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Chromosomes The chromosomes have been considered as the physical bases of heredity because they have a special organization, individuality, functions and are capable of self-reproduction. Their main chemical constituent is DNA, an universally accepted genetic or hereditary material, found to carry genetic informations from one generation to next generation.
The Global Structure of Chromosome
Nucleotides --> DNA --> Gene --> Chromosome --> Genome Human DNA is ~ 2 meters long. Specialized proteins bind to and fold DNA into coils and loops, providing higher level of organization. The most important function of DNA is to carry genes. The information that specifies all the proteins that make up an organism-including information aobut when, in what types of cells, and in what quantity each protein is to be made. The complete set of information in an organism’s DNA is called its genome. The genome of eucaryotes are packed into a set of chromosomes. To pack 2 meter DNA into a nucleus is equivalent to packing 40 km of extremely find thread into a tennis ball.
Therefore genetic information is found on our chromosomes
repetitive (satellite) sequence DNA repetitive sequence (TTAGGG)n
Chromosome repetitive (satellite) sequence DNA repetitive sequence (TTAGGG)n DNA telomere short (p-) arm centromere chromatid long (q-) arm telomere
Telomeres of human chromosomes
Identifying chromosomes
Chromosomes can be identified by: Their size Their shape (the position of the centromere) NB Chromosomes are flexible Banding patterns produced by specific stains (Giemsa) Chromosomes are analysed by organising them into a KARYOTYPE © © 2007 Paul Billiet ODWS
Human Chromosomes We have 46 chromosomes, or 23 pairs.
44 of them are called autosomes and are numbered 1 through 22. Chromosome 1 is the longest, 22 is the shortest. The other 2 chromosomes are the sex chromosomes: the X chromosome and the Y chromosome. Males have and X and a Y; females have 2 X’s: XY vs. XX.
Chromosomal aberrations
A chromosome anomaly, abnormality or aberration reflects an atypical number of chromosomes or a structural abnormality in one or more chromosomes.
Chromosomal aberrations
Substantial changes in chromosome structure Typically affect multiple genes (loci)
Radiation Induced Chromosomal Aberrations
Chromosomal aberration may be divided into two broad categories: 1
Chromosomal aberration may be divided into two broad categories: 1. Structural changes 2. Numerical changes
Structural changes
Changes in the number of genes
deletions: genes missing duplications: genes added
Changes in the location of genes
inversions: 180o rotation translocations: exchange
DELETIONS Deletions involve the loss of a chromosome segment Because these mutations are due to the loss of genetic material, they cannot revert to wild type
DELETIONS Arise through spontaneous breakage
some chromosomes have fragile spots radiation, UV, chemicals, viruses may increase breakage
x DELETIONS May arise through unequal crossing over A B C D E F G
A B C D E F F G A B C D E G Deletion Duplication
DELETIONS The effects of the deletion depend on which genes are deleted And on what alleles of these genes reside on the homologous chromosome
DELETIONS Deletion of one allele of a homozygous wild type normal.
Deletion of heterozygote normal or mutant (possibly lethal). Deletion of centromere typically results in chromosome loss(usually lethal; no known living human has a complete autosome deleted).
Deletion Mapping A B C D E F a b c d e f a b c d e f A B E F F1:
WT A B C D E F a b c d e f X a b c d e f deletion A B E F F1: A B C D E F All WT 50% a b c d e f & A B E F Mutant phenotype for c and d (c & d phenotype “uncovered by deletion) 50% a b c d e f
DELETIONS Any genes in the deleted region are now present in a hemizygous condition on the homologue If these alleles are recessive, their phenotypes will now be expressed. This phenomenon is called pseudodominance. pseudodominance -- expression of a recessive allele when placed over a deletion
Several human disorders are due to deletions
Several human disorders are due to deletions. All of these are small deletions - large deletions apparently cannot be tolerated Also, the deletions have their effects in heterozygotes; homozygotes are probably lethal
Ring Chromosome
X Ring
Retinoblastoma Chromosome 13 ring syndrome
A syndrome in which parts of both ends of chromosome 13 have been lost (deletion) and the two broken ends reunited to form a ring-shaped figure.
Ring chromosome 18 syndrome
One or both ends of chromosome 18 have been lost . The ends are joined forming a ring-shaped figure. Associated with mental retardation, limb deformities and other defects. No two people with Ring 18 are exactly alike, and share the same symptoms.
