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Amer Rev Project Questions to ask your self: Have I gathered evidence from the American Revolution to share about my topic? Do I have enough information/details.

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Presentation on theme: "Amer Rev Project Questions to ask your self: Have I gathered evidence from the American Revolution to share about my topic? Do I have enough information/details."— Presentation transcript:

1 Amer Rev Project Questions to ask your self: Have I gathered evidence from the American Revolution to share about my topic? Do I have enough information/details to share? Do I have the materials I need to create my project? If not, how will I get them? While creating your project: Is my project neat? Have I included many important details? Is my name on my project? Have I used creative materials? Did I take the time to give my best effort? While preparing your presentation: Did I include materials I used to make my project and how I made it? Do I know my presentation by heart or should I read it off cards/paper? Have I practiced my presentation using a “whole group voice?” Have I practiced enough so I know how to pronounce all the words? How will I get my project to school? Do I need a ride or can I go on the bus? Timeline: January 5- Assignment given January 9- Amer Rev Agreement due January 28 - Amer Rev project is due. Do not wait until the last minute to complete this project! For January 28th I need:  My project  Notecards for what I will share  Ready to share my project with my classmates

2 Let’s learn about the American Revolution! Project Choices 1. Design and model an outfit worn by a colonist or Revolutionary soldier. Create a character to go with your clothing. Tell the class about your life as that character and be ready to answer questions. 2. Create a timeline. Choose a measure, such as an inch, for each year. Choose five important events that lead up to the war to or happened just after. In a few sentences, tell important information for each event. Possible choices: Boston Tea Party, Battle of Bunker Hill, Battle of Lexington and Concord 3. Imagine you are a colonist who lives in Massachusetts Bay Colony. Write a diary. Include details that tell about daily life as a colonist AND an important revolutionary event that happened right here in our state. Pretend your character was at that event. Your diary may be typed or written in cursive Possible choices: Boston Tea Party, Battle of Bunker Hill, Battle of Lexington and Concord

3 4. Make a video of an interview with George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Betsy Ross, Deborah Sampson, Molly Pitcher, Benjamin Franklin, or Paul Revere. 5. Write an article for the “Revolutionary Times” about any revolutionary battle or event. Be sure to include who, what, when, where, why, and how. Possible choices: Boston Tea Party, Battle of Bunker Hill, Battle of Lexington and Concord 6. Choose an important revolutionary figure. Prepare a paragraph about that person’s life and dress up at that person. Possible choices: George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Betsy Ross, Deborah Sampson, Molly Pitcher, Benjamin Franklin, Paul Revere 7. Research some colonial food. Choose a recipe to make. Be prepared to discuss topics such as common colonial food or meals, ingredients, and measurements. I have recipes if you would like some choices 8. Create a battle of a revolutionary battle or event. You may use natural materials, as well as, man-made objects (like army men or Legos). Be prepared to share how you created your model and to tell about the battle or event. Possible choices: Boston Tea Party, Battle of Bunker Hill, Battle of Lexington and Concord

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