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The Big Interview Paige Moore EDU650 Week 6 Dr. Jackie W. Kyger, Ed.D.

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Presentation on theme: "The Big Interview Paige Moore EDU650 Week 6 Dr. Jackie W. Kyger, Ed.D."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Big Interview Paige Moore EDU650 Week 6 Dr. Jackie W. Kyger, Ed.D.

2 Introduction  Position  College 101 instructor at the University of Colorado  About Myself  Grew up on a farm in rural Iowa  Graduated from the University of Iowa  Recreation and Sport Business  Moved to Denver, CO  Work at Ashford & Master’s in Education  Now looking to have an even bigger impact on students at the college level

3 Philosophy of Education  Each and every individual has the right to learn  Always seek out educational opportunities  Never Stop Learning  Leave students thinking about subject matter  Keep pushing and questioning what they already know  Lead by example  Being very candid with students

4 Classroom Management  Student-Centered Classroom  Students will learn to take ownership of their education  Help develop class rules and what is important to them  Open and welcome to an idea based environment  Humor and Candid Approach  Lead by example  Many real life tie-ins  Teacherpreneurs  “inspire yet not intimidate them” (Berry, p. xvii)

5 School Model  Collaborative environment between the students and I  Switch to conceptual based teaching  Letting student struggle to find answers and new methods  Too much has been given in past  Incorporating Technology

6 Effective Lesson Planning & Students’ Role  Use Backward Design Method (Newman, 2013)  Knowing objective before lesson design  Follow new Common Core Standards  Like preparing for work and further college environments  Student Role  Open discussion forums  Present on what they learn; they have opportunity to teach class concepts

7 Assessment Matters  Using Formative Assessments to provide more feedback (Newman, 2013)  Use to acknowledge gaps in learning  Gaps in teaching concepts  Use of Summative Assessments  Knowing direct curriculum achievements  “Understanding the difference—not labeling the deficit– is the role of education” (Stefanakis, p.35)

8 Professional Learning Communities  Teachers becoming leaders in the filed  Reaching beyond their own classroom  Goals being tied directly to the needs of students  Up to date on trends and innovations  Being active in developing new forms due to new skills

9 References  Berry, B., Byrd, A., & Wieder, A. (2013). Teacherpreneurs. [electronic resource]: innovative teachers who lead but don't leave. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, c2013.  Newman, R. (2013). Teaching and learning in the 21st century: Connecting the dots. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education, Inc.  Stefanakis, Evangeline Harris, and Deborah Meier. Differentiated Assessment: How to Assess the Learning Potential of Every Student. N.p.: Jossey- Bass, 2010. Print.

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