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2016 WEBs-AX Security. Agenda Introductions System Overview Access Programming People Badges Badge Templates Reports.

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Presentation on theme: "2016 WEBs-AX Security. Agenda Introductions System Overview Access Programming People Badges Badge Templates Reports."— Presentation transcript:

1 2016 WEBs-AX Security

2 Agenda Introductions System Overview Access Programming People Badges Badge Templates Reports

3 System Overview

4 JAVA Enterprise Security is a Java based application Java applets are downloaded to the Client PC to allow local application execution (This is faster than running the application at the remote server) Install Java to have full access to system applications such as the alarm console Enterprise Security is compatible with Java 6 Update 33. Do not install Java 7 – you will have issues with Photo ID. Link to free download:

5 Browser Access Supported Browsers - Mozilla Firefox or Internet Explorer - Mozilla may add links to outside sources – this can become annoying - Other browsers may have issues such as improperly sized windows, support of pop-up windows, selecting objects, etc. Browser Settings - Enable Pop-ups - Enable File Downloads (for exporting database) - Enable Automatic Prompting for File Downloads - Set Java Permissions to Low Safety - Enable Scripting of Java applets

6 On-Line Help Utilize Context-Sensitive on-line help From any system view click the Help Icon. You’ll be automatically linked to the most relevant topic.

7 On-Line Help From any help view, click on the help icon again to get the full Table of Contents

8 Navigation – Initial View Initial View – Items may not be in the view if the User does not have access. To return to this view at any time, click on the Home button. - Expand/contract items using the + button Alarm Console Icon - Displays an Alarm Snapshot Job Service Icon - Displays System Processes Tenant Filter Icon - Allows filtering by Tenant View Icon - Adds a window with the current view. You can then keep your current view active while you navigate to other views.

9 Common Function Buttons Add /Remove Objects Hyperlink to Selected Item Delete Item Edit Filter / Active Filter Column Chooser Refresh Report Manager Export Report Assign Mode Click Once to Select – Click Twice to Hyperlink

10 Common Terms User – A person that programs or configures a system Badges – credentials that are used for accessing the system. These may be cards, key fobs, or PIN numbers People – individuals that have badges and access rights Access Right – Rule that describes when People may have access to a certain place. Tenant – a user category that allows access to a subset of people, badges, badge templates,and access rights Intrusion Zone – A group of alarmable points that may be enabled or disabled together. The Zone may trigger alarm sequences and email notifications.

11 Supervisor – Controller Relationship The Security Controllers are Subordinate to the Supervisor All programming of people, badges, access control and schedules are pushed from the Supervisor down to the controller. This process may take up to 15 minutes from the time the data is entered. - A controller synchronization can be forced if needed - Some programming for Intrusion Zones and door scheduling needs to be done by connecting to the controller. The controller will continue to operate if connection to the Supervisor is lost.

12 Access Programming

13 Tenant Function The Tenant Function is used to segregate User access to Badges, People, Badge Templates, and Access Rights Typically used for systems where Badge Operators are associated with different entities controlled and monitored by the same system. The Tenant Function is optional – if segregation isn’t needed, then don’t add tenants.

14 Adding a Tenant Navigate to Personnel>Tenants Click on to add a Tenant Add a Tenant Name and optional Description - If you have already added People, Access Rights, etc., you can assign them to the Tenant from this view.

15 Tenant Filter Click on the Tenant Icon at the Upper Right Corner of the screen. The User can select any tenant filter that he has permission to use

16 Access Rights Access Right Card Reader /Door Personnel Access Right Schedule Tenant User Access Rights have an associated schedule to determine when credentials will grant access. Card readers are assigned to Access Rights. Access Rights are assigned to People. A person will not be granted access without an assigned access right.

17 Optimizing Access Rights An Access Right is a rule that determines WHO has access to a PLACE at what TIME. Decide on Groups of People that have specific Access Needs. Make the restrictions as loose as possible without compromising security. Create Access Rights for the Groups of people – encompass as many groups as you can.

