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Published byMaurice Beasley Modified over 8 years ago
Table of Contents Click to Visit a Chapter 1. Introduction 1.1 | 1.2 | 1.3 + 2. Formation + 3. Aligning the Squad + 4. Changing Interval + 5. Stationary Movements + 6. Quiz + Click + to Expand a Chapter 4.1 | 4.2 3.1 | 3.2 | 3.3 2.1 | 2.2 | 2.3 The United States Army Cadet Corps 5.1 | 5.2 | 5.3 Basic Drill and Ceremonies - Part I The United States Army Cadet Corps Training and Operations ® 2010
1. Introduction 1.1 Getting Started This course is required to complete the drill and ceremonies block of instruction. Upon completion you will earn 3 CADCredits. Although not required, enabling sound is recommended. The toolbar on the left will help you navigate this course. Use the following buttons to: Go back to the home page Go to next page Go to previous page Use the red buttons to visit chapters 1 through 5. Enable Sound CADCredit i Navigation 1.2 Syllabus Course Credits: 3 CADCredits Purpose: To teach recruits to recognize and execute basic drill commands and prepare them for the practical test. Goals: To master the material in this course and pass the final quiz with a score of 80% or more. Prerequisites: None Required Text: FM 21.5 [download] 1 2 3 4 5
1. Introduction 1.3 Background Historically, drills were used to teach troops tactical battlefield maneuvers. Today, drills are used to develop discipline, teamwork, alertness, urgency, attention to detail, and a sense of pride in self and unit. Part I of the Basic Drills & Ceremonies series focuses on formations, aligning the squad, changing intervals, and stationary movement. Part II focuses on marching movements, and Part III focuses on instructional methods and techniques for Cadet Non- Commissioned Officers (CNCOs). This Page Intentionally Left Blank 2 / 22 Pages Basic Drill and Ceremonies - Part I 1 9% Progress 2 3 4 5
2. Formation 2.1 Formation Before we discuss the various movements soldiers exercise while standing, we need to understand what is meant by formation. The term formation refers to a group of individuals that move and act exactly the same (in cadence). For our purpose, this group will be called a squad. A squad is composed of two fire teams and a Cadet Sergeant (C/SGT). Each fire team consists of three Cadets and a team leader. 1 Basic Drill and Ceremonies - Part I 3 / 22 Pages First Squad 3 4 5 13% Progress Squad Leader Team A Leader Team B Leader Figure 2.1. A squad is composed of two fire teams 2
2. Formation 2.2 Forming the Squad The squad may be formed in a line (rank), column (file), or columns of two. Line: In a line, individuals stand side by side and face the squad leader with the team leader on the right. When in a line, members are numbered from right to left. A single depth line is known as rank. The squad may be moved a few steps forward, backwards, or sideways in this formation. Column: In a column, individuals stand one behind the other with the team leader in front and squad leader on the left. When in a column, members are numbered from front to rear. A single depth column is known as file. The squad normally marches in this formation. 4 / 22 Pages Basic Drill and Ceremonies - Part I 1234 Squad Leader Rank Team A Leader Team B Leader Figure 2.2. In a line, individuals stand side by side and count from right to left The squad leader is three steps away from and centered on the first rank ? 18% Progress 1 3 4 5 Three Steps and Centered 2
Basic Drill and Ceremonies - Part I 5 / 22 Pages 1 2 3 4 Team A Leader Team B Leader Squad Leader 2. Formation Figure 2.3. In a column individuals stand one behind the other and count from front to rear The squad leader is three steps away from and centered on the first file ? Column of Twos: This formation is similar to the column formation with the exception that each fire team forms its own file. 22% Progress Team B Leader Team A Leader Squad Leader File Figure 2.4. A columns of twos is formed by forming multiple files 1 3 4 5 Three Steps and Centered 2
2. Formation 2.3 FALL IN When the squad leader wants to assemble a formation at the position of attention, s/he will say FALL IN. When hearing this command double time to your place in the formation make sure that your heels are together and that your toes are pointing out as to form a 45-degree angle rest your weight evenly on both feet and keep your legs straight without locking your knees hold the body and head erect. Your head and neck should be vertically aligned let arms hang straight without stiffness curl fingers and hold thumb over first finger joint. Hands should rest on the seems of the trouser leg (practice this position by grabbing the side pockets) 6 / 22 Pages Basic Drill and Ceremonies - Part I remain silent and do not move The Squad Leader will not move after calling FALL IN. All other members must move so that they are three steps away from and centered on the Squad Leader. Because all movement is planned relative to the position of the Squad Leader, s/he is known as the Base. Assume this position when addressing all Commissioned Officers ? i 27% Progress 1 3 4 5 2