Cri-du-chat Syndrome chromosome 5p deletion
Cri-du-chat Syndrome Mental retardation Slow motor skill development
Low birth weight and slow growth Small head (microcephaly) Partial webbing of fingers or toes Wide-set eyes (hypertelorism) High-pitched cry
Cystic Fibrosis Mucous in the airways cannot be easily cleared from the lungs
Cystic Fibrosis Colon Feeding problems because of difficulty swallowing and sucking. Low birth weight and poor growth. Severe cognitive, speech, and motor delays. Behavioral problems such as hyperactivity, aggression, tantrums, and repetitive movements. Unusual facial features which may change over time. Excessive drooling. Constipation. Strong salt taste on dry skin Sticky mucus secretion Pancreas Ducts are filled with sticky mucus. Scaring of tissue
DUPLICATIONS A segment of chromosome is doubled A good example of duplication is seen in the Bar mutants of Drosophila
Duplications A chromosomal duplication is usually caused by abnormal events during recombination Figure 8.5
Duplication Tandem, reverse tandem, and tandem terminal duplications are three types of chromosome duplications. Duplications result in un-paired loops visible cytologically. Fig. 16.5
Duplication Duplication type Phenotypic consequences of duplications correlated to size & genes involved Duplications tend to be less detrimental
Duplication Phenotypic consequences of duplications correlated to size & genes involved Duplications tend to be less detrimental
Fig. 16.6, Drosophila Bar and double-Bar results from duplications caused by unequal crossing-over (Bridges & Müller 1930s).
Unequal crossing-over produces Bar mutants in Drosophila.
Bar-eye Phenotype due to Duplication
Figure: 07-12a Caption: (a) Genotypes & phenotypes.
Duplications Generate Gene Families
Genes derived from a single ancestral gene Figure 8.9
Gene Families Well-studied example is the globin gene family
Genes encode proteins that bind oxygen Globin gene family 14 homologous genes derived from a single ancestral gene Accumulation of mutations in the members of generated Globin genes expressed during different stages of development Globin proteins specialized in their function
Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome
Duplications of chromosome region 11p15 Patient with Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome. The face shows the enlarged tongue (macroglossia), the ear the typical earlobe creases - Marcel Mannens
An inversion results when a segment of a chromosome gets reoriented 180o from normal This requires two breaks in the chromosome
180o reversal of chromosome segment
Inversions 180o reversal of chromosome segment A B C D E F G H I J K A B C H G F E D I J K 180O
INVERSIONS May change phenotype through “position effects”
No loss of genetic information Many inversions have no phenotypic consequences May change phenotype through “position effects” move active genes to sites generally inactive; lose gene function move inactive genes to sites generally active; gain gene function
INVERSIONS Homozygous: ADCBEFGH no developmental problems ADCBEFGH
Heterozygote: ABCDEFGH unequal-crossing Gamete formation differs, depending on whether it is a paracentric inversion or a pericentric inversion.
Inversion Heterozygotes
Individuals with one copy of a normal chromosome and one copy of an inverted chromosome Usually phenotypically normal Have a high probability of producing gametes that are abnormal in genetic content Abnormality due to crossing-over within the inversion interval During meiosis I, homologous chromosomes synapse with each other For the normal and inversion chromosome to synapse properly, an inversion loop must form If a cross-over occurs within the inversion loop, highly abnormal chromosomes are produced
The homologous chromosomes attempt to align similar regions next to each other as well as they can.
The chromosomes assume this characteristic loop configuration
This causes no problem, unless crossing over occurs within the inverted region
Inversions and Crossing-Over
Inversions cause complicated synapsis at meiosis for heterozygotes Chromatids involved in crossing over do not allow development of functional gametes Only parental type chromosomes passed on
Crossing-over in paracentric inversion:
(inversion does not include the centromere) Results: 1 normal chromosome 2 deletion chromosomes (inviable) 1 inversion chromosome (all genes present; viable)
Crossing-over in paracentric inversion:
(inversion does not include the centromere) Results: 1 normal chromosome 2 deletion chromosomes (inviable) 1 inversion chromosome (all genes present; viable)
Crossing-over in paracentric inversion:
(inversion does not include the centromere) Results: 1 normal chromosome 2 deletion chromosomes (inviable) 1 inversion chromosome (all genes present; viable)
Crossing-over in pericentric inversion:
(inversion includes the centromere) Results: 1 normal chromosome 2 deletion/duplication chromosomes (inviable) 1 inversion chromosome (all genes present; viable)
Since the only viable offspring are those that result from gametes which did not have crossovers within the inverted region, it appears that crossing over in the inversion has been suppressed So this is referred to as crossover suppression
Keep in mind that crossing over actually does occur in this region We just can’t observe the result in the progeny The genetic result is very tight linkage of genes in an inverted segment
A Dicentric Recombinant 9 Derived from a Paracentric Inversion:
A 4-year-old girl has been shown to have a karyotype of 46,XX,-9,+rec(9),dup pinv(9) (q22.1q34.3)mat, with duplication 9pter-q22.1 and deficiency 9q34.3-qter. The recombinant was derived by two crossovers, one within the inversion loop and a second outside the inversion loop, between 9q21 and the beginning of the mieotic inversion at 9q22.1.
