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6/7th Grade Current Events

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1 6/7th Grade Current Events
Formatting your Current Event

2 How to Write a Current Event
Current Events Rubric Setting Up Your Current Event Paper Main Idea and Supporting Details Writing the Summary Writing the Reaction to Your Article This year you will be required to read the newspaper, select a current event of interest or concern to you, and write a summary of the article and your reaction to it. Current Event papers will count towards your projects and quizzes grade. Summaries must be handed in to me on the due date in order to receive full credit. They will be graded according to the Current Events Rubric that has been provided to you. Make sure you follow the guidelines given to you. Websites that will help you find Current Event articles are posted on my website.

3 Current Events Rubric 4 3 2 1 BACK 1X 2X 3X Weight Writing: A 7-8
Article Components-Your name, date, original article & date All required elements are presented exceptionally well. All required elements are present. Some required elements are missing. Several required elements are missing. 1X Appearance/ Organization Typed, neat, well organized, edited, and visually appealing. "WOW!" Neatly handwritten or typed, edited, and organized according to directions. Neatly handwritten or typed, but needs organization and editing. Handwritten and appears sloppy. Needs editing. READING Summary - Written as a summary, including, who, what, where, when, why, how Summary describes article clearly and in great detail using own words. Summary clearly describes article in own words. Summary describes article, but missing some information and/or is not in own words. Summary describes article, but missing vital information. 2X Reaction - Thoughtful, thorough, with supporting evidence. Conclusion is thoughtful, thorough, and includes evidence to support reaction. Conclusion includes evidence to support reaction. Conclusion includes what was learned, but lacks evidence to support reaction. Conclusion is vague and lacks focus. 3X Writing: A B C D F Reading: A+/ B+/ C+/ D+/ F or less Total: A+/ B+/ C+/ D+/ F or less BACK

4 Setting Up Your Current Event Paper
Article Components * Print out your article and read and highlight the who, what, where, when, how and why. * Write your name, grade, assignment (Current Events subject), and due date in the proper heading format on the top of your Current Event write-up. * Write your summary and reaction on the same paper that has your proper heading. The first sentence of your summary should be a topic sentence that introduces your news article’s main idea and the last sentence should be a closing sentence that summarizes your main points. Appearance/Organization * Paper should be neatly written or typed * Organized according to directions * Edited for spelling and mechanics. BACK

5 Main Idea and Supporting Details
When reading for a MAIN IDEA Of a passage, you need the POINT Or the LIFE LESSON Of the selection. When reading for DETAILS Of a passage, you need search for WHO WHAT WHEN WHERE WHY BACK

6 Writing the Summary BACK
In your own words, write a brief summary (5 - 7 sentences) of the article. Remember to include the 5 W≠s (who, what, where, when, and why, if applicable). When writing your summary, make sure you answer the following questions: Who is involved What happened? Where did it happen? When did it happen? Why did it happen? BACK

7 Writing the reaction to your article
Your reaction to the article needs to include one or more of the following: a. Your thoughts about the article b. Why this article interests you c. Agreement or disagreement with the events/article d. Effects on you, our community, or state, or the place mentioned in the article, now or in the future e. Possible remedies or solutions to problem f. Comparisons to other articles or events you have read or attended that a similar to this information Make sure that this is a paragraph. Use examples from the story to support your point of view. This IS NOT a one sentence response!! ( BACK

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