Basic Drill and Ceremonies - Part I 7 / 22 Pages 2. Formation Figure 2.4. Thumbs are over 1st joint of fingers and toes point out to form a 45-degree angle 31% Progress This Page Intentionally Left Blank 1 3 4 5 2
3. Aligning the Squad Each individual in the rank follows suit, except that the left flank individual does not raise his/her arm once normal interval is obtained, each individual lowers his/her arm, turns head and eyes to the front, and assumes position of attention 8 / 22 Pages Basic Drill and Ceremonies - Part I Interval Right Flank Figure 3.1. Normal interval is obtained by keeping an arm length from the person on your right 36% Progress 3.1 Aligning on FALL IN When the command FALL IN is given, the squad is formed at normal interval. On FALL IN, members align themselves simultaneously without a direct command. To form at normal interval: the right flank individual falls in three steps in front of and centered on the squad leader (base) right flank individual raises his left arm to the side at shoulder level, elbow locked, fingers and thumb extended and joined, and palm facing down the person to the left of the right flank individual turns his/her head and eyes to the right, raises the left arm, and adjusts his/her position so that s/he is in line with the right flank individual and at the exact interval until his/her shoulder touches the fingertips of the right flank individual. 1 2 4 5 3
Basic Drill and Ceremonies - Part I 9 / 22 Pages 3. Aligning the Squad on the command of Ready, FRONT, each member returns sharply to the position of attention Close Interval: The command to align the squad at close interval is At Close Interval, Dress Right, DRESS. This command is used to align the squad in a limited space environment. The movement is achieved in the same manner as normal interval except that instead of extending the left arm each member - Figure 3.2. Aligning at Normal Interval 40% Progress 3.2 Aligning the Line The following commands are used to place the squad members on the same line at equal interval. The squad leader may place members in normal, close, or double intervals. Normal Interval: The command to align the squad at normal interval is Dress Right, DRESS. on the command of execution DRESS, the right flank individual stands fast each member, except the right flank, turns his head and eyes to the right and aligns with the person to the right by extending the left arm to the side at shoulder level, elbow locked, fingers and thumb extended and joined, palm facing down. each individual takes short steps right or left until his/her right shoulder touches the fingertips of the man on his right 1 2 4 5 3
3. Aligning the Squad 10 / 22 Pages Basic Drill and Ceremonies - Part I Figure 3.3. Aligning at close interval 45% Progress places the heel of his left hand on his hip, even with the top of the belt line, fingers and thumb joined and extended downward, with the elbow in line with the body and touching the arm of the individual to the left Double Interval: The command to align the squad at double interval is At Double Interval, Dress Right, DRESS. This command is used when there is a need for large intervals between individuals. The movement is achieved in the same manner as normal interval except that instead of raising one arm each member (except the right and left flank) extends both arms and position themselves by short steps right or left until the fingertips are touching the fingertips of the individual to the right and left (the right flank individual raises his left ram; the left flank raises his right) 1 2 4 5 3
Basic Drill and Ceremonies - Part I 11 / 22 Pages 3. Aligning the Squad Figure 3.4. On the Command COVER, members keep equal distance from the person in front of them Distance Interval 50% Progress 3.3 Aligning the Column The command COVER is used to align the squad in a column. On the command COVER, each member (except the first rank) raises his/her left arm straight forward, elbow locked, fingers and thumb extended and joined, palm facing down obtains an arm's length plus about 6 inches (from the fingertips) to the back of the person to his/her front. At the same time, each individual aligns directly behind the individual to his/her front. sharply returns to the Position of Attention upon the command RECOVER 1 2 4 5 3