Elucidation of the centromere involvement in an inversion (13) by fluorescent in situ hybridisation.
A newborn infant with phenotypic features of trisomy for distal 13q was found to have recombinant inversion duplication involving the (13)(q22-->qter) region. Parental karyotypes showed that the mother had a normal 46,XX complement and the father had an apparently balanced pericentric inversion of a chromosome
A translocation is a chromosomal mutation in which a segment of a chromosome changes position
As with inversions, translocations usually involve no net gain or loss of genetic material
Because of this, there are usually no phenotypic consequences for being heterozygous. Like other chromosome rearrangements, if breakpoints occur within genes, can result in mutation of that gene. The most frequent and important type of translocation is the reciprocal translocation.
Homologues can pair properly, and crossing over poses no problems
But meiosis is a problem in heterozygotes
But meiosis is a problem in heterozygotes. Homologues assume a characteristic cross-shape (cruciform) arrangement at metaphase Disjunction can occur in 3 ways, 2 of which produce abnormal gametes
Meiosis in a balanced translocation heterozygote, with no crossing over
Rare event
Figure 8.15 8-42
How translocation affects the products of meiotic segregation:
Gamete formation differs for homozygotes and heterozygotes: Homozygotes: translocations lead to altered gene linkage. If duplications/deletions are unbalanced, offspring may be inviable. Homozygous reciprocal translocations “normal” gametes. Heterozygotes: must pair normal chromosomes (N) with translocated chromosomes (T); heterozygotes are “semi-sterile”. Segregation occurs in three different ways (if the effects of crossing-over are ignored): Alternate segregation, ~50%: 4 complete chromosomes, each cell possesses each chromosome with all the genes (viable). Adjacent 1 segregation, ~50%: each cell possesses one chromosome with a duplication and deletion (usually inviable). Adjacent 2 segregation, rare: each cell possesses one chromosome with a duplication and deletion (usually inviable).
Translocations and Fertility
Only 1/3 of the segregations will lead to usable gametes Fertility is reduced by 2/3
Translocations can sometimes be harmful
Translocations can sometimes be harmful. Even though there is no gain or loss of genetic material, the change in location of a segment may alter the regulation of a gene in the segment
This is especially apparent if the gene is involved in the regulation of cell division. Lack of proper regulation of such a gene can result in cancer. In which case, the gene becomes known as an oncogene
Translocations and Human Cancers
All these involve oncogenes oncogenes: genes involved in cell proliferation normally active only at specific times embryonic/fetal development, etc. shut off under normal conditions
An example is the translocation between chromosomes 9 and 22, creating the “Philadelphia chromosome” This causes about 90% of the cases of chronic myelogenous leukemia
Myelogenous leukemia Chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML), also known as chronic myeloid leukemia, is a cancer of the blood and bone marrow
Myelogenous leukemia
Fig Origin of the Philadelphia chromosome in chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML) by a reciprocal translocation involving chromosomes 9 and 22 Peter J. Russell, iGenetics: Copyright © Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin Cummings.
Burkitt’s lymphoma
Burkitt’s Lymphoma Translocations between chr. 8 and one of three others: 8 & 2 or 8 & or & 22 Chr. 8 has an oncogene Chr. 2, 14, 22 have genes coding for antibody production and their enhancer genes Oncogene becomes highly active under control of enhancers!
Burkitt’s lymphoma is usually (90%) caused by a translocation (8 and 14)
Burkitt’s lymphoma A reciprocal translocation has moved the proto-oncogene c-myc from its normal position on chromosome 8 to a location close to the enhancers of the antibody heavy chain genes on chromosome 14.
These are examples of the phenomenon called position effect The phenotype seen depends not just on the allele of a particular gene, but also the position of the gene in a particular chromosome
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