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Short Answer/ HAPP Practice. Directions For each source, write down as much information as you can think of that would shape your knowledge of what the.

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Presentation on theme: "Short Answer/ HAPP Practice. Directions For each source, write down as much information as you can think of that would shape your knowledge of what the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Short Answer/ HAPP Practice

2 Directions For each source, write down as much information as you can think of that would shape your knowledge of what the document/stimulus would state.

3 Unit 1 1. Benjamin Franklin, Poor Richard’s Almanack 2. Jonathan Edwards, “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God”

4 Unit 2 3. Thomas Jefferson, “Tree of Liberty Letter” to William Smith

5 Unit 3 4. Chief Justice John Marshall, Marbury v. Madison decision

6 Unit 4 5. Dorothea Dix, Memorial to the Massachusetts Legislature (1843)

7 Unit 5 6. Abraham Lincoln, September 22, 1861 7. Frederick Douglass, 1882

8 Unit 6 8. Populist platform of 1892

9 Unit 7 9. Theodore Roosevelt, 1906

10 Unit 8 10. Henry Ford, 1922

11 Unit 9 11. Franklin Delano Roosevelt, June 10, 1940

12 Unit 10 12. George Kennan, 1946

13 Directions Read the excerpt connected to each document. Write on the paper, underlining important ideas, adding notes to the document HAP-P each document. – H should be 2-3 sentences – POV should incorporate information from your pre-reading source analysis

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