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Christopher Brown, Planner II December 4th, 2014 Case No. 14ZONE1036 La Grange Road Office Louisville Metro Planning Commission Public Hearing.

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Presentation on theme: "Christopher Brown, Planner II December 4th, 2014 Case No. 14ZONE1036 La Grange Road Office Louisville Metro Planning Commission Public Hearing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Christopher Brown, Planner II December 4th, 2014 Case No. 14ZONE1036 La Grange Road Office Louisville Metro Planning Commission Public Hearing

2 Requests  Change in zoning from R-4 to OR-3  Variance #1: Variance from Chapter 5.3.1.C.5 of the Land Development Code to allow the proposed structure to exceed the 80’ maximum setback along Reamers Road and La Grange Road  Waiver #1: Waiver from Chapter 5.9.2.b.i of the Land Development Code to not provide a direct pedestrian connection from to the building from La Grange Road  Waiver #2: Landscape Waiver from Chapter 10.2.12.B of the Land Development Code to allow the required interior landscape areas to exceed the 120’ maximum distance  Detailed District Development plan Case 14ZONE1036

3 Case Summary / Background  Proposing change in zoning from R-4 to OR-3 for balance of site  8,000 SF office building with accessory structure  Site was rezoned in 1994 for front portion  Reduced the amount of property rezoned from entirety of property  Contains a potentially historically eligible home on the site  Altawood National Register District located to the west  Proposed building will exceed the required 80’ max setback along both street frontages  Pedestrian connection provided from Reamers Road and not La Grange  Both requests allow a significant amount of mature tree canopy to be preserved  Similar reasoning for exceeding the 120’ ILA rule  Meets all buffering and screening requirements Case 14ZONE1036

4 Zoning/Form Districts  Subject Property: Existing: OR-3 & R-4/N Proposed: OR-3/N  Adjacent Properties: North: R-4/N South: R-4/N East: R-4/N West: PD/N Case 14ZONE1036

5 Aerial Photo/Land Use  Subject Property: Existing: Vacant/Office Proposed: Office  Adjacent Properties: North: Water Tower South: Single Family Residential East: Single Family Residential West: Single Family Residential Case 14ZONE1036

6 Site Photos-Looking toward intersection from Reamers Case 14ZONE1036

7 Site Photos- Existing entrance from Reamers Case 14ZONE1036

8 Site Photos- From eastern boundary along Reamers Case 14ZONE1036

9 Site Photos-Looking at intersection along La Grange Case 14ZONE1036

10 Aerial -Surrounding Areas Case 14ZONE1036

11 Applicant’s Development Plan Case 14ZONE1036

12 Applicant’s Elevations Case 14ZONE1036

13 Staff Analysis and Conclusions  Rezoning  Appears to comply with all applicable guidelines and policies of Cornerstone 2020 with the exception of the remaining potential issues regarding the previously required conservation easement and addressing the potentially historic value of the structure on the site  Variance  Appears to comply with all applicable guidelines and policies of Cornerstone 2020  Pedestrian Connection Waiver  Appears to comply with all applicable guidelines and policies of Cornerstone 2020  Landscape Waiver  Appears to comply with all applicable guidelines and policies of Cornerstone 2020  DDDP  Appears to comply with all applicable guidelines and policies of Cornerstone 2020 Case 14ZONE1036

14 Required Actions  RECOMMEND to the legislative council of Louisville Metro government that the change in zoning from R-4, Residential, to OR-3, Office/Residential, on property described in the attached legal description, be APPROVED or DENIED  GRANT or DENY the Variance from Chapter 5.3.1.C.5 of the Land Development Code to allow the proposed structure to exceed the 80’ maximum setback along Reamers Road and La Grange Road  GRANT or DENY the Waiver from Chapter 5.9.2.b.i of the Land Development Code to not provide a direct pedestrian connection from to the building from La Grange Road  GRANT or DENY the Landscape Waiver from Chapter 10.2.12.B of the Land Development Code to allow the required interior landscape areas to exceed the 120’ maximum distance  APPROVE or DENY the associated Detailed District Development plan with binding elements Case 14ZONE1036

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