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Creating a public service announcement Raising awareness for a cause.

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1 Creating a public service announcement Raising awareness for a cause

2 Objective When you finish this activity, you will be able to: – Demonstrate ability to create a message to change public opinion using photographic compositional elements and text

3 What is a psa? A public media message that is disseminated by the media at no charge The objective is to raise awareness by changing public attitudes and behavior towards a social issue Were any Super Bowl ads last night PSAs?

4 History of the psa Shaped by the Ad Council – First called the War Advertising Council which focused on wartime needs during World War I – Focus expanded to address forest fires, blood donation, and highway safety Ad Council mission: “Identify a select number of significant public issues and stimulate action on those issues through communications programs that make a measurable difference in our society.” Political ideology?

5 Click here for the “This is your brain on drugs” PSA

6 Click here for the “This is your brain on heroin” PSA

7 Click here for the “bullying” PSA

8 Click here for the “adoption ice cream” PSA











19 Assignment: PSA 1. Brainstorm on a PSA topic – It must have a call to action (something that must be changed) – It should have a solid message relevant to your age group 2. Create it in Photoshop It must be 8.5 x 11 inches It must include text and photography The photography must be your own – no internet pictures Label the file [your last name] PSA [class period] save to your H drive and submit to Mr. Nigrelli via Google Drive by the end of class on Friday, February 5 th

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