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How is The Well-Being Champion Program and Humana Vitality working for you? Jennifer K. Adams Tucker.

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Presentation on theme: "How is The Well-Being Champion Program and Humana Vitality working for you? Jennifer K. Adams Tucker."— Presentation transcript:

1 How is The Well-Being Champion Program and Humana Vitality working for you? Jennifer K. Adams Tucker

2 Overview O History of Program O What the Program Offers O Humana Vitality Examples O Theory O Objectives and Goals O Survey Info O Key Results O Conclusion

3 History of the Programs O Well-Being Champion Program Humana created the Well-Being Champion Program in 2008 to assist with communicating changes occurring due to the ACA Act and to change the culture to adjust to the new regulations O Humana Vitality Humana created the Humana Vitality program in 2011 as an interactive way for employees and members to be actively engaged in making healthier decisions.



6 Theory O The goal of our research is to find a correlation between participants in the Well- Being and Humana Vitality programs and the number of claims obtained by the member. O The theory is the more a member participates in the Well-Being Champion Program and Humana Vitality, the lower the amount of claims obtained by the member will be.

7 Objectives and Goals O To determine if Humana Vitality has created enough health awareness to cause a reduction in the amount of claims obtained. O To determine if the result of the biometric screenings has helped to reduce the number of member claims. O To determine if adding more programs to Humana Vitality would help reduce the number of claims the member obtains. O To determine if subtracting programs from Humana Vitality would help reduce the number of claims the member obtains.

8 Survey Information O Target Audience: Humana Associates and Members O Surveys sent out: 70 O Respondents: 56 O Type of Survey Used: Survey Monkey

9 Do you actively (meaning currently or frequently) participate in programs offered by Humana? Answer Options Response Percent Response Count Yes 63.5%33 No 36.5%19 answered question52 skipped question4

10 How many times do you visit the PCP during the year? Answer Options Response Percent Response Count Once a year 45.3%24 Twice a year 34.0%18 3 or more times a year 17.0%9 Haven't been to the doctor 3.8%2 answered question53 skipped question3

11 Has the number of claims you obtained during the year: Answer Options Response Percent Response Count Largely increased since being on Humana Vitality 1.9%1 Somewhat increased 14.8%8 Stayed the same 66.7%36 Largely decreased since being on Humana Vitality 0.0%0 Somewhat decreased 16.7%9 answered question54 skipped question2

12 How many times within the last 12 months have you been to the PCP or any other physician for something other than an annual checkup? Answer Options Response Percent Response Count Once 22.2%12 Twice 35.2%19 3 or more times 18.5%10 Never 24.1%13 answered question54 skipped question2

13 Did your biometric screening make you aware of any unknown medical conditions? Answer Options Response Percent Response Count Yes 14.8%8 No 81.5%44 N/A 3.7%2 answered question54 skipped question2

14 Since being involved with Humana Vitality, how much have you spent on healthcare verses before being in the program? Answer Options Response Percent Response Count More 16.7%9 Less 9.3%5 About the same 74.1%40 answered question54 skipped question2

15 Is your Vitality age: Answer Options Response Percent Response Count Higher than your actual age 67.9%36 Lower than your actual age 15.1%8 The same as your actual age 17.0%9 answered question53 skipped question3

16 Conclusion O From the research, the conclusion has been made that even though the program has made participants more aware of their health issues, this did not significantly reduce the number of claims that the member obtained during the year compared to before being in the program. O Although claims were not heavily impacted, members did become more conscious of their health and have become more involved in their healthcare decisions.

17 Other information about the program O According to the EveryMove 100 Health Insurance Index, Humana ranked #1 as the leading national health insurance company for its programs to help individuals take better control of their health with Humana Vitality! O

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