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Globalization Chapter 34. Election of 2000 George W. Bush vs. Al Gore Gore wins popular vote by 540,000.

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Presentation on theme: "Globalization Chapter 34. Election of 2000 George W. Bush vs. Al Gore Gore wins popular vote by 540,000."— Presentation transcript:

1 Globalization Chapter 34

2 Election of 2000 George W. Bush vs. Al Gore Gore wins popular vote by 540,000

3 Florida holds key to victory Bush wins recount by less that 300 votes Hanging chads and bubble ballots


5 5 to 4 decision by Supreme court orders any recount must be finish by December 12 Court made ruling night of the 12th



8 McCain-Feingold Campaign Reform Bill Soft Money

9 The Steves




13 Watson & Crick

14 Dolly July 5, 1996


16 over 65 median age 1970 8% 28 2000 13% 35

17 Environment

18 Rachel Carson Silent Spring

19 Write about the effects of toxic pesticides like DDT on fish, animals and humans Jump starts the environmental movement

20 Love Canal

21 Three Mile Island

22 Exxon Valdez






28 Challenger January 28, 1986


30 Columbia February 1, 2003

31 Crew of the Columbia

32 World Trade Organization meets in Seattle in 1999 to discuss trade issues Protesters – 40,000 strong – attempt to disrupt meetings

33 WTO protest Seattle 1999

34 Rise of Fundamentalism & Terrorism *Wahabism & Islamic Brotherhood *Iran *Mujahedeen/Al Qaeda 1988 *1983 Marine barracks-Lebanon *1986 US bombs Libya for support of terrorism

35 *1996 bombing by Al Qaeda of US barracks in Saudi – 19 dead *1998 Bombing of US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania – 268 killed *1993 truck bombing of World Trade Center

36 * 2001 US invasion of Afghanistan to eliminate Taliban and locate Osama Bin Laden *2003 US led coalition invades Iraq * 2000 USS Cole – 17 dead *9/11


38 Marine Barracks

39 US embassy in Tanzinia



42 May 2001

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