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Published byPearl Gordon Modified over 8 years ago
Provincial Air Quality Management Plan, Eastern Cape Province 1 st Stakeholder Workshop Mthatha, East London and Port Elizabeth March 2013
Opening and Welcome Lyndon Mardon, Provincial Air Quality Manager
Agenda 1. Opening and welcome Lyndon Mardon 10:00 - 10:05 2. Agenda and rules of the meetingSandy Wren10:05 - 10:10 3. Introduction to Air Quality Management Plans (AQMP) and workshop expectations Comments from the floor Mark Zunckel10:10 - 10:40 4. Status of air quality in the Eastern Cape Province, Issues and Gaps Identified Comments from the floor Mark Zunckel10:40 - 11:10 GROUP DISCUSSIONS Review of overall objectives of the EC AQMP, Vision and Goals Identification of additional issues and gaps in air quality management Possible interventions to address issues and gaps in air quality management ALL11:10 – 12:15 5. Group Report Back All12:15 – 12:45 6. AQMP process going forwardMark Zunckel12:45- 12:55 7. ClosureSandy Wren12:55 - 13:00
Rules of the Meeting Sandy Wren, Public Process Consultants Turn off cell phones Raise your hand, state your name and area of concern Agree to disagree Express our views
Your Expectations? Mark Zunkel, uMoya-Nilu
Our Expectations Mark Zunkel, uMoya-Nilu Through active and constructive participation, we : Leave with a better understanding of air quality Have a better understanding of how the AQMP will be developed and everyone’s roles Have a better understanding of what the AQMP for Eastern Cape should try to achieve Learn more about air quality concerns and issues in the Eastern Cape Learn more about the different stakeholders
Introduction to Air Quality Management Plans Mark Zunckel & Sarisha Perumal
What is an AQMP? It is a strategic document that assists the implementing organisation to plan and implement activities to achieve air quality objectives in a structured and measured manner. It is system-based It can be applied at different spatial scales It is driven by air quality objectives It implies management of activities that impact on air quality It implies measuring progress towards reaching objectives
The South African context The National Framework for Air Quality Management (2007, revised in 2012) and the National Environmental Management: Air Quality Act (Act 39 of 2004) provides the National AQMP to give effect to Section 24 of the Bill of Rights
Section 24: Environment Everyone has the right to: a)To an environment that is not harmful to their health and well-being; and b)To have the environment protected, for the benefit of the present and future generations, through reasonable legislative and other measures
AQMP: The legal imperative Section 15 of the NEM:AQA requires: Province’s responsible for preparing EIP or EMP in terms of NEMA to include an AQMP Municipalities develop an AQMP as part of their Integrated Development Plans –NMBM developed an AQMP with implementation since its adoption in 2010; –BCM developed an AQMP with implementation following its adoption in 2012; –ADM currently developing and AQMP
What should an AQMP contain? An AQMP must seek to give effect to Chapter 3 of the NEM:AQA, in other words: identify and reduce the negative impact or air pollution on human health and the environment address the effects of emissions from fossil fuel use in residential areas, industrial sources, other sources implement international obligations give effect to best practice in air quality management describe how AQMP implementation will be effected and measured
AQMP at a glance
AQMP process (1) Stage 1: Establish stakeholder database and baseline air quality Stakeholders: Government, polluters, planners, business, NGOs Understanding of current status of air quality: Sources of pollution, ambient air quality, capacity for air quality management function Stage 2: Gap and issue analysis Based on findings of baseline, legislation and public participation
AQMP process (2) Stage 3: Develop vision, mission and goals Guided by policy Stakeholder input Stage 4: AQMP development Develop an intervention plan to achieve overall objective the Develop strategies to realise the goals, i.e. Turn strategies into objectives that are SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, & Time based) Define the What, How, Who, When for each objective progress Include AQMP in IDP and business planning Internal review of implementation plan with those involved
AQMP process (3) Stage 5: Implementation of interventions Implement short term objectives with existing resources (personnel, equipment, budget) Plan to implement medium and long term objectives through IDP and business plans Stage 6: On-going review of implementation Monitoring:Routine review of implementation Evaluation:Annual review of AQMP success Review: 5-yearly re-assess AQMP
Scope of the EC AQMP project The overall objective is to develop an AQMP for the Eastern Cape Province to provide Provincial Authorities with a road map on how to manage air quality in the short to medium term. The approach to developing the AQMP consists of eight defined and related tasks
Project team NameExpertise and Role Dr Mark Zunckel Status quo assessment, modelling assessment, government resources, roles and responsibilities, AQMP development Benton Pillay Emission assessment, air quality monitoring assessment, AQMP development Sindisiwe MasheleEmission assessment Bheki ShongweAir quality monitoring assessment Sarisha Perumal Status quo assessment, government resources, roles and responsibilities Sandy Wren Facilitation of the public participation process Wandile Junundu Facilitation of the public participation process
