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What the World Needs Now The State of Missions.

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1 What the World Needs Now The State of Missions







8 Latin America Population: 500 million Churches: 1200 Members: 60,000 Missionaries: 200



11 Europe 729 million souls 12% of world’s population over 300 missionaries serving and teaching workers are urgently needed for Europe’s 5 “unreached” nations



14 Africa Population of Sub-Saharan Africa: 771 million 13% of world’s population






20 Asia Population: 3.6 billion 61% of earth’s population 2000 languages 89 world class cities only 8% claim allegiance to Christ

21 Encouraging Trends in Asia Estimated 800 congregations Globalization brings new exposure to gospel Bright spots: –58 vocational missionaries teaching English in China –24 missionaries, 300 congregations in Philippines –Doors opening in Southeast Asia –Receptivity among folk Muslims in Indonesia

22 Challenges in Asia The odds: Estimated 150 missionaries working to reach three billion Government restrictions limit access Christianity equated with Western culture Pervasive influence of ancient religions

23 Total of about 25,000 islands covering 1.6 million square kilometers The largest spread of territory on the planet and includes Micronesia, Melanesia, and Polynesia Population: Australia/Oceania = 31,000,000 Oceania

24 Australia Area same as lower 48 states in U.S. Population: under 20 million ½ either 1 st or 2 nd generation immigrants

25 Religion in Australia 27% Catholic, 22% Anglican, 25% no religious affiliation about 90 congregations oaverage membership = 23 ono congregation with membership larger than 150 olast American missionaries pulled out in 2000 after planting church in ‘83

26 New Zealand Population: 3,819,762 Languages: English, Maori Land: about size of Colorado

27 Religion in New Zealand 29% Anglican, 18% Presbyterian, 15% Catholic, 38% Other 23 congregations o 1,083 members o 9 missionaries

28 Challenges and Needs in Australia & New Zealand stronger national leadership through eldership, and evangelists workers to teach English to growing immigrant population contextualization of the gospel to the various ethnic groups a strong call to abandon secularism

29 Papua New Guinea Population: 4,926,984 about size of Idaho and Oregon English spoken by 1%-2%, pidgin English widespread o 823 living languages (highest concentration in world)  800 with no translation of the Bible

30 Religion in Papua New Guinea 56% Protestant (with large Lutheran rep.), 32% Roman Catholic, 12% Indigenous/Tradition last count = 160 congregations 5 missionary families in 3 cities

31 Challenges In Papua New Guinea pervasive animistic world view, even among Christians more than 200 cultures with different traditions

32 Encouraging Trends/Opportunities in Papua New Guinea receptivity to gospel when explained in local languages Pioneer Bible Translators working on indigenous translations rapid urbanization means we also need workers in trade languages

33 Some Encouraging Trends 1.Growing number of young people interested in missions. 2.Missionaries are better trained. 3.Mission teams are more common.

34 4. Increasing number of missionaries from countries other than the U.S. 5.Shift away from bringing nationals to America for training to training them at home.

35 6.Increasing number of short-term efforts is raising missions awareness in sending churches. 7.Sending churches are coordinating their efforts in certain fields.

36 8.Wealth and mobility are enhancing the role of sending churches in the efforts they support. 9. Increasing number of churches that are recruiting missionaries. 10.More U.S. churches reaching out to internationals in their own communities.

37 Some Likely Challenges 1. Missionaries committing to shorter terms of service. 2.Danger that short-term campaigns replace more effective, long-term missions. 3.Increasing number of countries closed to Western missionaries.

38 4.The impact of philosophical pluralism, relativism and terrorism on prospective missionaries and their parents. 5.Declining evangelism in U.S. churches.

39 6.Materialism in American churches and increased competition for missions dollars. 7. Worldwide urbanization 8.Population explosion and the poverty that comes with it.

40 9. Linking benevolence and evangelism in a holistic way. 10. Forging partnerships with national churches and leaders that help and don’t hurt.


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