4. Changing Interval 12 / 22 Pages Basic Drill and Ceremonies - Part I Figure 4.1. Counting off in a line 12 Repeat Animation 34 4.1 Counting Off The squad leader may change interval while in line. Before we discuss the commands for changing intervals, we need to explain the command of Count, OFF. When in a line each member, except the right flank, turns his head and eyes to the right, and the right flank counts off "ONE" the individual to the left of the right flank counts off "TWO" in turn and simultaneously turns his/her head and eyes to the front all other members execute count off in the same manner until the last member 54% Progress 1 2 3 5 4
Basic Drill and Ceremonies - Part I 13 / 22 Pages 4. Changing Interval 4.2 Realigning the Squad After the command to count off, the squad may be realigned to form a normal, close, or double interval. Close Interval, MARCH: This command is used to obtain close interval from normal interval. On the command of execution MARCH the right flank individual stands fast all members to the left of the right flank take one step less their number to the right and halt The command Count, OFF will precede any attempt to change interval ? 1234 One Step to the right Two Steps to the right Three Steps to the right Repeat Animation Double Interval, MARCH: This command is used to obtain double interval from normal interval. On the command of execution MARCH the right flank individual stands fast all members to the left of the right flank face to the left, take one step less than their number, halt, and execute a Right Face Figure 4.2. Obtaining a close interval from normal interval 59% Progress 1 2 3 5 4
4. Changing Interval 14 / 22 Pages Basic Drill and Ceremonies - Part I 1234 Three Steps to the left Two Steps to the left One Step to the left Repeat Animation Figure 4.3. Obtaining double interval from normal interval Normal Interval, MARCH: This command is used to obtain normal interval from close or double intervals. On the command of execution MARCH the right flank individual stands fast from close interval: all members to the left of the right flank take one step less than their number to the left and Halt to obtain a normal interval from double interval: all members to the left of the right flank face to the right, take one step less than their number, halt, and execute Left Face 63% Progress 1 2 3 5 4
Basic Drill and Ceremonies - Part I 15 / 22 Pages 4. Changing Interval Obtain From Normal Interval Close Interval Double Interval Normal Interval Close Interval, MARCH Double Interval, MARCH Close Interval Normal Interval, MARCH Double Interval Normal Interval, MARCH Table 4.1. Realignment command matrix Table 4.1 summarized the commands to realign the squad. For example, to obtain a normal interval from a close interval, you would use the command Normal Interval, MARCH. 68% Progress This Page Intentionally Left Blank 1 2 3 5 4
5. Stationary Movements 16 / 22 Pages Basic Drill and Ceremonies - Part I 72% Progress 5.1 Rest Positions After forming the squad, four rest positions may be executed from the position of attention. The four positions are Parade, REST, Stand At, EASE, AT EASE, and REST. Parade, REST: On the command of execution REST move the left foot about 10 inches to the left of the right foot keep the legs straight without locking the knees, resting the weight of the body equally on the heels and balls of the feet simultaneously, place the hands at the small of the back and centered on the belt. Keep the fingers of both hands extended and joined, interlocking the thumbs so that the palm of the right hand is outward keep the head and eyes as in the position of Attention. Remain silent and do not move. Assume this position when addressing all Non-Commissioned Officers ? 1 2 3 4 5
Basic Drill and Ceremonies - Part I 17 / 22 Pages 5. Stationary Movements 77% Progress Figure 5.1. Thumbs are interlaced Stand At, EASE: On the command of execution EASE execute Parade Rest, but turn the head and eyes directly toward the person in charge of the formation AT EASE: On the command AT EASE you may move; however, you may not talk and remain standing with your right foot in place arms may be relaxed with the thumbs interlaced REST: On the command REST you may move, talk, or drink but must remain standing with right foot in place Assume the position of Parade Rest when you hear the preparatory command for Attention ? 1 2 3 4 5
