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Protect, Enhance, and Save Lives - 1 - Characterization of a new Photon counting Detector with XRF (X-ray fluorecense) Francesca Bisello, IBA-Dosimetry.

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Presentation on theme: "Protect, Enhance, and Save Lives - 1 - Characterization of a new Photon counting Detector with XRF (X-ray fluorecense) Francesca Bisello, IBA-Dosimetry."— Presentation transcript:

1 Protect, Enhance, and Save Lives - 1 - Characterization of a new Photon counting Detector with XRF (X-ray fluorecense) Francesca Bisello, IBA-Dosimetry

2 Protect, Enhance, and Save Lives - 2 -  Dosepix: General overview of Detector  Dosepix: Comparison of Calibration Methods  Dosepix: Measuring Xray Spectra (preliminary results) Outline Outline Dosepix CalibrationMethods XraySpectra Conclusion

3 Protect, Enhance, and Save Lives - 3 -  Hybrid Pixel Detector  Single Photon Counting Detector : Time-over-Threshold Method Dosepix: General Overview Outline Dosepix CalibrationMethods XraySpectra Conclusion

4 Protect, Enhance, and Save Lives - 4 -  kVp Mode (counting)  Dosi Mode Dosepix: General Overview Outline Dosepix CalibrationMethods XraySpectra Conclusion

5 Protect, Enhance, and Save Lives - 5 -  kVp Mode  Dosi Mode (assessing energy) Dosepix: General Overview Outline Dosepix CalibrationMethods XraySpectra Conclusion

6 Protect, Enhance, and Save Lives - 6 -  This is a Pixel Wise Calibration  Analog Test-Pulse Calibration Methods I: Analog Test Pulse method Outline Dosepix CalibrationMethods XraySpectra Conclusion The ToT value for each Test Pulse is recorded

7 Protect, Enhance, and Save Lives - 7 -  Pixel Wise Calibration  Analog Test-Pulse Calibration Methods I: Analog Test Pulse method Outline Dosepix CalibrationMethods XraySpectra Conclusion The ToT value for each Test Pulse is recorded

8 Protect, Enhance, and Save Lives - 8 -  Calibration Methods I: Analog Test Pulse method Outline Dosepix CalibrationMethods XraySpectra Conclusion

9 Protect, Enhance, and Save Lives - 9 -  XRF Calibrations Calibration Methods II: Energy Calibration with Fluorescence line Outline Dosepix CalibrationMethods XraySpectra Conclusion

10 Protect, Enhance, and Save Lives - 10 -  XRF Lines Calibration Methods III: Energy Calibration with Fluorescence line Outline Dosepix CalibrationMethods XraySpectra Conclusion Response of one pixel at different fluorescence lines

11 Protect, Enhance, and Save Lives - 11 -  Interpolation and Fitting of the response of one pixel Calibration Methods IV: Determine the DOSEPIX KeV – TOT response curve Outline Dosepix CalibrationMethods XraySpectra Conclusion MaterialEnergy (KeV) Pb11.41 Ag22.10 Sn25.07 Cu8.06 W9.67

12 Protect, Enhance, and Save Lives - 12 -  Interpolation and Fitting of the response of one chip (256 pixels) Calibration Methods IV: Determine the DOSEPIX KeV – TOT response curve Outline Dosepix CalibrationMethods XraySpectra Conclusion MaterialEnergy (KeV) Pb11.41 Ag22.10 Sn25.07 Cu8.06 W9.67

13 Protect, Enhance, and Save Lives - 13 - Calibration Methods V : From Analogue Test Pulse to Energy Calibration Outline Dosepix CalibrationMethods XraySpectra Conclusion Analog Test Pulse Calibration Energy Calibration

14 Protect, Enhance, and Save Lives - 14 - Calibration Methods V : From Analogue Test Pulse to Energy Calibration Outline Dosepix CalibrationMethods XraySpectra Conclusion Analog Test Pulse Calibration Energy Calibration

15 Protect, Enhance, and Save Lives - 15 - Energy Calibrated Spectra at Xray device  Overlapping Method for Energy Binning Pixel 1 Pixel 2 Xray Spectra: Preliminary results Outline Dosepix CalibrationMethods XraySpectra Conclusion

16 Protect, Enhance, and Save Lives - 16 - Detector Characterization:  Thr: 20-30 An TP  5-7 KeV  Second order proportionality between An. Test Pulse and Energy  Energy Resolution: expected to be better than 1 kV, however preliminary results not conclusive Future Work  Clinical Application Conclusion Outline Dosepix CalibrationMethods XraySpectra Conclusion

17 Protect, Enhance, and Save Lives - 17 - Collaborators and partners This research project has been supported by a Marie Curie Early Initial Training Network Fellowship of the European Community’s Seventh Framework Programme under contract number (PITN-GA-2011-289198- ARDENT). I.Ritter 2, F. Tennert 2, T. Gabor 2,5, M. Campbell 3, W.S. Wong 3, S. Wölfel 1, G.Anton 2, N.Michel 4 and T. Michel 2 1- IBA Dosimetry GmbH, Bahnhofstraße 5, 90592 Schwarzenbruck, Germany 2-Erlangen Centre for Astroparticle Physics, Radiation and Detector Physics, Erwin-Rommel-Str. 1, 91058 Erlangen, Germany 3- Medipix Team, Microelectronics Group, CERN, 1211 Geneva, Switzerland 4- Customized Microelectronic Solutions, Bruckwiesenstr. 3,91220 Schnaittach,Germany 5- Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE, Heidenhofstraße 2, 79110 Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany

18 Protect, Enhance, and Save Lives - 18 - Thank you fo your attention

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