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9 th Grade Research. Reading Articles to gather information Look for facts that back up your main idea. Only use facts that are relevant to the topic.

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Presentation on theme: "9 th Grade Research. Reading Articles to gather information Look for facts that back up your main idea. Only use facts that are relevant to the topic."— Presentation transcript:

1 9 th Grade Research

2 Reading Articles to gather information Look for facts that back up your main idea. Only use facts that are relevant to the topic Make sure to include all relevant details.

3 Research Topic for Today: Is Financial abuse of the elderly a problem in America? Read the article on financial abuse of the elderly. Highlight phrases, facts, or quotes that you think are important. (They will be used later for your concrete details.) Remember, facts must answer the question above to be considered “important”.

4 Citing a Source Once you have decided that you can use information from a source you must site it. You will use Noodletools for this during our research paper. Your source citation must go on your works cited page at the end of your research paper. Any source that you used information from must be included on this page. If you don’t put it into Noodletools you can’t use it in your paper! Parenthetical documentation must be included after each concrete detail in your paper as well.

5 Citing a source After plugging your source information into Noodletools, it will generate your parenthetical documentation for you. You will use this citation at the end of each fact you gathered from that source. This will be the author and page number. If there is no author, use the article title. If there is no page number leave it off. Here is the Citation for the Newspaper Article we read: Mondics, Chris. "Financial Abuse Fo the Elderly Reaching Crisis, Researcher Says." The Philadelphia Inquirer [Philadelphia] 30 Dec. 2011. Print. Use the parenthetical reference tool to generate your internal documentation. Example: Only a tiny percentage of fraud cases ever come to the attention of authorities (Mondics).

6 Integrating Concrete Details Concrete Detail= Lead In, +Fact+ (Citation). In a Philadelphia Inquirer news article it states that, elderly citizens who are victims of fraud often turn to the government for financial help when their savings are drained (Mondics).

7 Adding Commentary In a Philadelphia Inquirer news article it states that, elderly citizens who are victims of fraud often turn to the government for financial help when their savings are drained (Mondics). Commentary1: Commentary2:

8 Constructing a body paragraph using details from the news article Topic Sentence: (turn research question into a statement) Concrete Detail: Lead in, Fact (citation). Commentary: what is this quote saying? Commentary: why is this important? Concrete Detail: Lead in, fact (citation). Commentary: what is this quote saying? Commentary: why is this important? Conclusion Sentence: sum up what the reader should remember about this information.

9 Integrating Quotes into your Paper Explain who you are quoting or lead in, “quote” (citation). Example: Mark Lachs, a social scientist at Cornell Medical College in New York said, “there is an epidemic of thefts and fraud targeting the elderly by lawyers, financial advisors, and family members”(Mondics). Notice this concrete detail includes a lead in, a fact, and a citation at the end. Along with correct punctuation!

10 Examples In the Philadelphia Inquirer article, “Financial abuse of the elderly reaching crisis, researcher says” it states, “elderly victims who lose their savings often turn to Medicaid, the government healthcare program” (Mondics).

11 Body Paragraph Financial abuse of the elderly is a problem in America. Mark Lachs, a social scientist at Cornell Medical College in New York said, “there is an epidemic of thefts and fraud targeting the elderly by lawyers, financial advisors, and family members”(Mondics).

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