8 Related Tasks (A-D) Task A: Develop a status quo assessment in order to provide up-to-date information on air quality Task B: Assess, analyse and recommend on the relevant air quality emissions inventory Task C: Assess, analyse and recommend on the relevant air quality monitoring network Task D: Assess, analyse and recommend on the existing air quality modelling activities in the area
8 Related Tasks (E-H) Task E: Assess, analyse and recommend on the relevant government resources to carry out the air quality mandate Task F: Review, analyse responsibilities on the duties, functions and responsibilities of Province Task G: Conduct Public Participation with all interested and affected parties Task H: Develop an AQMP to address the air quality challenges in the province
Comments from the floor ALL
Status of Air Quality Management in the EC Province Mark Zunckel & Sarisha Perumal
AQMP Process
Status quo considers…… Nature of the receiving environment Atmospheric emissions Ambient air quality monitoring Air quality management capacity
Eastern Cape municipalities Nelson Mandela Bay MM Buffalo City MM Amatole DM Cacadu DM Alfred Nzo DM Chris Hani DM OR Tambo DM Joe Gqabi DM 169 000 km 2 (14% of SA area) 6.65 million people (12.7% of SA)
Land Use
Climate Moderate coast Subtropical coast Semi-arid plateau Escarpment Moderate eastern plateau 624 mm 920 mm 1024 mm 570 mm 534 mm569 mm
Climate Moderate coast Subtropical coast Semi-arid plateau Escarpment Moderate eastern plateau
Emissions SO 2 NO X COPM 10 Benzene Industry ††† † Transportation † † † Residential fuel †† † † Biomass burning ††† Agriculture † Natural ††
Emissions Nelson Mandela Bay MM Buffalo City MM Amatole DM Cacadu DM Alfred Nzo DM Chris Hani DM OR Tambo DM Joe Gqabi DM 22 point sources 4 point sources Brick making Wood and coal used Biomass burning Waste burning Wood products Brick making Wood and coal use Biomass burning Waste burning 2 point sources Motor vehicles 1 airport Brick making Biomass burning Waste burning 23 point sources EL IDZ Fuel depots Airport and harbour Motor vehicles Waste burning 77 point sources Coega IDZ Fuel depots Airport & harbours Motor vehicles Waste burning 22 point sources Waste burning
Industrial sources Facilities: – Process and manufacturing (need AEL’s) – Small boilers (e.g. dry cleaners) – Brick making, spray painting – Fuel storage depots Emission inventories for: – NMBM – BCM – Eastern Cape
Residential energy use Stats SA, 2011
Wood and coal use Stats SA, 2007
Residential emission Fuel use per local municipality from StatsSA – Fuel type – Quantity Emission factors (US-EPA) Emission estimates of CO, No x, PM
Motor vehicle emission National motor vehicle emission strategy (DEA, 2012) Fuel sales (DoE, 2009) of ULP, LRP, LSD, ULSD Vehicle types (Passenger cars, LDVs ( 3.5 ton) and buses, and motorcycles Exhaust emissions, evaporative emissions, brake and tyre wear
Motor vehicle emission 28% BCM 36% NMBM 36% rest of EC
Biomass burning Considers controlled and uncontrolled vegetation burning Estimation of emission based on fuel load (amount and type of vegetation) and emission factors Area burnt is used to estimate fuel load (CSIR’s Maraka Institute) Pollutants include CO, NOx and VOC sources Work in progress
Trans-boundary air pollution Pollutants released in one municipal district are transported by wind and impact on a neighbouring district In the Eastern Cape: – BCM and Amatole DM – NMBM and Cacadu DM
Ambient air quality monitoring StationsSO 2 NO X COO3O3 PM 10 BenzeneMet NMBM5 †† †† † † CDC3 †††† BCM2 †† †† †† EL IDZ1 ††††† Total11 3 exceedances of hourly NO 2 standard in 2012 at Sydenham, 88 are permitted 5 exceedances of 8 hour O 3 standard in 2012 at Nquebera, 61 are permitted No exceedances of any ambient standard in 2012
Air quality management Region AQO AQMP AEL Function Reporting Emissions Inventory Ambient Monitoring Dispersion Modelling DEDEA†In Process† NMBM†††††† BCM†††††† Chris Hani† Amatole†In Process Alfred NzoIn Process Joe Gqubi† O R Tambo† Cacadu
Function Provinces functions include: – Identification of priority areas, sources, pollutants – Set emission standards – Set ambient standards – Perform AEL function where necessary – Oversite role – Coordination in the province – Reporting to National Government
Comments from the floor ALL
Group Discussions Development of a Vision and Mission Identification of additional issues and gaps in air quality management Select a facilitator/ chair Select a scribe Select a person to report back to the meeting Allow 10 minutes for each point to be discussed
Vision is the dream, stretching Western Cape: Clean and health air for all in the Western Cape’ Mission is the who, how and when, realising the vision: Western Cape: ‘To ensure effective and consistent implementation of sustainable air quality management practices, by all spheres of government, relevant stakeholders, and civil society to progressively achieve and maintain clean and health air in the Western Cape’
GROUP REPORT BACK Only add points that have not already been raised by a previous group
AQMP Process Going Forward Mark Zunkel, uMoya-Nilu Complete the draft status quo assessment Input received from the workshops Missing information 31 March 2013 Drafting the AQMP Input received from the workshops Focused stakeholder workshops (if needed) Late June 2013 2 nd round of workshops
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