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Dr. Mirshah - Principal Mr. Armwood Administrator to 10 th Grade & 9 th Grade A-E Mr. Lyles Administrator to 12 th Grade & 9 th Grade F-M Mrs. Valentine.

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Presentation on theme: "Dr. Mirshah - Principal Mr. Armwood Administrator to 10 th Grade & 9 th Grade A-E Mr. Lyles Administrator to 12 th Grade & 9 th Grade F-M Mrs. Valentine."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dr. Mirshah - Principal Mr. Armwood Administrator to 10 th Grade & 9 th Grade A-E Mr. Lyles Administrator to 12 th Grade & 9 th Grade F-M Mrs. Valentine Administrator to 11 th Grade & 9 th Grade N-Z Guidance Counselors - Ms. Hawkins – 9 th Grade - Mrs. Johnson – 10 th Grade/12 th - Mrs. Shepherd – 11 th Grade/12 th

2 Marianne Williamson


4 Keys to Success!

5 EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES Largo High School offers many opportunities for you to actively participate in extracurricular activities and to develop and expand your interests, talents, and service to the school and community. –Maintain eligibility (2.0 GPA – 2.5 GPA preferred). –Attend all scheduled classes and arrive on time –Excellent behavior and respectful attitude at all times

6 Progress Towards Graduation 9 th -10 th Grades SubjectCredits English4 Social Studies3 (req. US, LSN, WH) Science3 (req. Biology) Math4 (req. Alg 1, Geometry, Alg 2, +1) Physical Education0.5 Health0.5 Fine Arts1 Tech Ed1 Completers and Electives4 Total21 Assessments PARCC English 9PARCC Algebra 1/Geom/Alg2HSA BiologyHSA Government

7 SubjectQ 1 Q 2Q 3Q4PtsCredit English 9706052492310 US History857260903071.0 Integrated Sciences556677882861.0 Algebra 1928090802621.0 P. E.726252522380.5 Health9095981003830.5 Art 1858890953581.0 Foundations of Tech606060602401.0


9 Progress Towards Graduation 11 th -12 Grades SubjectCredits English4 Social Studies3 (req. US, LSN, WH) Science3 (req. Biology) Math3 (req. Alg 1, Geometry, +1) Physical Education0.5 Health0.5 Fine Arts1 Tech Ed1 Completers and Electives5 Total21 Assessments HSA English 10 - 396HSA Biology - 400HSA Algebra - 412HSA Government – 394 Combined Score of 1602 Needed


11 One lunch period per student per day Students w/ 1 st and 2 nd lunch must return to their 3 rd period classes after lunch Students are not allowed to receive food from family and friends during the day. Must have passes to go to teachers or library Cafeteria Cleanliness Lunch Room

12 When the fire alarm sounds off: All students and staff MUST evacuate the building Maintain order while moving quickly to your nearest exit Report to your teacher for attendance DO NOT return to the building until given the “all clear” Follow staff directions Fire Drills and Emergencies

13 Why: Public safety, severe weather, hazardous material release Listen for an announcement of a shelter-in-place and do the following: Clear halls. Report to the nearest classroom. Staff will take attendance. Close all windows and doors. Remain in classroom – no passes. Follow all staff directions. Shelter-in-Place

14 Why: Significant safety concern Listen for an announcement of a lockdown alert and do the following: Go to nearest securable (locked) location. Remain in secure and darkened classroom: –Maintain silence –Do not use any electronic devices. –Ignore alarms and bells. –Do not open the locked classroom door. Follow all staff directions. Lockdown

15 Technology: Electronics for Instructional Use Only Personal Electronics are permitted at the discretion of the classroom instructor. Personal Electronics when not in use should not be visible Personal Electronics should not be charged on school property or using school computer.

16 LOST/STOLEN Personal Property Secure all personal items in your locker or on your body Report Stolen items to an Investigative Counselor (IC) Complete a written report for the stolen item with the IC File the report with IC

17 Lockers are for your personal use ONLY Lockers can be searched at the administrators discretion You are responsible for ANYTHING found in your locker DO NOT share lockers, you may loose privileges LOCKERS

18 WHITE or NAVY Blue Collard Shirts Denim Button Down Shirts Permitted ONLY OVER WHITE or NAVY Blue Collard Shirts NAVY Blue Pants or Skirts NO JEANS!!!! NO DRESSES!!!! ALL Students are permitted to wear Largo High School Issued Spirit Wear recognizing your class, club, athletic team, etc. Uniform Policy

19 Getting to class on time is important. You will be notified 60sec before a hall sweep. Administration will be conducting frequent hall sweeps to identify students who are constantly late to class. Students frequently caught in hall sweeps will be assigned Saturday detention. Avoid the hassle- get to class on time! Hall Sweeps

20 Peer Pressure Everyone ends up dealing with peer pressure at some point. Peer pressure can cause people to do things they would not normally do. It is easy to get caught up in the moment and forget that you will have to live with the choices you make. So what should you do? –Listen to your gut –Avoid bad situations –It’s OK to say “no” –Don’t let other people control you –Be friends with people who feel and think like you –Get help from an adult you trust

21 Any reference to the word “Staff” includes the following people: Teachers Substitutes Building Service Personnel Bus Personnel Office Personnel Adult Volunteers Support Staff Students are expected to conduct themselves in a positive, productive, and responsible manner at all times. Students are required to demonstrate behavior that does not interfere with the rights or safety of others and does not disturb the orderly business of the school.

22 Consequences: Involvement of School Police Referral to Administration *Administrative Consequence Expulsion Referral to school other than LHS Out of school suspension In school suspension Parent conference Cafeteria Duty Saturday School Teacher Consequence NO FIGHTING Alternatives: Peer Mediation Administrative Conference Parent Conference Community Conferencing



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