18 Planning GroupDoorsScheduleAccess Right TeachersFront and Rear Exterior Doors, Staff restrooms M-F 6AM – 6PMGeneral Day Access Day Maintenance Front and Rear Exterior Doors, Staff restrooms M-F 6AM – 6PMGeneral Day Access Night Maintenance Front and Rear Exterior Doors, Staff restrooms 7 Days, M-F 4PM-1AM, Weekends 24 hrs General Night Access Swim CoachesFront and Rear Doors, Pool, Pool Locker Rooms 7 Days -5 AM – 11 PMSwim Basketball Coaches Front and Rear Doors, Gym, Equipment, Locker rooms 7 Days – 5 AM – 11 PMAthletics Gymnastic Coaches Front and Rear Doors, Gym, Equipment, Locker rooms 7 Days – 5 AM – 11 PMAthletics Combine Groups into one access right where possible Use care if sharing schedules between access rights If schedules and doors are very similar, consider combining groups into one access right Avoid assigning multiple access rights to a group – this practice increases the size of the database by adding extra columns to the entire database for each additional access right assigned.

19 Create Schedules Create Calendar Schedules for Holidays and events that affect multiple Access Rights and/or multiple schedules Navigate to System Setup > Schedules > Calendar Schedules Add Calendar Schedule – Click on the

20 Setting Up Calendar Schedules Add Events - Click on - Name Event - Program Event Dates - Save Changes

21 Setting Up Weekly Schedules Navigate to System Setup > Schedules > Schedules Add Weekly Schedule - Click on Select Schedule Type – for schedules used for multiple or special purposes, select Custom

22 Setting Up Weekly Schedules Set up Times on the Scheduler Tab - Drag and Drop Times, or enter the start/finish times below - Note the action on the event – this can be changed using the drop-down menu on the Output option

23 Setting up Weekly Schedules (cont.) Setup Options on the Schedule Setup Tab - If desired, change the default output. This is the schedule output that is used as the background for events - You may also change the text that the schedule displays when it is true or false

24 Setting up Weekly Schedules (cont.) Add Special Events from the Special Events tab - Add Events – click on - You may either add an event for this particular schedule, or “Reference” a calendar schedule - Program the override schedule for days that are special events - If you have already created Access Rights or Intrusion Pins, you can assign them to the schedule now.

25 Adding Access Rights Navigate to Personnel > Access Rights Add an Access Right – Click From Access Rights Tab, Name the Access Right and assign a schedule

26 Adding Access Rights – Discover Readers From Readers Tab, Click on the Assign Mode Button to list system readers. Select Readers from the Unassigned Section of the view and click to add them to your access right If you have already programmed people and badges, you can assign them to the Access Right now.

27 People – Adding, Editing, Reports

28 Adding People Navigate to Personnel > People Add Person – Click Depending on how the user is configured, 2 views for adding people are available Single Tab Data Entry – More convenient. Some features not available such as enrolling badges, adding new badges, expiring access rights. Multi-Tab entry – more feature available, but not as quick

29 People View - Reports Show a summary of the Person’s Information Go to report that shows Person’s Access History Show Readers that the Person can access Show when access rights expire Manage Reports Export Report

30 People View – Other Features Hyperlink to Person’s page Mass Edit Records Filter People (red = active) Select or arrange Columns Refresh View

31 Additional Person Information Navigate to Personnel > Additional Personnel Data Click Data fields added will show up on people’s pages, and can be added as columns in the People view for sorting and filtering Enable Smart Sense when the field will have the same data for many people. Saves time and helps you keep the field consistent.

32 Importing / Exporting People Records Navigate to System Setup > Access Setup > Additional Personnel Entry Click on Export to create a template for importing data Select your option for Export. If you will be importing photos, select “File Names Only” or “Files”. This will set up the template for importing photos. This is also a good way to back up your personnel database in case you need to recover it at a later time. If you export the photo files, a zip file is created with personnel info and the photos.

33 Importing / Exporting People Records (cont) Sample zip file with portraits and personnel data file. Note that the data backup is in csv (comma separated value) format. All personnel data used for importing needs to be in this format.

34 Importing / Exporting People Records (cont) To create a template, open the csv file and delete all the user information. (You can’t import over existing records). You now have a header that you can use for importing. Delete unused columns. The only columns that are required are LastName, AccessRight, Credential. If all the card formats are the same, delete the format column and select it from the menu when you import. You can do the same with the Tenant Column. Exported PINs are encrypted. Access Right Names are case sensitive. If you don’t enter the access right exactly the same as it is in the system, a new access right will be created with no schedule and no readers

35 Importing / Exporting People Records (cont) Click on Browse, and select the file for import. If you are importing people without photos, then you will select a csv file. If you are importing people and photos, create a folder that contains the csv file and a folder with your portraits. Zip the folder that contains these items. Make sure that the “thumbs” file added automatically by Windows is not included in the zip file. NOTES: This operation does not work with some versions of FireFox. All Portrait extensions (jpg, png) must be in lower case for import

36 Importing / Exporting People Records (cont) 1.After Selecting the import file, Click on Save 2.You will either get a Success or Fail Pop-up 3.Click on Show Details to make sure that the import had the expected results. 4.Note: Once you import records, you cannot overwrite them. If you need to make changes, delete and import again.

