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The Church in Fourth Century : from Constantine to Augustine Class #13: The Battle for Orthodoxy – Arianism.

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Presentation on theme: "The Church in Fourth Century : from Constantine to Augustine Class #13: The Battle for Orthodoxy – Arianism."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Church in Fourth Century : from Constantine to Augustine Class #13: The Battle for Orthodoxy – Arianism

2 Three Epochs of Theological Formulation 1. The Apostolic Age 2. The Fourth Century 3. The Reformation  WCF (16 th -17 th c) Inspiration/blessing of the Holy Spirit and the over- ruling of Providence Great-hearted men with strong commitments to the gospel and courage to stand fast Intense political times and social upheaval

3 “The ecumenical councils were the open battlefields, upon which the victory of orthodoxy was decided.”

4 Western Church Anthropology and Soteriology Practical, traditional, uniform, consistent, steady Followed the influences of Tertullian and Cyprian and reached its height with Jerome and Augustine Would go on to new cultural heights (& survival) Eastern Church Theology and Christology “predominantly speculative, dialectical, impulsive, restless” Followed the influences of Origen and the Alexandrian school After this period became indifferent and degenerated theologically into scholastic formalism

5 Sources of Theology Scripture Inerrant, infallible Word of divine authority Rule for faith and practice Tradition Identifying/defining canon – Athanasius, 367 AD; Synods of Hippo (393) and Carthage (397) Determining proper interpretation Guard against heresy “The catholic faith is that which the Lord gave, the apostles preached, and the fathers have preserved; and upon this the church is founded.” (Athanasius)

6 The Sum of Christian Doctrine is in Her Creeds Western Church Apostles Creed (1 st -2 nd c) Eastern Church Nicene Creed (325 AD)

7 Sources of Theology Out of Balance Tradition 7 Sacraments Priority of the Mass Purgatory Mariolatry Scripture Doctrinal Inconsistency Disregard for Regulative Principle Apathy toward Visible Church and the united Christian mission Tradition

8 The Arian Controversy A presbyter in Alexandria from 313 AD He pressed/enlarged on Origen’s distinguishing between Father and Son by insisting on a subordination. Logically, this meant Christ was not God but a creature.


10 The Arian Controversy A presbyter in Alexandria from 313 AD He pressed/enlarged on Origen’s distinguishing between Father and Son by insisting on a subordination. Logically, this meant Christ was not God but a creature. Initially, he was deposed at the Council of Alexandria in 321. But continued to press his argument in Palestine and Nicomedia and in a popular style.

11 The Council of Nicaea, 325 AD



14 The Council of Nicaea 1 st instance of the church signing an official endorsement of a creedal position to be regarded universally. Arius and his followers banished to Illyria in the west and his books burned. 1 st instance of civil punishment of heresy and as such, heresy will now be regarded as a crime against church and state.

15 The Resurgence of Arianism

16 The Arian Controversy “The controversy … fairly broke loose, and Arianism entered the stage of its political development and power. … council was held against council, creed was set forth against creed, and anathema against anathema was hurled. … In intolerance and violence the Arians exceeded the orthodox, and contested elections of bishops not rarely came to bloody encounters.” Schaff

17 Athanasius: Bishop of Alexandria



20 New Covenant Presbyterian Church Preaching God’s Sovereign Grace to a World of Need 128 St. Mary’s Church Rd. Abingdon, MD 21009 410-569-0289

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