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By: Heather Newell GBS233- 20493 April 12, 2012 MODERN CHURCH- INTERNATIONAL MISSIONS.

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Presentation on theme: "By: Heather Newell GBS233- 20493 April 12, 2012 MODERN CHURCH- INTERNATIONAL MISSIONS."— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Heather Newell GBS233- 20493 April 12, 2012 MODERN CHURCH- INTERNATIONAL MISSIONS

2  Churches  Community Projects  House Building  Feed the Hungry  Children  Schools  Medical  Non Profit Organizations  Orphanage OVER SEAS BUSINESSES

3 Developed Countries  Computers  Email  Video chat  Data base  Phones  Cars  Machinery for building Third World Countries  Computer  Only enough for the organization leaders  Weak internet connection  Paper  Phones  Cars  Only enough for the organization leaders TECHNOLOGY VS

4  Sponsorship  Donation Clearinghouse  Keeping track of who gives money  Churches/individuals from other states or countries  Overseeing how the money gets used HOST CHURCHES

5  Language  Cultural Customs  Church services  Eating all the food  Clothing  Modesty  Dresses/Skirts  Buying goods  Market places  Exchange rate  Bardering MISSIONARIES ADAPTING

6  Become reliant  No money going into economy  Do not learn how to provide for themselves  Become reliant on the resources available  Money circles through economy  Learn how to provide for themselves GIVING OR TEACHING? “Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.”

7 MISSION  Find areas with the most need  Work through cultural differences  Ensure a sustainable process has been left in place

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