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F-BF.B.3 Identify the effect on the graph of replacing f(x) by f(x) + k, kf(x), f(kx), and f(x+k) for specific values of k…find the value of k given the.

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Presentation on theme: "F-BF.B.3 Identify the effect on the graph of replacing f(x) by f(x) + k, kf(x), f(kx), and f(x+k) for specific values of k…find the value of k given the."— Presentation transcript:

1 F-BF.B.3 Identify the effect on the graph of replacing f(x) by f(x) + k, kf(x), f(kx), and f(x+k) for specific values of k…find the value of k given the graphs. Also A-CED.A.1, F-IF.B.4, F-IF.B.6 IMPACT SAMR Cover Sheet Task OverviewLearning Objective(s)Suggested Technology Students will be graphing quadratic equations. To identify and graph quadratic equations. Students will be graphing quadratic equations. Calculators and/or software. Students will be graphing quadratic equations. To identify and graph quadratic equations. A second group and the other group’s solving process. Calculators and/or software. Students will be graphing quadratic equations. To identify and graph quadratic equations. The internet and their notes. Calculators and/or software. Students will be graphing quadratic equations. To identify and graph quadratic equations. Calculator or software program. Louisiana Math Standard (include description): Teacher: John Ezell MODIFICATION Technology allows for significant task redesign.. REDEFINITION Technology allows for the creation of new tasks that were previously not conceivable. AUGMENTATION Technology acts as a direct tool for substitution with some functional improvement. SUBSTITUTION Technology acts as a direct tool for substitution with no real change. transformation enhancement

2 Quadratic Equations Steps 1-8 will find the solutions for the quadratic equation. 1. Open the Algebra 2 textbook to page 241. 2. Grab a Casio fx-1145 ES PLUS calculator. 3. Look at example number 1. 4. On the calculator, push the mode button at the top and push 5 for “Equation” and then push 3 to enter the “quadratic” mode. 5. Under the “a” column type 2 because of the 2x^2 and then hit equal to move underneath column “b”. Since the linear term is negative “-x” we will push -1 for that entry. Hit equal. Now, you should be underneath the “c” column. SUBTRACTING 4 FROM BOTH SIDES TO ENSURE THAT ALL TERMS ARE ON THE SAME SIDE OF THE EQUAL SIGN, you will now push -4 and hit equal. 6. Hit equal yet again to get you first answer. REMEMBER QUADRATIC EQUATIONS HAVE AT MOST 2 SOLUTIONS. 7. Hit it again to get the second solution. 8. Continue to hit equal to get the minimum or maximum values for both x and y. Students will be graphing quadratic equations. This task uses: Calculator or software program. Learning Objective(s): To identify and graph quadratic equations. S SUBSTITUTION Technology acts a direct substitute, with no functional improvement

3 Quadratic Equations Steps 1-8 will explain how to get the coordinates from a table which the student will plot on a graph. 1. Again, push the Mode key at the top of the calculator but this time press 7 for “Table”. 2. Next, you’ll see “f(x)” on the screen. You’ll have to press the 2 key and then the ALPHA (at the top of the calculator) and then the “)” key to make “X” appear on the screen of the calculator. After X is on the screen you need to push the SQUARE button and then you’ll see an exponent appear next to the X. 3. Then, type “–”, ALPHA “)” (to get another X on the screen but a negative X). 4. Finally, type “-4” and hit equal. 5. It asks for a starting point. -5 is a good starting point, usually. Hit equal. 6. Then enter an ending point. +5 is usually good for this entry. Hit equal. 7. The “Step” it asks about after next, will be best as the value “1”. 8. A table then appears to give the student points which can be plotted on a Cartesian Plane. Students will be graphing quadratic equations. This task uses: The internet and their notes. Learning Objective(s): To identify and graph quadratic equations. A AUGMENTATION Technology acts as a direct tool for substitution with some functional improvement.

4 Quadratic Equations 1.Group 1 will ask group 2 to work number 11 on page 245 and have them explain the process as the other students listen and write down what group 2 says. 2.Group 1, then will agree or disagree on the answer. After group 2 has explained the process and group 1 has it written down, they will switch roles. 3.Group 2 will ask group 1, “What if I changed the sign on the linear term?” Group 1 will then work the problem out with a sign change to compare and analyze the effect that a single sign change can have on a problem. 4.Group 2 will ask group 1 to work number 12 on page 245 and have them explain the process as the other students listen and write down what group 1 says. 5.Group 2, then will agree or disagree on the answer. After group 1 has explained the process and group 2 has it written down, they will switch roles. 6.Group 1 will ask group 2, “What if I changed the sign on the linear term?” Group 2 will then work the problem out with a sign change to compare and analyze the effect that a single sign change can have on a problem. Students will be graphing quadratic equations. This task uses: A second group and the other group’s solving process. Learning Objective(s): To identify and graph quadratic equations. M MODIFICATION Technology allows for significant task redesign.

5 Quadratic Equations 1.Refer back to the Substitution Task Card for how to get the points for a graph by pressing “Mode” and then the correct numbers for the equation and the table. 2.Once the student has gotten to the Equation screen and typed in the problem’s information into the calculator, they will copy down both answers and state the maximum/minimum value for the parabola. 3.The student will now press “Mode and then 7” to create a table for the same quadratic equation. This will give them a table of values to plot in the Cartesian Plane. 4.The student will now connect the points to create the parabola. 5.Finally, the student should have both solutions to the problem, whether it has a maximum value or a minimum value, and a list of the points to turn in to the teacher for a grade. Students will be graphing quadratic equations. This task uses: Students will be graphing quadratic equations. Learning Objective(s): To identify and graph quadratic equations. R REDEFINITION Technology allows for the creation of new tasks that were previously not conceivable.

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