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-Gil Aviyam -Lena Guberman - Monotonous -empty -stays in lines -Layers -colorful.

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Presentation on theme: "-Gil Aviyam -Lena Guberman - Monotonous -empty -stays in lines -Layers -colorful."— Presentation transcript:



3 -Gil Aviyam -Lena Guberman

4 - Monotonous -empty -stays in lines -Layers -colorful

5 -Gray-white scale -pale -lacks severe/harsh pigmentation -retains color of canvas -plain black and white -most tones are the same -words and codes -vibrant color changes -blends -different shades mixed -alluring, enchanting -paint splashes and pen drawings -covers lines of brain -colors blend without conflict

6 -light comes from the top -paint is the only part able to hold a shine -image is a drawing; but it contains a shadow -the shadows fan out below the brain and the paint trails -more shadows than shine -the darkest part of the image is the shadows (not including the text) -the darkest shadow is at the bottom of the divide

7 -the image is seen from above by the viewer -only the top of the brain is visible

8 -largest part of image: canvas -can be seen throughout -even seen through paint -canvas is blank slate -right side appears more dominant due to coloration -also is more prominent because it spreads beyond lines

9 -brain is in the middle of the image -the brain is shown in it’s entirety, but the paint is cut off -surrounding areas are still important -both of the side’s surrounding areas take up about the same area -the canvas continues on all sides

10 -the action of the image is the paint trails -the bike, the eye, and the stairs -bright ‘pop’ colors -mixed colors/pigments

11 Left Brain, Right Brain, Paint CCLAPPS Analysis Character: The characters in this image are the left and right side of the brain. They each have their own personalities and opinions. The two sides are the opposing views and opinions of both society and the people. The left has a serious, monotonous, and collected feel, while the right is free-flowing and a kindred spirit. The left is also ‘empty’ and is open to new ideas and the right just layers when it runs out of room for ideas. The left brain is sure of itself, and represents the more logical, ‘normal’ portion of society. It remains in the lines, because it doesn’t have the personality to overstep those bounds. The right side thrives and celebrates, spreading it’s colorful outlook to the areas around it. It is unafraid to leap over restrictions and tells it’s story without fear. Color: The colors on the left side are of a grayish-white scale, but still on the lighter side, while the right side, still on the lighter side, expresses many vibrant and exciting palette changes. The feeling of the image is light hearted and fun, left and right. Many of the colors on the right side blend and dance around each other. Combining the colors and thoughts into different shades and opinions. The left side, though lacking severe pigmentation, retains some of the color of the canvas and leaves it open to new colors and ideas. The right side is an alluring, enchanting display of what seems to be paint splashes and pen drawings. The bouncing vibrant colors draw eyes and elicit adequate attention before you notice the boring, bland left side. Though the right side is bright and pretty, it covers up it’s lines, while the left is truthful, in plain black and white. The colors on the right side are placed so that they blend and flow evenly without conflict. A practiced liar can speak and combine his/her words so that they seem flawless and truthful. Most of the tones of the left side are so similar that it seems as though there is no separation, or distinction. The only thing to put the left into importance is the words and codes behind it, in black and white distinct lines.

12 Light: The image is fairly bright, with a light source that seems to come from the top of the photo. The light coming from above, almost as if some greater power is trying to ‘show us the light’. The paint on the right side is the only thing in the image that can retain a shine or glare and it only holds a faint minimalistic shimmer. This supports the idea that although pretty, the painted side holds only a glimmer of truth. Though the image appears to be a drawing, it contains a shadow that fans out below the drawing and around the right side’s paint trails. The paint creates many more shadows than is has shine, supplementing the thought that it’s lies are greater than its truths. Very little of the image is in darkness, the darkest part in the drawing, concerning shadows, is the beginning of the divide of the left and right side of the brain. The base of the left and right’s problems is that they suppress the lies and emotions as they push the feeling down, to the bottom of the image. Angle: The image is a drawing, meant to look as though the viewer is seeing it from above. This indicates that the viewer is an impartial third party, who must listen to both sides and hear the opinions of the left and the right. The top of the brain is visible, and it hides the bottom from view, leaving what it looks like up to the viewer. Having just the top of the brain exposed symbolizes that this image may represent any argument. Only the main views are exposed, but who’s to know what the facts and figures the two sides are hiding. Proportion: The largest part of the image is the canvas, as it can be seen even through the left side of the brain and some parts of the right side. The canvas is the blank slate, open to new ideas, and facts, able to take on new information. The right side of the brain does appear more dominant, due to the bright colors and the fact that it’s pigmentation spreads beyond the lines. More people will listen the the right side, due to it’s flamboyant presentation. It delivers it’s point in an aesthetically pleasing manner to an audience who is willing to listen.

13 Placement: The brain is in the middle of the photo, but the lack of pigment on the left side gives it the appearance that it is actually bigger. The two sides of the brain are the speakers of both sides, they are given the most attention while the surrounding areas are important but with less emphasis. The surrounding areas of both sides take about the same amount of size as they both contain the same level of importance. An argument is only as strong as its supporters. The brain is shown in it’s entirety, but the paint is cut off at the edges. The canvas clearly continues on all sides, giving minimal limitations to the extent of the support for both sides. The paint is cut off at the edges of the image ending the flows and ideas, confining it in a small area. Setting: The ‘action of the image’ is in the paint which breathes life into the drawing. The paint is a flowing representation of the ideas, opinions, arguments, and the lives as they mingle to create new shades and personalities. The inclusion of normal everyday items, such as the bicycle, stairs and eye, leads me to believe that the time period that this is meant to be in is the late 1950-60’s, when the inclusion of items like these in artwork was normal. The 50’s and 60’s were a time of rock n’ roll, color tvs, and the outlawing of segregation. The bright colors of the pigments are like when people began to get color TVs for the first time. The mixing of colors on the right side is like how when people finally began to mix races, even though they’d not fully trust each other for many years.

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