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Description: Brief review of trophic levels thus far and assessment work that can be used as class work, quiz, or informal assessment. Goals: Describe.

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Presentation on theme: "Description: Brief review of trophic levels thus far and assessment work that can be used as class work, quiz, or informal assessment. Goals: Describe."— Presentation transcript:

1 Description: Brief review of trophic levels thus far and assessment work that can be used as class work, quiz, or informal assessment. Goals: Describe the concept of the trophic levels. Identify the roles of producers, consumers, and decomposers. Define ecological pyramid and explain its relationship to energy in the ecosystem. Distinguish between food chains and webs.

2 Objectives: Day 5 Review trophic levels and organism roles found on the pyramid.Review trophic levels and organism roles found on the pyramid. Assess our understanding of Trophic Levels this far.Assess our understanding of Trophic Levels this far.

3 Warm - Up Q = Explain what the “Trophic Pyramid” is used for. A = It shows the flow of energy and nutrients through the ecosystem based no the type of organism niches.

4 6 Kingdoms  Eubacteria  Archaebacteria  Fungi  Plants  Animals  Protists

5 Basic Energy Pyramid (Trophic Levels) Primary Producers Primary Consumers Secondary Consumers Carnivores Herbivores Autotrophs

6 Omnivores Omnivores Top Top Consumer Consumer Secondary Consumer Secondary Consumer (Carnivores) (Carnivores) Primary Consumers Primary Consumers (Herbivores) (Herbivores) Primary Producers Primary Producers (Autotrophs) (Autotrophs) Decomposers Scavengers

7 Examples  Primary Producer  Trees  Primary Consumer  Buffalo  Secondary Consumer  Hyena  Top Consumer  Tiger  Omnivore  Humans

8 Examples  Decomposers  Fungi  Bacteria  Scavengers  Vulture  Raccoons

9 Food Chains  Food Chains = Sequence of energy being transferred from one organism to another.  Trophic Levels = each step of energy transfer

10 Many Food Chains in each Ecosystem


12 Review and Assessment Guide This assessment guide will help us understand our level of understanding this far. We have covered the trophic pyramid and its levels and organism roles. Since this is an assessment it is individual work.

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