37 Badges – Adding, Editing, Reports

38 Adding Badges Navigate to Personnel > Badges Enroll a Badge Batch Enroll Badges Add a Single Badge Enter a range of Badges

39 Enroll a Badge If you need to add a badge and you don’t know the credential number or format, you can enroll it from any system reader and add it. 1.Select Enrollment Reader 2.Swipe Badge at the Reader 3.Select an acceptable Format 4.Optional – Select Template, Tenant, Owner, Issue and Expiration Dates, and set the status.

40 Add a Single Badge Manually add a single badge where the credential, facility code, and format are known. 1.Enter Credential and Wiegand Format 2.Optionally enter other fields

41 Batch Enroll Badges Use this function to enroll many badges that have the same format. This is useful if you have a bunch of badges that are not in sequential order. 1.Select Enrollment Reader 2.Select Wiegand Format 3.Swipe badges 4.Add other optional fields – the information will be applied to all cards added

42 Range Create Badges Use this function to add a group of sequential badges where the Wiegand format, credential, and facility code are known. This is useful for adding a new box of cards for assignment later 1.Enter Credential Start and Credential Finish 2.Select Wiegand Format 3.Enter Facility Code (if applicable) 4.Optionally enter any other data – the data will apply to all cards in the range.

43 Other features of the Badge View Run a Person Reader Report – All readers the person has access to Run an Access History Report for this credential Show expiration dates for assigned access rights Batch Editing

44 Batch Editing Badges Make changes to many badges at one time – either to the selected item, or all items available with the current filter

45 Creating / Importing Badge Templates

46 Asure ID Template Design Select the Card Setup Tab

47 Most cards are CR-80 size and printed in the portrait orientation. Asure ID Template Design (cont.)

48 Click on the Photo Option. Using your mouse, draw a rectangle approximately the position and size you want the photo to be. A property template is automatically displayed. Asure ID Template Design (cont.) 1.Set the format type you will use for your photos – jpg or png. 2.Set Width and Height to a standard ratio – typically 3 to 4. 3.Set the border color if desired, or turn it off.

49 1.Select Text Label from the menu bar 2.Add Text Labels that will be shown on all cards with this template Asure ID Template Design (cont.)

50 Add Images or a background if desired. Import from graphic files. Save the template. Asure ID Template Design (cont.)

51 Importing Templates Navigate to > Photo ID > Photo ID Network Hyperlink to the Asure ID Device that corresponds to the platform where the template was created. Select the Templates Tab

52 Importing Templates (cont) Click on the Discover Button Under the Discovered section, highlight New templates to add to the database Click on the Add Button Assign a tenant to the template (optional)

53 Importing Templates (cont) Hyperlink to the newly added Template

54 Importing Templates (cont) Discover Data fields for the template – click Highlight a discovered data field - click Match the data fields to system data Continue adding and matching data fields until all the fields have been added to the database

55 Importing Templates (cont) You may assign Tenants and Badges to the template by selecting the appropriate tab. Select the Assign Mode tab Select and Add Tenants/Badges Badges will be re-assigned to the new template

56 Reports

57 Navigate to Reports Access History is the default report Report Data Retention Settings Displays Details for Selected Record Auto-update report Filter – Defaults to Today’s events Refresh Manage Reports Export

58 Reports Access History - Card/reader transactions Alarm History - System Alarms Intrusion History - Security Alarms Attendance History - If configured, clock-in, clock out transactions Audit History - User actions Log History - System messages and errors Hardware Reports – Useful for diagnosing system problems. Shortcut to system hardware configuration - Doors - Readers - Inputs - Outputs - Elevators - Remote Modules - Intrusion Displays - BACnet Points Miscellaneous Reports - Person Access Right - Person Reader - Access Right Reader - Personnel Changes

59 Creating Custom Reports 1.Click on Manage Reports Icon 2.Select Add to add a copy of the current report 3.Name the new report, Select a Navigation path from the drop down menu. Select the Index – 0 makes the report the default in the path. Any other number determines the order it is listed. 4.Report is now available – customize the report columns and filters. Schedule email, export.

60 Create Folder for Reports Navigate to System Setup > Miscellaneous > Graphics > Navigation Groups Click on the Add button to add a group The folder is not visible until an item is added to it

61 2013 WEBs Security

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