,628$0.00000$5,628 Power Factor Adj1,573KVAR$0.27000$0.00000$425$0.00000$425 State Tax1,132,104KWH$0.00022$0.00000$249$0.00000$249 SCE Exit Fee1,132,104KWH$0.00000 $0$0.00761$8,615 TOTAL CHARGES $175,062.80 $155,114.43 Procurement Contracts  Reverse auctions generate lower bids, typically by 10% or more  Consider both hedge and index buying  Compare the ancillary charges  Review the tariffs to ensure you have chosen the best eligible one  Review tax status of your accounts  Review deposit requested versus required  Develop a renewable energy strategy  Opportunity for diversity spend

17 Financial

18 © 2013 JDS Uniphase Corporation | JDSU CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY INFORMATION 18 Search for those Rebates & Incentives  Electrical rebates of 40% are typical  Cities offer water recycling rebates.  Some areas have redevelopment programs. They often include reduced utility rates.  Some local governments offer access to Muni funding (low interest bonds)  Solar credits  Renewable Energy Credits

19 © 2013 JDS Uniphase Corporation | JDSU CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY INFORMATION 19 Financing  Power purchase agreements  Capital leases  Tax partners  Green funding  ROI versus OpEx

20 © 2013 JDS Uniphase Corporation | JDSU CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY INFORMATION 20 Looking Ahead

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