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If Function Freeze and Split Panes Financial Functions.

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Presentation on theme: "If Function Freeze and Split Panes Financial Functions."— Presentation transcript:

1 If Function Freeze and Split Panes Financial Functions

2 Fill Handle  Located bottom right corner of active cell  Fill with many different series Days of week Months of the year  To create a series Type two numbers in two cells Excel then knows increment of numbers for series  Select the cells  Use the Fill Handle to drag & create series

3 Examples of Series Using the Fill Handle Example Contents of Cell(s) Copied Using the Fill Handle Net Three Values of Extended Series 12:003:00, 4:00, 5:00 2Qrt3Qrt4, Qrt1, Qrt2 3Quarter 1Quarter 2, Quarter3, Quarter4 45-Jan, 5-Mar5-May, 5-Jul, 5-Sept 52007,20082009,2010, 2011 61,23,4,5 7430,410390, 370, 350 8SunMon, Tues, Wed 9Sunday, TuesdayThursday, Saturday, Monday 104 th Section 5 th Section, 6 th Section, 7 th Section 11-205, -208-211, -214, -217

4  Right-click on the row selector button > Choose insert  See next slide for 2 nd option to insert  New columns are inserted LEFT of the existing column  New rows are inserted ABOVE the existing row

5 Insert using the Cells Group  Find the Cells Group on the Home Tab Notice the tools Use the Insert tool to insert columns and rows  Row are inserted above the existing row  Columns are inserted to the left of the existing column

6 Typing a number with a format symbol, such as a $, or % sign turns on a format. Format Symbol Typed in Formula Bar Displays in Cell Comparable Format, 374,149 Comma (0 decimals), 5,388.65,833.60Comma (2 decimals) $$58917$58,917Currency (0 decimals) $$58917.9$58,917.90Currency (2 decimals) %85% Percent (0 decimals) %85.80% Percent (2 decimals) %68.4333% Percent (4 decimals)

7  To help view large worksheets that extend beyond the window Use View Tab> Window Group  Two View Tools

8  Freeze Panes Displays titles on screen no matter how far down or to the right you scroll  Split Panes Divides the window into 2 or 4 panes  Both options are found in the View Tab

9 Freeze Panes Excel displays the titles/headings on the screen, no matter how far down or to the right you scroll Freeze Panes Excel displays the titles/headings on the screen, no matter how far down or to the right you scroll

10 Split Panes Splits window into 2 or 4 panes. Split Panes Splits window into 2 or 4 panes.

11  A date stamp shows the date a workbook, report, or other document was created or the period it represents.  Business documents without a date stamp are meaningless.

12  Use the Now function to enter the system date tracked by your computer.  Syntax of Now function =NOW()  Inserts current date and time

13  Relative – default – B5 References change relative to where the formulas is pasted or filled  Absolute – $B$5 Cell reference remains constant when pasted or filled. Does not change.  Mixed – B$5 or $B5 Column will change on B$5 and row changes on $B5 when pasted or filled.

14  Used when you want to assign a value to a cell based on a logical test.  Three parts of function

15  Used when any value or expression that can be evaluated TRUE or FALSE  Example of logical tests:  B5>50  C10 =“Yes” Syntax for If Function  =IF(B5>50,B5+B6,0)

16  Text used in a logical test must be enclosed by parenthesis  H5 =“Yes”

17  Comparison operators that are use in the logical test of the If Function  = Equals  <> No equal to  > Greater than  >= Greater than or equal to  < Less than  <= Less than or equal to

18  H3 assigns the value of cell A7 to cell H3 if the value in cell J7 is less than the value in cell Q2; otherwise, have the IF function assign zero (0) to cell H3. J7<Q2A7  =IF ( J7<Q2, A7, 0) T Value if True Value if False Logical Test/Condition

19  Formats a cell quickly by copying a cell’s formatting to another cell or range of cells  Capitalization is NOT copied with Format Painter

20  Show trends and variations in a simple chart in a cell

21  Each slice/wedge shows what percent that slice contributes to the total pie (100%).

22  To create a chart on its own sheet use the Move tool

23  Category Names identify the slices of the Pie chart  Data Series determine the size of the slices in the pie Category Names and % that piece is of the total pie

24  Leader lines guide eyes to the pie piece  One or more slices that are offset are called exploded

25  Used to analyze data in a worksheet  Data Tab > Data Tools > What-if Analysis

26  Assumes you can change the value in only one cell to reach a specific goal in another cell

27  Trace Error indicates a possible error or inconsistency in the formula  The reference error appears if a column or row is deleted that is referenced in a formula.  #DIV/0 appears when the formula attempts to divide using a cell that is empty.  ####### appears when the cell is not wide enough to display the entire entry. =DIV/0

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