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ELIJAH: A "Post Script" to his life Luke 9:28-36 (esp vs 30-31)

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Presentation on theme: "ELIJAH: A "Post Script" to his life Luke 9:28-36 (esp vs 30-31)"— Presentation transcript:

1 ELIJAH: A "Post Script" to his life Luke 9:28-36 (esp vs 30-31)

2 Mountain top experiences are wonderful Moses on Mt. Sinai. Elijah on Mt Carmel & Mt Horeb. Now Jesus is on Mt Tabor. A shared experience with Peter, James & John

3 Rewind the video of Salvation History Stop and study it frame by frame. – What did God picture for us? – What does it reveal?

4 THE CAST Two men, Moses and Elijah, appeared...taking with Jesus. --v 30

5 Moses was the greatest of all the law- givers He was the one history looked to for the Law. Moses’ hearts desire was to enter the Promised Land.

6 Elijah was the greatest of all the prophets Through him the voice of God spoke. His God was the Living God who answered. His assignment was to anoint his successor, Elisha, and two kings.

7 THE glorious splendor... –v30

8 The luminous cloud, all through Israel's history, stood for the Shekinah A Pillar of Cloud & Fire in the Exodus. At the dedication of the Tabernacle a cloud covered the tent of meeting and the glory of the Lord filled the tabernacle" (Ex 40:34). At the dedication of Solomon's Temple,...the cloud filled the house of the Lord --1 Ki 8:10.

9 The picture in Exodus is of the "cloud" which is the Mysterious Glory of God The God of the Bible is Spirit - He has no physical form. But we are also given to understand that God is Light.

10 THE SCRIPT...they spoke about his departure, which he was about to bring to fulfillment at Jerusalem. –v 31 (exodus)

11 The subject was His departure [Exodus] The Exodus is the O.T. story of how God Redeemed His people by blood and power. In the New Testament another Exodus was about to take place: – Paul mentions it in Eph 4:8 "This is why it says: "When he ascended on high, he led captives in his train and gave gifts to men." – "He redeemed us in order that the blessing given to Abraham might come to the Gentiles through Christ Jesus, so that by faith we might receive the promise of the Spirit." -- Gal 3:14

12 Jesus was the Great Redeemer of whom Moses is only a type You & I can participate in this great Exodus from the slavery of Sin into the promised land of His presence

13 Now let’s get the picture What is it that God is showing us?

14 God granted each his heart’s desire Moses heart’s desire was granted. He did make it to the Promised Land just in time to pass the role of Redeemer and Law Giver on to Jesus. Elijah’s desire to be taken was granted. Elijah’s assignment to anoint his successor (Elisha) and to anoint the King of kings – delayed a few centuries until the “fullness of time.”

15 How about participating in an Exodus? Anyone can be Liberated from the yoke of slavery to sin. Anyone can enjoy freedom to Worship God and serve Him with his whole heart. And we, not only get to experience this, we get to share this good news with everyone.

16 This Exodus is not led by Moses, it is led by Jesus Himself The Original planning was done in the councils of Eternity. Moses and Elijah played a part by illustrating it with their own lives in a previous era and now by discussing it with Jesus. Jesus became the Passover Lamb for us and He offers to be our fiery pillar by day and fiery cloud by night. You and I enjoy Redemption, God’s Law written on our hearts, and His Spirit in us to enable us, God’s proof that He alone is God!

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