5. Stationary Movements 18 / 22 Pages Basic Drill and Ceremonies - Part I 81% Progress Figure 5.2. Movement from and to the four rest positions. Click each command to open a window, click it again to close the window. Attention Parade Rest Stand at Ease At Ease Rest Each of the four rest commands may be executed from Attention Parade Rest may only be executed from Attention Stand At Ease may be executed from Parade Rest At Ease may be executed from Stand At Ease, but must be executed from Rest Rest may be executed from At Ease 5.2 Facing Movements Five facing movements may be executed from the Position of Attention. The five positions are left face, right face, about face, half left face, and half right face. Left (Right), FACE: These two commands are used to rotate individuals a quarter turn to the right or left. On the command of execution FACE for left face; pick up your left toe and right heel and pivot 90 degrees to the left on your left heel. On count two, place the right foot beside the left foot for right face; pick up your right toe and left heel and pivot 90 degrees to the right on your right heel. On count two, place the left foot beside the right foot arms remain at the sides, as in the Position of Attention 1 2 3 4 5
Basic Drill and Ceremonies - Part I 19 / 22 Pages 5. Stationary Movements 86% Progress Figure 5.2. The two count movement of Left Face (a) Count One (b) Count Two About, FACE: This command is used to rotate individuals half a turn. On the command of execution FACE right leg goes back half a shoe and slightly to left of left shoe; balance on ball of right foot and heel of left foot. Toes of left foot come off the ground on count two; rest most of the weight on the heel of the left foot and pivot 180 degrees to the right resume the Position of Attention Half Left (Half Right), FACE: This command is only used when a 90-degree facing movement would not result in the desired direction. This movement is executed as Left (Right), FACE except that instead of a 90-degree turn, individuals execute a 45-degree turn. The facing movements are two count ? 1 2 3 4 5
5. Stationary Movements 20 / 22 Pages Basic Drill and Ceremonies - Part I 90% Progress 5.3 Hand Salutes Hand salutes are discussed in the stationary movements section, but can be executed while marching. Marching salutes will be covered in Part II of this course. The one-count movement for a salute is Present, ARMS. On the command of execution ARMS raise the right hand sharply, fingers and thumb extended and joined, palm facing down, and place the tip of the right forefinger on the right tip of the right eyebrow. Neither the back of the hand nor the palm should be visible from the front. hand and wrist are straight, the elbow inclined slightly forward, and the upper arm horizontal. when wearing headgear with a visor, place the tip of the right forefinger on the rim of the visor slightly to the right of the right eye when wearing glasses, place the tip of the right forefinger on the right edge of the glasses where the frame meets the right edge of the right brow To return the hand to the side the one-count command Order, ARMS is used. On the command of execution ARMS return the hand sharply to the side, resuming the Position of Attention. 1 2 3 4 5
Basic Drill and Ceremonies - Part I 21 / 22 Pages 5. Stationary Movements 95% Progress Figure 5.3. Hand salute with headgear Headgear (with visor) Headgear (without visor) Headgear (with glasses) 1 2 3 4 5
5. Stationary Movements 22 / 22 Pages Basic Drill and Ceremonies - Part I 100% Progress Congratulations, you have completed Part I of the Basic Drills & Ceremonies course. In order to earn credit for this course, you must complete a 20-item multiple-choice quiz and answer at least 16 correct questions (80%). Please note that a. you will not be able to go back to the course material once you start the quiz, and b. you will not be able to return to a question once you select an answer You may take the quiz as many times as required to earn a final grade of at least 80%. Please copy the following instructions: a. Once you complete the quiz, a window will appear indicating the correct number of questions. If you did not earn at least 16 correct questions, revisit the course material and take the test again. b. If you did earn at least 16 correct questions, press the print screen (PrtSc) button on your computer. Then, open Microsoft Paint (mspaint.exe), go to Edit, and click Paste. c. A screenshot of your final score will now appear on your screen. Please print the screenshot and take it to your Commanding Officer. Begin Quiz 1 2 3 4 i i Click the information icon to download the course glossary 5
