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Maximising the buzz of Rio 2016 8 th June 2016. Welcome Join the twitter #NETWORKWY.

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Presentation on theme: "Maximising the buzz of Rio 2016 8 th June 2016. Welcome Join the twitter #NETWORKWY."— Presentation transcript:

1 Maximising the buzz of Rio 2016 8 th June 2016

2 Welcome Join the twitter conversation @wysport #NETWORKWY



5 Welcome


7 Coral Batey Team GB – Rio 2016 Wheelchair Rugby @Coralb95

8 Coral Batey Team GB – Rio 2016 European Championships Gold Medallist 2015 Wheelchair Rugby


10 Emma Dickens Customer Engagement Manager


12 Rebekah Tiler Weightlifter @rebekahtiler

13 “A lovely girl, superb personality with no edge on her at all” “So committed to her sport and she is so good so young the development over the next 3-4 years could be phenomenal” “Most proud when she broke the British record…… “ “….. When she won her first senior medals “ “I am proud of her whenever she competes” Local business sponsoring a local athlete!

14 Malcolm Brown MBE

15 West Yorkshire Sports Partnership The History and Structure of the Leeds Triathlon Centre Malcolm Brown

16 Olympic Triathlon 2000 Sydney Olympics 15k Swim 40k Bike 10k Run 1 hour 45min (men) 1 hour 52 min (women) 6 Olympic Medals (3 men, 3 women) 2008 Beijing Olympics 2009 New Competition Structure World Triathlon Series (7/8 races in London, Beijing, Abu Dhabi, Hamburg etc )

17 World Triathlon Championships Results Medals 2009 - 2014 Leeds (17) Rest of UK (8) Australia (14) Germany (13) Spain (13) France (10) USA (8) Canada (6)

18 Triathlon Training Centres San Diego (USA) Leeds (UK) Historyyesno Climateyesno Interestyesno Populationyesno Sponsorshipyesno World Champs Medals6 (USA) 17 (21 UK)

19 Leeds Triathlon Centre Established 2004 4 athletes and one part-time coach Partners British Triathlon/Triathlon England Leeds Beckett University University of Leeds Leeds City Council 100 athletes and 4 full-time coaches

20 Leeds Triathlon Centre 20 High Performance athletes and training partners (funded by BTF/UK Sport) 20 Development athletes (performance and university) 24 university athletes 24 Academy athletes (14-19 years) International athletes from Slovakia, Czech Republic, Lithuania, Malta


22 Athletes Environment Leadership

23 Alistair Brownlee (age 27) Commonwealth Champion 2014 European Champion 2014 Olympic Champion 2012 World Champion 2011 and 2009 World U23 Champion 2008 World Junior Champion 2006 European Champion 2011 and 2010

24 Jonny Brownlee (age 26) Commonwealth Silver Medal 2014 Olympic Bronze Medal 2012 World Champion 2012 World Sprint Champion 2011 and 2010 World U23 Champion 2010 World Junior Bronze 2008

25 Non Stanford (age 26) World Champion 2013 World U23 Champion 2012

26 World Mixed Relay Champions 2014

27 Commonwealth Mixed Relay Champions 2014

28 Leadership and Coaching Principles Jack Maitland Malcolm Brown Experienced coaches and former athletes (know the business) Fundamental principles and values Little ego Empower athletes by encouraging decision making and autonomy

29 Leadership and Coaching Jack Maitland Malcolm Brown Education has priority in formative years Curiosity Cross sports experience: best practice knowledge Open inclusive philosophy Settled in Leeds: in it for the long haul

30 Building the Core team: Strategic and Operational (2006 – 2012) 1. World class expertise or very close 2. Open, honest, trustworthy, discreet, loyal 3. No job too small inside or outside specialism 4. Ability to work across disciplines 5. Work beyond contract 6. Long term commitment

31 Training Environment: Structure Built over years (2004 – 2015) Low tech – Low cost Coach/Physiotherapist (2004 – 2006) Conditioning specialist (2007) Nutritionist (2008) Additional Physiotherapist (2008)

32 Training Environment: Culture “earn” additional services/competitions/trips No culture of entitlement Group is vital Fun is important Learn from older athletes Leeds – cold, wet, hilly

33 Grass is not greener elsewhere “Fast track” strategy from Junior to Senior Establish sound biomechanics and skills Increase training loads between ages 18-21 to world class threshold Training Environment: Culture

34 Thank You

35 Any questions?


37 Nigel Harrison Chief Executive Officer West Yorkshire Sport

38 Sport England Strategy: Towards An Active Nation Seven investment principles + Customer Focus Underpinned by What we invest in How we decide How we think Outcomes Social and Community Development Individual Development Mental Wellbeing Physical Wellbeing Economic Development Tackling inactivity Volunteering Facilities Local delivery Mass market Children and young people Core market Workforce Coaching Active Lives Sport England: Towards an Active Nation 2016-21

39 Behaviour change Pre-contemplation Contemplation Preparation Action Maintenance Tackling Inactivity 1 Creating regular activity habits 2 3 Helping those with a resilient habit stay that way Sport England: Towards an Active Nation 2016-21

40 Key themes Investing for a purpose, not sport for sport’s sake Behaviour change Customer focus Under-represented groups Children and young people Wider partnerships Governance and efficiency A new approach to measurement and evaluation Sport England: Towards an Active Nation 2016-21


42 Workshops – Connecting sport in West Yorkshire with local businesses Group 1 = Red sticker Banqueting Suite Nigel Harrison & Lee Witherwick (Education Network) Group 2 = Blue sticker Function Room 1 Martin Browne & Emma Dickens (Locala) 14.45 – 15.45 15.45 – Banqueting Suite


44 Working together for sport in Yorkshire 1. What examples can you think of where business and sport have successfully worked together? 2. What do you think businesses need from involvement in sport and vice- versa? 3. What opportunities can community sports offer to businesses? 4. What are the ingredients for a successful partnership between sport and business?


46 Next Steps

47 Thank you Good afternoon

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