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In which part of the USA did the majority of African slaves work?

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Presentation on theme: "In which part of the USA did the majority of African slaves work?"— Presentation transcript:

1 In which part of the USA did the majority of African slaves work?


3 Which part of Africa did the slaves come from? North, South, West or East?


5 Why did they come from West Africa?

6 What crops (plants) did they grow ? Why didn’t the British colonists grow these plants in Britain?









15 What did Americans do with these products?

16 Which American President abolished the slavery in the USA? A) Washington B) Roosevelt C) Lincoln D) Jefferson


18 When was the slavery abolished? 1863 1835 1918 1800

19 The British colonists took the first African slaves from West Africa to North America and the Caribbean in the 17th and 18th century. Some slaves worked as house servants. The majority worked in plantations (very large farms), where they grew rice, tobacco, sugar, cotton, coffee and cocoa. After the American Civil War and the Abolition of Slavery in 1863, most slaves lived in the cotton fields in the Deep South.American Civil WarDeep South

20 SPIRITUAL AND GOSPEL The first African American songs were work songs and they were called spirituals or spiritual songs. The slaves didn’t have any musical instruments (drums, banjos) in the fields and they worked for many hours. They sang in groups to pass their time. These songs were oral, not written.





25 After folk music, the second kind of American music is called gospel music. It started when the slaves converted to Christianity and went to church. At the beginning most of the churches didn’t usually have any musical instruments and the people sang in choirs “a cappella”, without instruments. Only later they started to use pianos, organs, drums, guitars.choirsa cappella The main characteristics of gospel are the repetition of the words, the clapping, the dancing and in particular the call and response (the priest shouts a question and the choir shouts an answer).call and response

26 gospel choir

27 clapping

28 When the saints go marching in And when the sun refuse to shine And when the sun refuse to shine Oh lord I want to be in that number When the saints go marching in When the moon turns red with blood When the moon turns red with blood Oh lord I want to be in that number When the saints go marching in On that hallelujah day On that hallelujah day Oh lord I want to be in that number When the saints go marching in Oh when the trumpet sounds the call Oh when the trumpet sounds the call Oh lord I want to be in that number When the saints go marching in Some say this world of trouble Is the only one we need But I'm waiting for that morning When the new world is revealed

29 When the revelation comes When the revelation comes Oh lord I want to be in that number When the saints go marching in When the rich go out and work When the rich go out and work Oh lord I want to be in that number When the saints go marching in When the air is pure and clean When the air is pure and clean Oh lord I want to be in that number When the saints go marching in When we all have food to eat When we all have food to eat Oh lord I want to be in that number When the saints go marching in When our leaders learn to cry When our leaders learn to cry Oh lord I want to be in that number When the saints go marching in

30 Oh happy day When Jesus washed Oh when he washed When Jesus washed He washed my sins away! Oh happy day When Jesus washed Oh when he washed When Jesus washed He washed my sins away! Oh happy day

31 He taught me how He taught me Taught me how to watch He taught me how to watch and fight and pray fight and pray yes, fight and pray And he'll rejoice and He'll and He'll rejoice every day

32 COUNTRY MUSIC Country music is a kind of American popular music that began in the rural South of the United States in the 1920s. Country music often consists of ballads with simple forms accompanied in particular by string instruments brought by different immigrants. These instruments are the African banjo, the Spanish guitar, the Italian mandolin, the Irish fiddle (violin), the harmonica from Central Europe. This kind of music is played in particular by white European Americans.American popular musicSouth of the United States guitarmandolinharmonica

33 fiddle

34 harmonica

35 banjo

36 In the 1950s and 1960s, Nashville, a city in Tennessee, became the capital of country music and this music has now turned into a multimillion dollar industry. Today, like in the past, people dance in groups and dress like cowboys with boots, jeans, shirts and hats. The typical kind of country dance is called “in line dancing”.

37 Where is Tennessee?

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