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Public Policy in the International Context Unit 6- Kaplan University Introduction to Policy Making.

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1 Public Policy in the International Context Unit 6- Kaplan University Introduction to Policy Making

2 Realism Realpolitik Machiavelli- The Discourses and The Prince Basically, politics is about power. Controlling power, identifying the various elements of power, and harnessing that power for one’s own narrow self- interest, remains the ultimate goal of the realist Thomas Hobbes- The Leviathan- another realist Human nature- basically bad.

3 Idealism Aristotle, St. Thomas Aquinas The role of government is to promote the basic good of each person. When we act in harmony, we can promote the basic positive qualities of human nature. Human nature is basically good. Government’s role is to promote that good.

4 Foreign Policy Issues Let’s discuss some of the recent foreign policy dilemmas facing America. Several rules: – Please keep the tone civil. No throwing in what some particular political commentator says. I am moderating the discussion. – Stay focused on analyzing the issues.

5 America’s War on Terrorism Iraq Iran Afghanistan Our defense spending and overall budget towards the war.

6 Our Position on Israel and Palestine Where should the line be drawn? To what extent should we engage in this conflict? Who is our ally? Do we have an enemy?

7 American Foreign Oil Policy Are we too dependent on foreign oil? Should we drill off-shore? Has the Gulf Coast Oil Spill changed our stance on foreign oil? Does this blend into our domestic policy?

8 Air Quality and Environmental Issues Worldwide Has America taken a strong position in the environmental issues of clean air and clean water? Are developing nations able to meet the standards? Do we look the other way with large trade partners that supply a large labor and manufacturing infrastructure

9 Regulating Multi-National Corporations Is it possible? Are American interests protected or enhanced with mnc’s? Has our national strength been increased or diminished with MNC proliferation?

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