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1 Waste Prevention Indicators Huber Reisinger, Webinar, 24.04.2013.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Waste Prevention Indicators Huber Reisinger, Webinar, 24.04.2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Waste Prevention Indicators Huber Reisinger, Webinar, 24.04.2013

2 Contents 2 From objective to indicator Problems How can they be addressed?

3 Waste prevention objectives 3 Minimise macro-economic costs of meeting our needs Decouple environmental impact from economic growth Reduce emissions Increase resource efficiency Reduce waste generation Reduce pollutants in products / waste Reach people

4 Deriving indicators from objectives ObjectiveIndicator Minimize macro economic costsTotal macro economic costs Minimize environmental impactsTotal environmental impacts Reduce emissionsCO2, Pb, Cd, Hg…emissions Increase resource efficiencyMaterial consumption (DMC) / BIP Reduce waste generationWaste generation Reduce pollutants in products / waste Pollutant concentration in products/waste Reach peopleNumber of people reached (performance indicator)

5 Total macro economic costs Correlation with main objective Uncertainty Additional costs Time lag Total life cycle environmental impact Total life cycle emissions Material consumption Waste arisings / composition Activity indicators Connection between mesaure and indicator

6 Problem (In)-Completeness of Statistics Households and small enterprises Anthropo- genic stock τ =? 100 % = Cd in Batteries sold Separately Collected Batteries ~35 % Cd in coll.batteries Treatment of Residual Waste ~35 % Cd in residues 30 % + ? % ?

7 Problem exogenous factors Base line = Base area = f (exogenous factors such as economic growth, investment programmes, technological and lifestyle changes, international markets, new EU-rules) Also past may include waste prevention measures

8 Program adopted Ordinance adopted Stop of Ni- Cd sale Life/residence time of NiCd Time for monitoring Problem time lag: example ban of NiCd

9 Solutions  „Proxy“ indicators:  improve waste generation statistics  improve waste composition analysis  use performance indicators (how many people are reached) With long lasting products (e.g. construction) changes in the input are better/faster to measure  use material consumption (e.g. DMC-minerals expressed in raw material equivalents)

10 Thank you for your attention

11 Contakt & Information Hubert Reisinger 11 Umweltbundesamt Webinar Waste Prevention ETC-SCP ■ 24.04.2013

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