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FAQ & Go Live Review Thursday, June 23, 2016. FAQ & Go Live Review Thursday, June 23, 2016 Areas of Coverage Areas of Continued Focus What has changed.

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Presentation on theme: "FAQ & Go Live Review Thursday, June 23, 2016. FAQ & Go Live Review Thursday, June 23, 2016 Areas of Coverage Areas of Continued Focus What has changed."— Presentation transcript:

1 FAQ & Go Live Review Thursday, June 23, 2016

2 FAQ & Go Live Review Thursday, June 23, 2016 Areas of Coverage Areas of Continued Focus What has changed since Go Live? Frequently Asked Questions Open Forum for Questions & Answers

3 Areas of Continued Focus Existing Environment Is Logmein installed on all computers? Is Millennium installed on all computers? Is Millennium accessible for all Windows logins? Is Your New/Replacement Main Computer installed? Millennium data been transferred to new Main Computer? Are you experiencing slow performance? Memory Upgrade? Continued Data Entry/Adjustments Obtaining Credit Card Information from Members Manually Paying EFT’s in Millennium for successful EFT drafts that occurred in RMS. Please Note: When you collect a member’s credit card/payment information, you do not have to use the “Client Membership Insert” feature to add it to their profile in Millennium. You can simply go to that customer’s profile (Data -> Clients -> Client Information), click on the Membership button and then on the “CC/ACH Info” button. Remember, once you collect a member’s credit card/payment information, you still need to go back into RMS and mark their profile as “Non EFT” as well as remove the default note in Millennium.

4 Changes Since Go Live Security Settings Reports (i.e. DB001 List Members by Membership Type, MR100 Transaction Log, etc.) Functionality (Delete Referral Types, etc.) Client Membership Input Screen (Retreat Directors or Higher) Coupon/Discount Codes Elev-$3.00 ($3.00 Elevation Discount) Elev-$6.00 ($6.00 Elevation Discount) Elev-$10.00 ($10.00 Elevation Discount) Membership Pricing $42.99 pricing for a 90 Minute Massage (Grandfathered Memberships Only) $13.00 pricing for a 30 Minute Upgrade (Grandfathered Membership Only) New Service Codes EVENT15 – 15 Minute Chair Event EVENT30 – 30 Minute Chair Event Specific Retreat Requests/Adjustments Couples Massage Appointment Category added to Shoal Creek Retreat Specific Coupon/Discount codes added to Tempe Retreat Standard Pricing Templates assigned to Adobe Plaza & South Pointe Plaza Retreats Ability to adjust recurring fees for Nugget Plaza, The Landings, & University Park

5 Changes Since Go Live New Millennium Update (Help -> Update History) Ticketing System is now accessible via Help Menu (Help – Submit Ticket) Added State and Phone Number next to the Client's Membership Home Location Added the ability to UnWaive a Waived EFT Added prompt to pay a single Suspended EFT rather than being forced to pay ALL Suspended EFT's when multiple EFT's are suspended by highlighting a Suspended EFT and clicking the Pay EFT button (CO) Enhanced the CO Globe screen, Formulas/Visit Notes option to import the Employee as well as the formula/visit note when choosing to add the selected formula to local client data if the Employee exists at both locations and has the same global id (CO) Added Global Client Info button to Clients History in Data->Clients->Client Information, History button which will allow you to quickly access the CO Globe screen with the client already filled in to retrieve any type of Global information Enhanced Missed Opportunity to automatically fill in the Date, Time Range, and Desired Employee by the cells that are highlighted in the Appointment Book prior to clicking on the Missed button (Same as Block Time feature) (CO) Enhanced the Appointment Book to automatically update the Appointment Category to the correct membership status if the Client's Membership was sold at another location. This will happen the first time Millennium is opened everyday Set security for screen access to the Client Membership Input Screen to Franchise Owners or Higher (this feature will not be accessible as of November 25 th )

6 Frequently Asked Questions Security Access Lifestyle Consultants, Retreat Directors, Franchise Owners, etc. do not have access to perform certain tasks. All security adjustments must be approved through Massage Heights Corporate. Once approved, it literally takes seconds to adjust Logmein Both Franchise Owners & Area Developers would like remote access to their location or region respectively. If you have not received an invitation via Logmein, please submit a ticket so that we can get you accommodated Hardware Configuration Receipt Printers, Credit Card Swipes, etc. EFT Management Manually paying EFT’s that were successfully processed in RMS, re-submitting EFT’s for draft, prepaid massages are not being posted to their account upon successful draft of EFT Reciprocating Members Inability to redeem a prepaid massage or elevation for a member whose memberships originates at a retreat other than my own. Your visual “key” to determine whether or not you are checking out the correct member is the Blue Star icon. If they do not have it, then it’s not the right member

7 Frequently Asked Questions Transaction Maintenance (Voids, Edits, etc.) Membership Upgrades & Downgrades The customer appears checked out already, so can I still check them out? I selected the wrong payment type, didn’t assign the tip to the massage therapist, gave credit of the product to the wrong Lifestyle Consultant, etc. RMS Prepaid versus RMS Gift Certificate Payment Type Reconciliation (i.e. Closing for the Day) Cash Pay In/Out MUST be used anytime money is placed into the drawer (i.e. cash replenishment) or taken out of the drawer Why do I have two different drawers (EFT Billing & Main Drawer)? Tips must be paid back into the drawer prior to closing My Lifestyle Consultants do not have the ability to see the “Calculated” totals on the closing screen; only the “Actual” amounts? You have the ability to adjust the opening cash amount and closing totals from days prior by navigating to Activities -> Edit Opening Cash/Edit Closing Totals Payroll Employee Specific Commissions MUST be set up for each Membership/Treatment Reports & Analytics Membership Reports Daily Membership Statistics can be viewed by navigating to Appointments -> Daily Membership Statistics

8 Question & Answer Open Forum for Questions & Answers from Attendees

9 Thank You!

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