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Thornhill School News Issue 13 Fri 7 th Dec News from Miss Clark News from Mrs Colley SCHOOLSCHOOL This Week Future EventsNext.

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Presentation on theme: "Thornhill School News Issue 13 Fri 7 th Dec News from Miss Clark News from Mrs Colley SCHOOLSCHOOL This Week Future EventsNext."— Presentation transcript:

1 Thornhill School News Issue 13 Fri 7 th Dec News from Miss Clark News from Mrs Colley SCHOOLSCHOOL This Week Future EventsNext Week News from Mrs Figes Attendance last week- 94.5% ( below our target, owing to illness) Lates- 4 this week. ( I have sent letters to parents of children who are often late.) Infant Nativity 10 am Thursday 20 th December School Ends 1pm – Thursday 20 th December Mon- Sports Club (£1) Tues-KS1 Gym club Wed- Dance Club Thurs- Recorder club Fri- Christmas Fair 2.30 pm. Please bring all your pennies Mon- Sports Club £1 Tues- Whole School Theatre visit pm Wed- School Panto 2pm & 6pm Thurs- Christmas lunch Panto 6pm Fri- Carol singing pm/ Xmas disco 3.30 Christmas Panto Please bring your child to school from 5.15- 5.30 on Wednesday and Thursday, so they can get ready for the Panto. This week in Friend or Foe, we have explored moral dilemmas: should Tucky tell his foster parents, that he has discovered the German airmen, even through they saved his life? We have also been working hard to learn our lines for the Pantomime, and to get all the props prepared and dance routines polished off. Thanks to all the school staff for their extra time and effort – it’s going to be great! This week we have designed and created rangoli patterns with Miss Burns. She is going to display them in our cloakroom so please come and have a look at them. In history we have looked at sources of evidence related to The Gunpowder Plot. Pictures, letters, books and artefacts can give us information about what happened in the past. This week the classes enjoyed a visit from Timea, a Hungarian woman from Keswick. She visited to tell the children about Christmas customs, as part of our Christmas Around the World topic in RE. The children learned that in Hungary the children receive presents on the 6 th of December and that Christmas trees are only put up on Christmas Eve and are delivered by the angels! Some of the children were surprised to hear that fish soup was a popular Christmas dinner dish. Next week is the school panto, an exciting time for all the children. We hope you can make it, as we have all been preparing so hard!

2 Theatre Visit Next week all the children from Thornhill Primary will be going on a theatre visit to see Sleeping Beauty at the Carneige Theatre in Workington, on Tuesday 11 th December in the afternoon. New Laptops Funding the school has received for class based projects has been used to purchase 20 brand new laptops for the computer suite. The old lap tops were nearly 5 years old and beginning to fall apart and not holding their charge. The new laptops are much welcomed by staff and pupils. The old laptops will not go to waste however, as they will be placed around the school for use during wet lunch and playtimes. Nativity Owing to the amount of time needed to rehearse and prepare for the Pantomime, the Nativity will be a short production acted by Key Stage One. Please come along to see the Nativity at 10 am on Thursday 20 th December. End of Term The term ends at 1pm on Thursday 20 th December. The children are back in school at 8.50 on January 7 th 2013. Your views matter to us If you haven’t done so already, please complete the parental questionnaire that was sent home a fortnight ago. This is a good way of communicating your views to us, so that we can improve the school experience for you and your child. Parents of pupils eligible for our school residential in 2013-14 (yrs 2-5) have received a questionnaire asking for their preferences. Please return these as soon as possible.

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