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Today- Sunday 19/5/1437 Writing 2 Quiz No(1).  1- Punctuations Apostrophes  2-The Writing Process (Outlining following the examples)  3-Summary Writing.

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Presentation on theme: "Today- Sunday 19/5/1437 Writing 2 Quiz No(1).  1- Punctuations Apostrophes  2-The Writing Process (Outlining following the examples)  3-Summary Writing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Today- Sunday 19/5/1437 Writing 2 Quiz No(1)

2  1- Punctuations Apostrophes  2-The Writing Process (Outlining following the examples)  3-Summary Writing I

3 1- Punctuation- P:51- Apostrophes Uses of apostrophes (‘s) Contraction show where the letter is missing isn’t He’s- You’re W’d Possessive (own) Fatima’s book To make the letter of alphabet plural girls’ books Shams’ s pen Boss’s car


5 Possessive (own) Fatima’s book

6 To make the letter of alphabet plural girls’ books Don’t confuse with the ( s)already in the singular nouns as ( S) Shams’ s pen Boss’s car

7 Make contraction for the following sexamples: There are 5 students I will visit you next week he is a teacher They had a lecture We have late There is not any water

8 Make possessive for the following if the owner is mentioned- make possessive The books of the teacher The house of my family. The car of our teacher The school of girls The bag of Enas Other types of possessive for indefinite pronouns Anyone- anybody- someone-other Someone’s car blocks me Anybody’s mistake Other’s issues

9 Rules of forming Possessives Add apostrophe (‘)+s RuleSingulayPlural nouns 1. Singular =Plural N= not end in S Child’s bed Boss’s car Mr. & Mrs. Tom’s office ------------------------------ Children’s beds Men’s car Women’s dresses ------------------------------ 2. To indefinite pronouns Someone’s car Nobody’s errors 3. To plural abbreviationThe UN’s missions UNICEF’s aids

10 Add only (‘) without s Add only (‘) Add (‘) to plural end in s-Mothers’s day -Smithes’ house -Jonesses’ children

11 Use apostrophe to make plural for alphabet letters To make plural for alphabets (m)(s)(d) There are 6 d’s in exam-_________ there are Five A’s in the final test There are 2 A’s in my name Attention please Don’t mistake bw these 1.its- it’s - Its(possessive pronoun never have ‘s -It’s= it is = it is a contraction 2. noun+ s Mona’s a Saudi girl(Mona is a Saudi girl) contraction Mona’s book is the red one(poss4essive 3. Never use apostrophe to make plural: Many girls’ like pink color

12 Open your book P:51-52

13 Practice 8- Home works Page 53-54 A)-change to possessive (1-11) B) Make Possessive Phrase C)- Make sentences use possessive

14 See you- that’s enough End

15 The Writing Process 1/ Outlining 2/Detailed outline Why?  To organize a paragraph before write the original one  Like a map for a house  Yelp you organiza thoughts  Help you not to forget any important issues 1. Outlining

16 How to make simple outline for a topic 1 write the topic sentence 2 + supporting point 3 Concluding sentence

17 Box Page 46- 50 are examples for outlining How to write details for the outline Is to add more information and examples for supporting sentences see: write the topic sentence + supporting point Example 1 Example 2 + supporting point

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