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CITY COUNCIL OCTOBER 18, 2011 Central Park Gazebo Replacement.

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1 CITY COUNCIL OCTOBER 18, 2011 Central Park Gazebo Replacement

2 Background 2009  Comprehensive Parks & Recreation System Master Plan process began Ten-year plan to guide decision making regarding policy and park improvements; created with significant community input 2010  City Council adopts the Master Plan in March; including conceptual Central Park site plan improvements  City Council reviews further developed site plan in July which includes removal of existing gazebo; directs staff to further refine 3 new gazebos proposed, one to honor the volunteer-built gazebo with historical design elements.  City Council adopts the Central Park Site Plan in September Slide 2 of 13

3 Background (cont.) A few residents voiced concern about removing the volunteer built gazebo.  Built in 1976 to honor our nation’s bicentennial.  Moved to current location in 1994, with original roof maintained Staff and architects met with these residents in October 2010 to address their concerns.  Consensus reached that the replacement gazebo should look as close as possible to the original, including general structure design with cupola, railings & openings, paint color, and placement in the most prominent location  Agreed to salvage some of the old gazebo to build benches or create a historical pictorial display Slide 3 of 13

4 Liability Concerns In 2007, Community Center contractor asked to provide a quote to repaint and replace the roof of the gazebo.  Contractor declined, stating the entire structure was in need of replacement 2009 California Joint Powers Insurance Authority (CJPIA) found, “the gazebo structure should be inspected by an engineer or qualified firm to determine its structural stability and should be repaired and/or replaced.” City Engineer determined the gazebo is beyond repair with evidence of termites and wood rot. Replacement was postponed pending the Master Plan process. Slide 4 of 13

5 Current Gazebo Slide 5 of 13

6 Gazebo Condition Slide 6 of 13

7 Proposed Gazebo New gazebo:  Heavy duty tubular steel  Designed to mimic and honor the original gazebo  10 year warranty; 30+ year life expectancy Proposed gazebo would be relocated to new location to make room for additional Master Plan components Slide 7 of 13

8 New restroom New Walking Trail New Meditation Garden *New Gazebo Location Splash Pad New Gazebos New Park Entry Sign New Demonstration Garden Relocated 5-12 Play Area Relocated Preschool Play Area *Current Gazebo Location Central Park Site Plan Slide 8 of 13

9 New Gazebo Location Current Gazebo Location Slide 9 of 13

10 Fiscal Impact FY 2011/12 budget includes $60,000 for a Capital Improvement Project in the Building Maintenance Fund. Estimated cost of removal, salvage, and replacement of the Gazebo is $55,000, with $5,000 available for contingencies To date $6,355 has been raised through sale of surplus street signs and resident donations to offset costs Slide 10 of 13

11 Alternatives Demolition and salvage of current gazebo is estimated at $7,200 Installation of a new wood gazebo at new location is estimated at $37,500 Rehabilitation including roof, railings, and paint at its current location is approximately $19,800 (slab, electrical, & vertical supports would remain) Slide 11 of 13

12 Recommendation Allowing the gazebo to remain in it’s deteriorated condition exposes the City to further risk and liability. Direct staff to proceed with the bidding process to replace the gazebo at the identified new location and remove/salvage the current gazebo to begin implementation of the adopted Central Park Site Plan. Slide 12 of 13

13 Central Park Gazebo Replacement QUESTIONS & COMMENTS Slide 13 of 13

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