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Slide 1 VIETNAM, 1946-75 (The 10,000 Day War) Scott Masters Crestwood College.

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1 Slide 1 VIETNAM, 1946-75 (The 10,000 Day War) Scott Masters Crestwood College

2 Slide 2 Origins of Vietnam Conflict 1945-1963 A WAR OF COLONIAL INDEPENDENCE A WAR OF COLONIAL INDEPENDENCE AGAINST FRENCH Vietnam had been a French Vietnam had been a French colony under the name of French Indochina (along with Cambodia and Laos) Vietnam began to fight for its independence from France during WW II Vietnam began to fight for its independence from France during WW II Vietnamese Communist leader Ho Chi Minh of Vietnam Vietnamese Communist leader Ho Chi Minh of Vietnam He wanted to create an independent communist Vietnam; HCM received support from both the USSR and China He wanted to create an independent communist Vietnam; HCM received support from both the USSR and China

3 Slide 3 In 1954 the French were defeated at the battle of DienBienPhu France wanted out and called a peace conference in Geneva, Switzerland; Geneva Conference France wanted out and called a peace conference in Geneva, Switzerland; Geneva Conference Major decision was to partition/divide Vietnam into a communist North led by HCM and a democratic South Vietnam led by Ngo Dinh Diem Major decision was to partition/divide Vietnam into a communist North led by HCM and a democratic South Vietnam led by Ngo Dinh Diem Cold War tensions between America and Soviets; US policy of Containment (in regard to Soviet communist expansion into new regions of world) Cold War tensions between America and Soviets; US policy of Containment (in regard to Soviet communist expansion into new regions of world) US did not want Vn to fall to Communist US did not want Vn to fall to Communist Domino Theory Domino Theory 1954 US began supplying money and “military advisers” to Vietnam to stop Communists and Ho Chi Minh 1954 US began supplying money and “military advisers” to Vietnam to stop Communists and Ho Chi Minh 1961 JFK send 800 advisers and by end of 1963 there were 16, 800 USA advisers in Vn 1961 JFK send 800 advisers and by end of 1963 there were 16, 800 USA advisers in Vn

4 Slide 4 AMERICAN ESCALATION AND MILITARY INVOLVEMENT USA was involved in the Vietnam Conflict 1954-1973Presidents Eisenhower and JFK and Lyndon USA was involved in the Vietnam Conflict 1954-1973Presidents Eisenhower and JFK and Lyndon Baines Johnson (LBJ) and Richard Nixon The U.S. di otn formally The U.S. di otn formally issued a declaration of war, but after the Gulf of Tonkin Incident, after the Gulf of Tonkin Incident, August 2 and Aug 4, 1964 when 2 American ships were shot at by the North Vietnamese, Congress passed the Gulf of Tonkin Resolutions (August 7, 1964) Congress gave LBJ their support in sending American personnel and war equipment

5 Slide 5 LBJ greatly increased the number of US troops; this is known as Escalation. LBJ greatly increased the number of US troops; this is known as Escalation. the US experienced a lack of success against the Vietnamese guerrilla forces in SVn (the Vietcong) as the US Army was unprepared for their tactics and determination to not let USA take control of Vn;  The US was also never entirely successful in shutting down the Ho Chi Minh Trail, a supply line that ran between down the Ho Chi Minh Trail, a supply line that ran between North and South Vietnam via difficult jungle terrain, North and South Vietnam via difficult jungle terrain, often underground and through neighboring nations like Cambodia and Laos. like Cambodia and Laos. MAKE SURE YOU KNOW THE LOCATION OF VIETNAM; LOCATED IN SOUTH EAST ASIA

6 Slide 6 Vn Conflict definitely turned against the US in 1968, when the NVA’s General Giap began the Tet Vn Conflict definitely turned against the US in 1968, when the NVA’s General Giap began the Tet Offensive, a surprise offensive on a major Vietnamese holiday that saw attacks all over the country, including in the capital of South Vn Saigon; ongoing US casualties and losses saw an increase in antiwar sentiment on the American Home Front, ongoing US casualties and losses saw an increase in antiwar sentiment on the American Home Front, Vietnam was known as the Living Room War because TV stations broadcast new reports form Vn every day/night on the national news where American audiences saw the brutality of war firsthand Vietnam was known as the Living Room War because TV stations broadcast new reports form Vn every day/night on the national news where American audiences saw the brutality of war firsthand

7 Slide 7 Atrocity at the Vietnamese village of My Lai (Lieutenant William Calley and US soldiers killed 300 Vn civilians) NMA and raised concerns whether US should continue fighting in Vn. Atrocity at the Vietnamese village of My Lai (Lieutenant William Calley and US soldiers killed 300 Vn civilians) NMA and raised concerns whether US should continue fighting in Vn. US Military usage of weapons like Napalm (fire bomb) and Agent Orange, which destroyed the dense jungle vegetation and causes cancer US Military usage of weapons like Napalm (fire bomb) and Agent Orange, which destroyed the dense jungle vegetation and causes cancer

8 Slide 8 American Counterculture/New Left/Radicals/Hippies/Flower Children gained popularity; American Counterculture/New Left/Radicals/Hippies/Flower Children gained popularity; Americans who did not support US involvement in Vn Conflict (Doves) Americans who did not support US involvement in Vn Conflict (Doves) Anti-War Protests became widespread and began to polarize/divide the USA Anti-War Protests became widespread and began to polarize/divide the USA Division intensified after Kent State Massacre May 4, 1970 Division intensified after Kent State Massacre May 4, 1970 –National Guardsmen opened fire on student protestors in Kent, Ohio, killing 4 and wounded 7

9 Slide 9 increasingly the American people came to perceive the “Credibility Gap”– some Americans no longer believed LBJ was telling them the truth about events in the Vn Conflict increasingly the American people came to perceive the “Credibility Gap”– some Americans no longer believed LBJ was telling them the truth about events in the Vn Conflict  in 1968 LBJ chose not to run for president, and Republican Richard Nixon was elected on a platform of “Peace with Honor”

10 Slide 10 Nixon wanted the South Vietnamese to play a greater role in the war, a policy he named Vietnamization Nixon wanted the South Vietnamese to play a greater role in the war, a policy he named Vietnamization in spite of that, he continued to “carpet bomb” Hanoi capital city of N Vn and orders a secret military invasion of Cambodia in spite of that, he continued to “carpet bomb” Hanoi capital city of N Vn and orders a secret military invasion of Cambodia He relied on the diplomacy of Secretary of State Henry Kissinger to achieve peace and/or an American withdrawal He relied on the diplomacy of Secretary of State Henry Kissinger to achieve peace and/or an American withdrawal US withdrew troops Jan. 27, 1973 and Vn Conflict is ends US withdrew troops Jan. 27, 1973 and Vn Conflict is ends

11 Slide 11 VIETNAMESE CIVIL WAR 1973-75 the NV Army attacked and defeated the South by April 1975; USA provided no military assistance and by 1973 and 1974 President Nixon was embroiled in the Watergate Scandal the NV Army attacked and defeated the South by April 1975; USA provided no military assistance and by 1973 and 1974 President Nixon was embroiled in the Watergate Scandal 1975 – the US abandoned its embassy in Saigon, which was renamed Ho Chi Minh City in the newly unified and communist Vietnam; Vn is still Communist today 2016 and US has limited diplomatic relations with Vn. 1975 – the US abandoned its embassy in Saigon, which was renamed Ho Chi Minh City in the newly unified and communist Vietnam; Vn is still Communist today 2016 and US has limited diplomatic relations with Vn.

12 Slide 12 THE END

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