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1 changing church for a changing world #visionday #FExpressionsUS

2 No one sews a patch of unshrunk cloth on an old garment, for the patch will pull away from the garment, making the tear worse. Neither do people pour new wine into old wineskins. If they do, the skins will burst; the wine will run out and the wineskins will be ruined. No, they pour new wine into new wineskins, and both are preserved. Matthew 9:16-17 #visionday

3 1. Hope How Fresh Expressions is Changing the Landscape #visionday

4 Church attendance - US #visionday

5 There is at least 40% of our population for which the Sunday morning worship service model will not reach. We need to have churches that focus on this percentage and on the other percentage. Both are necessary. Right now, most of our eggs are in one basket. #visionday Putting it together

6 #visionday

7 “Of all Anglican congregations in England, 1 out of every 7 to 8 is a fresh expression of church.” “For every one person sent, at least another two and a half are now present. This is a 250% increase over time. There is nothing else in the Church of England that can do anything like this.” “On average… 41% of the attendees [of fresh expressions of church] are under 16. This is significantly higher than in inherited church and is a promising beginning.” (Report on Strand 3b: An analysis of fresh expressions of Church and church plants begun in the period 1992-2012.) some numbers #visionday


9 “…in terms of outreach and evangelism these new expressions of church must surely be considered our best chance for a renewed impact of the Gospel in the West” (Michael Moynagh, Being Church, Doing Life). #visionday

10 All around the country… God’s Spirit is on the move Christians are trying new things New types of churches and ministers are being formed Church leaders are encouraging them Fresh Expressions helping with training and resources what’s going on #visionday

11 Missional — to serve those outside church Contextual — to listen to people and enter their culture Educational — to make discipleship a priority Ecclesial — to form church

12 Missional — to serve those outside church Contextual — to listen to people and enter their culture Educational — to make discipleship a priority Ecclesial — to form church four characteristics Coffeehouse Messy Church Running Club Single Moms Neighborhood #visionday

13 some stories #visionday

14 a fresh expression is a form of church for our changing culture, established primarily for the benefit of people who are not yet members of any church –it will come into being through principles of listening, service, incarnational mission and making disciples –it will have the potential to become a mature expression of church shaped by the gospel and the enduring marks of the church and for its cultural context what is a fresh expression? #visionday

15 a fresh expression is a form of church for our changing culture, established primarily for the benefit of people who are not yet members of any church –it will come into being through principles of listening, service, incarnational mission and making disciples –it will have the potential to become a mature expression of church shaped by the gospel and the enduring marks of the church and for its cultural context what is a fresh expression? #visionday

16 Not the opposite of ‘stale’ Not a rebranding of existing work Not the opposite of traditional – but the complement to it Not church-lite Not about relevance What are they not #visionday

17 In essence: Putting the Church that Jesus loves closer to the people Jesus loves. what is a fresh expression? #visionday

18 #visionday

19 Option #1 #visionday

20 Option #2 #visionday

21 Option #3 #visionday

22 2. Need Why Fresh Expressions Matter #visionday

23 they reach out to a changing and diverse society – putting expressions of church closer to people why do they matter? #visionday

24 ‘More of the same just means less of the same.’ - Australian Bishop #visionday

25 They are part of God’s call to mission – reaching people that existing congregations or traditional church plants are not reaching why do they matter? #visionday

26 they mobilize God’s mission force – In established/ inherited congregations why do they matter? #visionday

27 “The brightest hope for church after Christendom is a symbiotic relationship between inherited and incarnational (fresh expressions) churches. We need each other.” -Stuart Murray a mixed economy/ecology #visionday

28 come attractional method

29 go and then come engaged method

30 go and then stay incarnational method

31 listening loving and serving building community a process of discernment exploring discipleship church taking shape do it again

32 A Mixed Economy Church A midweek all-age after school service A Sunday Evening Association Youth congregation A small community in a new housing area Local Congregation A network of midweek cafe cells clustering monthly #visionday

33 Youth Congregations Alternative Worship Multiple and Midweek Congregations Network Churches Community Project Church Church for Parents & Toddlers Retirees Church Types of Fresh Expressions #visionday

34 Question: “If all we do is what we’re doing now, who may never have their lives transformed by the power of Jesus Christ?”

35 LACE CORE CLASSES: Exploring a Call UM History / Theology / Sacraments UM Structure / Officers / Social Principles Spiritual Gifts / Inventories Priorities of KY Conference Trends / Understanding Generations LAY SPEAKING PATH Leading Worship Evangelism Teaching Preaching Styles of Worship Preaching Practicum SERVANT LDRSHP PATH Leadership Personal Discipleship Service Stewardship Pastoral Care Conflict Management NEW MINISTRY PATH Planting Rationale Demographics Team Building Multiplications Ministry Development Common Mistakes

36 We need 2-3 Districts who will pilot the new Fresh Expressions project in their LACE program.

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