i / iii Pages Basic Drill and Ceremonies - Part I AlignmentThe arrangement of several elements on the same line BaseThe element on which a movement is planned or regulated CadenceThe uniform rhythm in which a movement is executed, or the number of steps or counts per minute at which a movement is executed. CoverAligning oneself directly behind the man to one's immediate front while maintaining correct distance DepthThe space from front to rear of a formation, including the front and rear element DistanceThe space between elements when the elements are one behind the other. Between units, it varies with the size of the formation; between individuals, it is an arm's length to the front plus 6 inches, or about 36 inches, measured from the chest of one man to the back of the man immediately to his front Drill Certain movements by which a unit (or individuals) is moved in a uniform manner from one formation to another, or from one place to another. Movements are executed in unison and with precision. Element An individual, squad, section, platoon, company, or larger unit forming as part of the next higher unit. File A column that has a front of one element. Flank The right or left side of any formation as observed by an element within that formation. Course Glossary
ii / iii Pages Basic Drill and Ceremonies - Part I Formation The arrangement of elements of a unit in a prescribed manner: Line A formation in which the elements are side by side or abreast of each other. In a platoon line, the members of each squad are abreast of each other with the squads one behind the other. To change a line formation to a column formation, the command is Right, FACE. Column A formation in which the elements are one behind the other. In a platoon column, the members of each squad are one behind the other, with the squads abreast of each other. To change a column formation to a line formation, the command is Left, FACE. Front The space from side to side of a formation, including the right and left elements. Interval- CloseThe lateral space between soldiers, measured from right to left by the soldier on the right placing the heel of his left hand on his hip, even with the top of the belt line, fingers and thumb joined and extended downward, with his elbow in line with the body and touching the arm of the soldier to his left. Double The lateral space between soldiers, measured from right to left by raising both arms shoulder high with the fingers extended and joined (palms down) so that fingertips are touching the fingertips of the soldiers to the right and to the left. Normal The lateral space between soldiers, measured from right to left by the soldier on the right holding his left arm shoulder high, fingers and thumb extended and joined, with
iii / iii Pages Basic Drill and Ceremonies - Part I the tip of his middle finger touching the right shoulder of the soldier to his left. Rank A line that is one element in depth. Course Glossary
Question 1 / 20 Quiz Basic Drill and Ceremonies - Part I What is the purpose of modern-day Army drills? a. Prepare troops for long marches b. Teach troops tactical battlefield maneuvers c. Instill discipline, teamwork, and esprit de corps d. No purpose, they date back to the War of 1812 This Page Intentionally Left Blank
Question 2 / 20 Quiz Basic Drill and Ceremonies - Part I A U.S. Army Cadet Corps squad is composed of a. Eight Cadets and a squad leader b. Three Cadets and a Cadet Noncommissioned Officer c. One fire team d. A group of individuals that move and act exactly the same (in cadence) This Page Intentionally Left Blank
Question 3 / 20 Quiz Basic Drill and Ceremonies - Part I The illustration on the right depicts a a. Line b. Rank c. Column d. Column of tows
Question 4 / 20 Quiz Basic Drill and Ceremonies - Part I The C/SGT is marching the squad to the dining facility (DFAC). The squad is probably in a _______ formation. a. line b. rank c. column d. a and b This Page Intentionally Left Blank
Question 5 / 20 Quiz Basic Drill and Ceremonies - Part I In what formation is the team leader in front? a. Line b. Column c. Column of twos d. b and c This Page Intentionally Left Blank
Question 6 / 20 Quiz Basic Drill and Ceremonies - Part I The illustration to the right depicts a a. Rank b. File c. Column d. Close interval file
Question 7 / 20 Quiz Basic Drill and Ceremonies - Part I What command is used to assemble the squad and put it in a position of attention? a. Ten-hut b. FALL IN c. Parade, REST d. A-ten-hut This Page Intentionally Left Blank
Question 8 / 20 Quiz Basic Drill and Ceremonies - Part I Which of the following statements is incorrect regarding aligning at normal interval? a. The right flank individuals raises his/her left arm to the side at shoulder level and turns his/her head and eyes to the right b. The squad forms at normal interval when the command FALL IN is given c. The person to the left of the right flank individual adjusts his/her position until his/her shoulder touches the fingertips of the right flank individual d. The left flank individual does not raise his/her arm This Page Intentionally Left Blank
