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Property Disposal: A Green Government Program Juan McLemore, Area Property Officer June 27, 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Property Disposal: A Green Government Program Juan McLemore, Area Property Officer June 27, 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Property Disposal: A Green Government Program Juan McLemore, Area Property Officer June 27, 2012

2 » Utilization is Reuse… » Donation is Reuse… » Computers for Learning is Reuse… » Sales offers property for Reuse…

3 re ⋅ cy ⋅ cle ri ˈ sa ɪ kəl/ [ree-sahy-kuh l] verb, -cled, -cling, noun –verb (used with object) treat or process (used or waste materials) so as to make suitable for reuse: recycling paper to save trees. alter or adapt for new use without changing the essential form or nature of: The old factory is being recycled as a theater. use again in the original form or with minimal alteration: The governor recycled some speeches from his early days. cause to pass through a cycle again: to recycle laundry through a washing machine. –verb (used without object) pass through a cycle again; repeat a process from the beginning. 6. to undergo reuse or renewal; be subject to or suitable for further use, activity, etc.: The industry will recycle and become profitable once more. –noun 7.the act or process of recycling. From

4 Key Requirements FMR 102-36.220 requires that…generally, all excess property is to be reported to GSA FMR 102-36.35 requires that… “all executive agencies must, to the maximum extent practicable, fill requirements for personal property by using existing agency property or by obtaining excess property from other Federal agencies in lieu of new procurements” FAR 8.102 requires…”When practicable, agencies must use excess personal property as the first source of supply for agency and cost-reimbursement contractor requirements…must make positive efforts to satisfy agency requirements by obtaining and using excess personal property

5 Executive Order 13514 Federal Leadership in Environmental, Energy, and Economic Performance Sec 2. Goals for Agencies (e) Promote pollution prevention and eliminate waste by: (i) minimizing the generation of waste and pollutants through source reduction; (ii) diverting at least 50 percent of non-hazardous solid waste, excluding construction and demolition debris, by end of fiscal year of 2015

6 Agency Duties Identify property no longer required Offer for internal reuse –Statutory language to “reassign property to another activity within the agency…..” –Follow agency internal procedures GSA offers Agency Asset Management System (AAMS) to enable agencies to automate internal screening/redistribution

7 Utilization--External Reuse Screening, transfer via GSAXcess® Eligible activities for Federal transfer –Federal agencies Their contractors, cooperatives and grantees –Senate and House of Representatives –DC Government –Mixed-ownership Government corporations

8 Computers for Learning--External Reuse Executive Order 12999 Computers and related peripheral equipment Promotes transfers to schools and educational non-profit organizations serving pre-K through grade 12

9 Federal Surplus Personal Property Donation Program—External Reuse At the completion of screening for Federal use, property not transferred is declared surplus Donation program extends useful life of property in which we, as taxpayers, have already expended funds to acquire Property is donated from GSA through State Agencies for Surplus Property

10 Reuse of Excess Property… There must be an authorized need for the property You must not acquire excess personal property with the intent to sell or trade for other assets

11 Federal Surplus Personal Property Donation Program--External Reuse Eligible Donation Recipients –State and local public agencies –Nonprofit educational and public health institutions –Nonprofit and public programs for the elderly –Educational activities of special interest to the Department of Defense –Public airports –Veterans organizations

12 Sales—External Reuse Property sales –Offers federal property to the private sector for continued use/repositioning Agency sales via approved Sales Center

13 Electronics Stewardship National Strategy for Electronics Stewardship -Ensure that the Federal Government Leads by Example Processing for functional vs nonfunctional equipment Only functional equipment offered for reuse

14 Electronics Stewardship New FMR Bulletin B-34 Disposal of Federal Electronics –Prohibits Federal agencies from disposing of electronic waste in landfills or by incineration –Defines the universe of electronic items –Encourages maximum use of electronics within the Federal government and with state/local donation customers to minimize the waste stream –Steers agencies to sell only functional assets to the public –Requires agencies to dispose of non-functional electronic assets only to certified recyclers or refurbishers –Enhances the reporting process so that the Federal government and citizens know where our electronics are being disposed of in a timely manner –Encourages down-stream recipients to dispose of electronics through a certified recycler

15 Disposal Condition Codes 1New. Property which is in new condition or unused condition and can be used immediately without modifications or repairs. 4Usable. Property which shows some wear, but can be used without significant repair. 7Repairable. Property which is unusable in its current condition but can be economically repaired. XSalvage. Property which has value in excess of its basic material content, but repair or rehab is impractical and/or uneconomical. SScrap. Property which has no value except for its basic material content.

16 Zero Environmental Footprint (ZEF ) ZEF is GSA’s moon shot goal. Working towards sustainability and ZEF means working and living in ways that do not jeopardize our precious environmental resources. ZEF supports EO 13514.

17 How GSA helps process these reuse transactions for agencies……. GSAXcess ® Computers for Learning GSA Auctions SM GovSales





22 For Schools and Educational Non-profit Organizations







29 »Utilization is Reuse…… »Donation is Reuse…… »Computers for Learning is Reuse……. »Sales offers property for Reuse…..

30 GSA Property Management Mission Statement To provide the services, expertise, and systems that will ensure the timely, effective, and efficient disposition of the Federal government’s excess and surplus personal property assets, yielding the greatest return on investment to the taxpayer Reuse offers the greatest return on investment to the taxpayer

31 31

32 Questions/Contact Juan McLemore Area Property Officer Personal Property Management 404-331-3041

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