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The Winegrowers’ Sustainable Trust: Is a voluntary group of winegrowers that have embraced a covenant with environmental, economic and social sustainability.

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Presentation on theme: "The Winegrowers’ Sustainable Trust: Is a voluntary group of winegrowers that have embraced a covenant with environmental, economic and social sustainability."— Presentation transcript:


2 The Winegrowers’ Sustainable Trust: Is a voluntary group of winegrowers that have embraced a covenant with environmental, economic and social sustainability concurrent with their production of grapes and wine.

3 Sustainable Wine Growing: Is a holistic system of recognized cultural production methodologies that employ environmentally friendly and socially responsible viticulture practices that respect the land, conserve natural resources, support biodiversity, exercise responsible relationships between workers, neighbors and the community while providing continuing economic and biological vineyard viability

4 Mission: To develop and implement a sustainable vineyard management program, synonymous with the Walla Walla Valley, internationally recognized for its strict environmental standards and high quality farming practices

5 Goals: 1.Membership : -Attract Walla Walla Valley winegrowers dedicated to investing in sustainable viticulture and implementing these practices over the long term 2. Stewardship: -Implement proven holistic, environmentally friendly viticultural practices that respect the land, conserve natural resources, support biodiversity and provide for the long-term vineyard viability -Obtain international recognition through certification with the International Organization of Biological Controls I.O.B.C.

6 3. Quality: Produce world-class wines of distinction by further strengthening the partner between growers, vintners and consumers 4.Viability -Enhance the image and prestige of Walla Walla Valley wine grapes, specifically those grown by members of Vinea, the Winegrowers Sustainable Trust. -Establish Walla Walla as a leader in sustainable viticulture by generating awareness and regard for this position among Washington state vintners, growers, elected officials, the community at large, members of the trade, media and consumers

7 Vinea Composition Board of Directors with six members Sub Committee -Technical Guideline -Marketing

8 Vinea Current Status 2/3 of Walla Walla AVA Vineyards signed up with more than 20 vineyards and 20 wineries One Part-Time Employee Website –All affiliate vineyards and wineries listed with a link to their website –Technical Guidelines up-dated and downloadable –Summary of all Vinea activities

9 Vinea Current Status Published a brochure for Consumer, Trade and Media Currently publishing sign for all our members Working on our IOBC (International Organization of Biological Culture) certification Working with Oregon LIVE (Low Input Viticulture and Enology) to eventually team up to form a Northwest Sustainable Program

10 Vinea Status Educational Day –Friday, March 3, 2006 from 2-5 PM at the WWCC Institute for Enology and Viticulture –Review the Technical Guidelines –John Reganold, Soil Professor / Scientist at WSU. John will share with us his research on Biodynamic Farming while at the Fetzer Family in Mendocino, CA. Field Trip During Summer Time- -Date yet to be determined

11 Fee schedule: Winegrowers -The yearly fee will be based on $15 per acre with a minimum contribution of $200 and a maximum contribution of $2500 per calendar year (Jan 1st to Dec.31st). -$200 application fee for new members

12 Fee schedule: Wineries: The annual fee for winery membership is $100 per calendar year. Associate Members: The annual fee for associate membership is $100 per calendar year.


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