Question 9 / 20 Quiz Basic Drill and Ceremonies - Part I In order to move from a line with two ranks to the column of twos depicted on the right, each member executed a a. About, FACE b. Left, FACE c. Right, FACE d. Half Right, FACE
Question 10 / 20 Quiz Basic Drill and Ceremonies - Part I When do all individuals, except right flank, turn their head and eyes to the right at the same time? a. Attention b. At Close Interval, FALL IN c. FALL IN d. Dress Right, DRESS This Page Intentionally Left Blank
Question 11 / 20 Quiz Basic Drill and Ceremonies - Part I On the command _______ members extend both arms and position themselves by short steps until their fingertips are touching the fingertips of the person to their right and left. a. Dress Right, DRESS b. At Double Interval, Dress Right, DRESS c. At Close Intervals, Dress Right, DRESS d. FALL IN This Page Intentionally Left Blank
Question 12 / 20 Quiz Basic Drill and Ceremonies - Part I On the command _______ each members raises the left arm straight forward and obtains an arm's length plus about 6 inches to the back of the person in front. On the command _______ each members sharply returns to the position of attention. a. COVER; RECOVER b. RECOVER; COVER c. COVER; AS YOU WERE d. RECOVER; AS YOU WERE This Page Intentionally Left Blank
Question 13 / 20 Quiz Basic Drill and Ceremonies - Part I Any attempt to change interval will be preceded by the command _______. a. Dress Right, DRESS b. COVER c. Count, OFF d. Right, FACE This Page Intentionally Left Blank
Question 14 / 20 Quiz Basic Drill and Ceremonies - Part I Which one of the following is incorrect? a. When counting off in a line, each member, except the right flank, turns his head and eyes to the right b. When counting off in a line, all members turn their head and eyes to the right c. When counting off in a line, each member counts off the next higher number d. When counting off in a line, each member counts off the next higher number and simultaneously turns his/her head and eyes to the front This Page Intentionally Left Blank
Question 15 / 20 Quiz Basic Drill and Ceremonies - Part I On command _______, all members to the left of the right flank face to the left, take one step less than their number, halt, and execute a Right Face. a. Count, OFF b. Close Interval, MARCH c. Double Interval, MARCH d. Normal Interval, MARCH This Page Intentionally Left Blank
Question 16 / 20 Quiz Basic Drill and Ceremonies - Part I (see pictures on right) What position should you assume when addressing all Non-Commissioned Officers? a. A b. B c. C d. It depends, sometimes A and sometimes C AB C
Question 17 / 20 Quiz Basic Drill and Ceremonies - Part I In what rest position(s) are the arms high and tight with the thumbs interlocking? a. Parade, REST b. Stand At, EASE c. Attention d. a and b This Page Intentionally Left Blank
Question 18 / 20 Quiz Basic Drill and Ceremonies - Part I Which of the following statements is incorrect? a. With AT EASE you may move with arms relaxed and thumbs interlaced, but may not talk b. With REST you may move your right foot c. With REST you may move, talk, or drink but may not move your right foot d. none of the above This Page Intentionally Left Blank
Question 19 / 20 Quiz Basic Drill and Ceremonies - Part I When would you pick up your left toe and right heel and pivot 90 degrees? a. Right, FACE b. Left, FACE c. Half Right, FACE d. About, FACE This Page Intentionally Left Blank
Question 20 / 20 Quiz Basic Drill and Ceremonies - Part I Which of the following is a one-count movement? a. Right, FACE b. Left, FACE c. About, FACE d. Present, ARMS This Page Intentionally Left Blank
Grade Quiz Quiz Basic Drill and Ceremonies - Part I You have completed the Drills and Ceremonies - Part I course quiz. Click the grade quiz button below to see your grade. Please follow these instructions: a. Once you click the Grade Quiz button, a window will appear indicating the correct number of questions. If you did not earn at least 16 correct questions, revisit the course material and take the test again. b. If you did earn at least 16 correct questions, press the print screen (PrtSc) button on your computer. Then, open Microsoft Paint (mspaint.exe), go to Edit, and click Paste. c. A screenshot of your final score will now appear on your screen. Please print the screenshot and take it to your Commanding Officer. Grade Quiz Exit Course
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