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1970s – Everything’s Crazy! APUSH C – Mr. W.. Women’s Liberation Feminists pushed for radical change in U.S. society – assault the male power structure.

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Presentation on theme: "1970s – Everything’s Crazy! APUSH C – Mr. W.. Women’s Liberation Feminists pushed for radical change in U.S. society – assault the male power structure."— Presentation transcript:

1 1970s – Everything’s Crazy! APUSH C – Mr. W.

2 Women’s Liberation Feminists pushed for radical change in U.S. society – assault the male power structure. Women saw themselves as an exploited group organizing against oppression. Almost half the work force became women. 90% of women w/ college degrees worked. Mrs. became Ms., and more women ran for office – Geraldine Ferraro (first V.P. candidate in 1984)

3 Equal Rights Amendment In 1972, Congress approved of the ERA and went to the states for approval. The Amendment outlawed any sexual discrimination. 35 of 38 states agreed to it before conservative backlash killed it in 1982.

4 Roe v. Wade 1973 – Supreme Court allows women to have the right to an abortion. It’s based upon the Constitutional right to privacy. Earlier in 1965, Griswold v. Connecticut invalidated all laws prohibiting abortion in the first trimester (three months of pregnancy). Women’s reproductive rights are still an issue today w/ Obamacare paying for birth control.

5 Silent Spring Rachel Carson, a marine biologist, wrote Silent Spring, about the use of the chemical DDT and how it affected the food chain. Her book became influential in banning the pesticide in 1972.

6 Nixon visits Soviet Union, China In 1972, Nixon visited China to allow them to become the U.N. representative of China instead of Taiwan. In 1973, Nixon visits Soviet Union to help discuss détente – an easing of tensions between the 2 nations. SALT I – Strategic Arms Limitation Talks – 1972 – became the first treaty to limit the growth of nuclear missiles (freezing the #). Nixon should get credit for his strong foreign policy skills exhibited here.

7 Arab Oil Embargo - 1973 Because of U.S. support of Israel in the Yom Kippur War in 1973, Arab nations banned together by limiting the sale of oil to supporters of Israel and raising its price 400%. Direct results were inflation, long lines at the gas pumps, and increased price of energy. U.S. car makers didn’t start making fuel-efficient cars until the early 1980s, but Japan did. Even before the embargo, inflation was a problem in the early 70s. Nixon froze wages and prices in 1971 and raised interest rates. Recession!

8 Election of 1976 Ford vs. Carter – Carter was the governor of Georgia and an outsider. He won b/c he was a Democrat and also promised never to lie to the American people. Carter won 297 – 240. 50% - 47.9% of the vote. Carter won all of the South and most of the Northeast and some Midwest states. Carter focused on human rights, the economy, and energy. He continued asking for interest rate hikes to reduce inflation but it didn’t work. 1979 – Carter gave a speech to the American people saying that we were having a “crisis of confidence”. It became known as the “malaise” speech.

9 Iran Hostage Crisis 1979 – Iranian people rebel against the Shah of Iran, sending him fleeing the country. In late 1979, the Shah came to America for cancer treatments, and the radical students in Iran seized the U.S. embassy in retaliation.

10 Soviet Union invades Afghanistan - President Carter called this invasion “the greatest threat to world peace since World War II.” He imposed economic sanctions on Russia, and cancelled U.S. participation in the Moscow Summer Olympics in 1980. The Afghan Communists overthrew the king in 1978, and allowed the Soviets to occupy the country in late 1979. However, Afghani rebel fighters battled the Soviets in a war that would quickly become Russia’s Vietnam.

11 Freedom for the hostages April 1980 – U.S. rescue attempt to free hostages fails w/ 8 dead. January 20, 1981 – Iran released the hostages on the day of Governor Ronald Reagan’s inauguration.


13 1970s fads Mood rings Pet rocks Smiley face Lava lamps

14 Popular 1970s movies Godfather I and II Jaws Star Wars Rocky Saturday Night Fever Disaster movies

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