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Warm Up: Look carefully at each picture. Who do you think won each battle?

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Presentation on theme: "Warm Up: Look carefully at each picture. Who do you think won each battle?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm Up: Look carefully at each picture. Who do you think won each battle?

2 Today’s Question: What were the major battles of the Revolutionary War?

3 Agenda: 1.Read about a battle/fill in your chart 2.In groups: Battle Skits 3.Begin Revolutionary War timeline

4 Who is fighting for each side? Native Americans ColonistsFrenchBritish Native Americans Germans Continental (American) Army British Army

5 Battle Assignments: Each group will be assigned a battle. Your job it to learn about the battle and create a skit teaching the class what happened. 1.Read the information individually 2.Fill in your chart BattleDate and LocationArmies fightingOutcome

6 Important Vocab: Fortification: a defensive wall to protect against an attack Retreat: to move back, withdrawal Siege: a military operation in which enemy forces surround a town or building, cutting off essential supplies, with the aim of compelling the surrender of those inside.

7 Battle Skits: Write a script for a skit you will perform for the class. Make sure your script has: 1.Date and Location of the battle 2.Groups of people involved 3.Outcome of the battle 4.Importance of this battle in the war 5.A narrator to explain what is happening *Make sure every person in your group has a speaking role*


9 BattleDate and LocationArmies fightingOutcome Battle of Bunker Hill


11 BattleDate and LocationArmies fightingOutcome Battle of Long Island


13 BattleDate and LocationArmies fightingOutcome Battle of Trenton


15 BattleDate and Location Armies fightingOutcome Battles of Saratoga


17 BattleDate and LocationArmies fightingOutcome Battle of Yorktown

18 Cornwallis vs. Washington VS



21 Treaty of Paris, 1783 John Jay, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Henry Laurens, William Temple Franklin

22 Revolutionary War Timeline: Create an illustrated timeline of the Revolutionary War. You must include the following EVENTS and PEOPLE on your timeline. You may include the people as part of an event, or create a separate event on your timeline. For each event, write a heading, short description, and small picture detailing what happened. EVENTS: Boston Tea Party End of the French and Indian War Lexington and Concord Stamp Act of 1765 Battle of Saratoga Treaty of Paris, 1783 Boston Massacre Proclamation of 1763 Declaration of Independence Battle of Yorktown First Continental Congress PEOPLE: Patrick Henry George Washington Paul Revere Samuel Adams Thomas Jefferson John Hancock Lord Cornwallis Benjamin Franklin King George III


24 Timelines: Show events in chronological order (which happened first, second, third) Show how much time passed between events-- a unit of distance is equal to a set amount of time. Help us explain relationships between events

25 Creating your timeline: 1.Place the centimeter side of your ruler on the black line 2.With your ruler, make a mark EVERY THREE CENTIMETERS 3.Each line will represent TWO YEARS. The first line will be labeled 1762, and the last line will be labeled 1782.


27 Who won the Battle of Bunker Hill?

28 Which battle marked the turning point of the war?

29 Which British general surrendered at Yorktown?

30 Which European country joined the war on the American side after Saratoga?

31 What is another name for the American Army?

32 Who was the commander of the Continental Army?

33 Who won the Battle of Long Island?

34 What was the final battle of the Revolutionary War?

35 What does “siege” mean?

36 Revolutionary War Timeline: You should have the following EVENTS and PEOPLE on your timeline: EVENTS: Boston Tea Party End of the French and Indian War Lexington and Concord Stamp Act of 1765 Battle of Saratoga Treaty of Paris, 1783 Boston Massacre Proclamation of 1763 Declaration of Independence Battle of Yorktown First Continental Congress PEOPLE: Patrick Henry George Washington Paul Revere Samuel Adams Thomas Jefferson John Hancock Lord Cornwallis Benjamin Franklin King George III

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