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Telenor Ignite Application Submission Template. 2 Submission (web form) Form Team: Name, BU, unit, position, email, t-number, phone number, team role.

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Presentation on theme: "Telenor Ignite Application Submission Template. 2 Submission (web form) Form Team: Name, BU, unit, position, email, t-number, phone number, team role."— Presentation transcript:

1 Telenor Ignite Application Submission Template

2 2 Submission (web form) Form Team: Name, BU, unit, position, email, t-number, phone number, team role Idea one-liner, category, 150 character description PPT Max 10 pages Max 5 MB (compress pictures) Optional video Max 3 minutes Share link to external sharing site like Dropbox, Google Drive

3 3 Sample filled up form Team: Apocalypse Idea one liner (150 characters max): Apocalypse is an online market place for landlords and real estate developers to choose and offer housing development at customized service and price. Participant 1:  Name: Masrafe Mortaza  Designation: Senior Specialist, Sourcing, Grameenphone.  TID: 123456  Phone: 0123456789  E-mail:  Telenor Business Unit: Bangladesh  Team role: Team leader (hustler) Participant 2:  Name: Tamim Iqbal  Designation: Executive, Media Planning, Grameenphone.  TID: 654321  Phone: 9876543210  E-mail:  Telenor Business Unit: Bangladesh  Team role: Product development (hacker) Participant 3:  TBC * Word doc could be used as well

4 4 Sample PPT Slide 1 Slide 2Slide 3 Slide 4 Slide 5 Slide 6 Slide 7Slide 8 Slide 9 Slide 10 Intro slide Team Idea Customer pain point Facts/ figures Feedback/survey The big ideaProduct/ service description Core target promise Market size/ industry/ competition Challenges Resource requirements How will you go about it Why your team and not others? End slide Annex * Possible to make 10 individual slides with some more detailing. Remember, it is your story that the panel has to believe in.

5 5 Sample Video 00: 30 min 1: 30 Min 00: 30 Min Who you are? Team, BU. What is the customer pain point? Problem you are trying to solve. What is your idea/ proposal? Digital Product/ service Keep this crisp and to the point for and unknown audience to understand * Host BU participants sample video will be uploaded in FB@ work and website

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