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Mike Love Leeds Churches Together After Christendom o from distinguishing from one another, to distinctive Christian contribution, and challenge, to.

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2 Mike Love Leeds Churches Together

3 After Christendom o from distinguishing from one another, to distinctive Christian contribution, and challenge, to society o loss of place and influence o “society is a conversation scored for many voices.” Jonathan Sacks

4 After Christendom 2 What is the church? What is the church? What is the gospel? What is the gospel? Getting our ecclesiology from our missiology, and our missiology from our theology. Getting our ecclesiology from our missiology, and our missiology from our theology.

5 Theological commitments Unity of the church In Christ, In Norwich In Christ, In Norwich Unity across the spectrum – old and new ecumenism Unity across the spectrum – old and new ecumenism ‘The body’ ‘The body’

6 Theological commitments Priority of mission vision of Leeds Churches Together in Mission: Leeds Churches Together in Mission following the leadings of the Holy Spirit, seeks to respond to the prophetic call of the gospel by uniting the churches of Leeds in mission to the city and to act together in all matters except those in which deep differences of conviction compel them to act separately.

7 Priority of mission Faith in Leeds - strategic engagement with deprivation and regeneration Faith in Leeds - strategic engagement with deprivation and regeneration Challenge 2000 – strategic evangelism and church planting. Challenge 2000 – strategic evangelism and church planting. The strategies of God – what is the Spirit saying to the church in the city? The strategies of God – what is the Spirit saying to the church in the city? Transformation. Transformation.

8 Priority of mission joint denominational action joint denominational action congregational partnership in locality congregational partnership in locality working with the local church in mission working with the local church in mission Partnerships across the city Partnerships across the city God’s people together in mission God’s people together in mission


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