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Communities By: Marci Guthrie, Jen Knapke, and Brandon Kuhn.

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Presentation on theme: "Communities By: Marci Guthrie, Jen Knapke, and Brandon Kuhn."— Presentation transcript:

1 Communities By: Marci Guthrie, Jen Knapke, and Brandon Kuhn

2 Subject: Social Studies Unit: Communities Lesson: What are communities and who lives in them? Grade: 2nd

3 Objectives Define Community. Name a variety of different communities. Understand how people’s lives are shaped by where they live. To be aware of different community helpers.

4 A community is a group of people living together as a smaller social unit within a larger one, and having similar interests!

5 Materials Map TV Book Video Construction Paper Glue Scissors Markers Writing paper

6 Websites academy/ace/soc/ceosst/c eosst078.html academy/ace/soc/ceosst/c eosst078.html http://www.lessonplanspa http://teachers.teach- /comm/http://teachers.teach- /comm/ m/090009.shtml m/090009.shtml http://edtech.kennesaw.ed u/web/fam-com.htmlhttp://edtech.kennesaw.ed u/web/fam-com.html

7 Lets Move on to Activities

8 Activity #1 Read “Our Community” by: Marianne Johnston Have a class discussion with students about what we read. Have students draw a picture of what they think a community is.

9 Activity #2 Watch a video that deals with a variety of a people coming from many different communities. After the video find the places that were discussed on the video on a map.

10 Activity #3 Have different guest speakers come in and discuss their lifestyle in the community. The guest speakers will come from many different walks of life. They are community helpers.

11 Activity #3 Continued Have students write a thank you note to the guest speakers, telling them what they learned and what they liked about what community helpers do in the community.

12 On to the Ending Activity

13 Ending Activity Have students make a book of communities that they would like to be a part of include people, places, ect. Students will share these with the class.

14 Ending Activity Continued What I learned …

15 Guest Speaker for Activity #3 Local Doctor

16 Guest Speaker for Activity #3 Local Dentist

17 Guest Speaker for Activity #3 County Farmer

18 Guest Speaker for Activity #3 Taxi Driver/ Bus Driver


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