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Small Bowel Bleeding and Capsule Endoscopy

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1 Small Bowel Bleeding and Capsule Endoscopy
Department of Gastroenterology

2 Obscure Gastrointestinal Bleeding(OGIB)
Definition Bleeding of unknown origin that persists or recurrs after a negative initial or primary endoscopy (colonoscopy and/or upper endoscopy) Incidence 5% of all GI bleeding problems These patients often have lesions in the small bowel, out of reach from the usual endoscopic techniques

3 Cause of small bowel bleeding
Vascular abnormality: most common (70~80%) Angioectasis, Dieulafoy lesion, vascular enteric fistula, small bowel varices Ulcers and other inflammatory lesion (10~12%) Crohn disease is most common NSAIDs induced, vasculitis, ischemia, infections Small bowel neoplasm (5~10%) 5% of all tumors in the GI tract Benign lesion is more common  vigorous bleeding Polyp, lymphoma, stromal tumor, metastatic lesions Diverticular disease

4 Diagnostic studies Small bowell series and enteroclysis
Diagnostic rate : 5~10 %

5 Diagnostic studies Tagged red blood cell scans Angiography
Useful in the evaluation of active GI bleeding More likely to localize when the rate of blood loss exceeds 0.1~0.4 mL/min Angiography Diagnostic rate is 25%, non-active bleeding 40~50%, bleeding at a rate of 0.5mL/min Figure: technetium labelled RBC scan showing extravasation of radiolabelled blood in a loop of ileum(arrow)

6 Diagnostic studies Push enteroscopy Intraoperative enteroscopy
Diagnostic rate 40~50% The entire small bowel cannot be visualized Time-consuming Not well tolerated by patients Intraoperative enteroscopy Diagnostic rate 70~80% But most invasive


8 Video Capsule Endoscopy (VCE)

9 Features of VCE Capsule takes two images per second Battery: 8hrs
On average, 50,000~60,000 images are obtained during an 8 hour exam Lens: 140°, 8x Capsule coating: non-adherant Disposable Interpretation: about 1hr

10 Performance Overnight 12 hour fast Sensors placed on patient
Patient wears a belt that contains a battery pack and data recorder. Patient ingests capsule Patient may have clears fluids two hours after ingestion Patient may have a light lunch 4 hours after ingestion Avoid other patients who ingested a capsule. Patient returns 7-8 hours later

11 Indications Occult gastrointestinal bleeding.
Suspected Crohn’s disease. Suspected small bowel tumor. Surveillance of inherited polyposis syndromes. Evaluation of abnormal small bowel imaging. Evaluation of drug-induced small bowel injury. Partially responsive celiac disease.

12 Contraindications Absolute:
Known or suspected obstruction/stricture/fistula/extensive Crohn's disease Swallowing disorders Pseudo-obstruction Motility disorders Cardiac pacemakers/Implanted defibrillators Relative: Pregnancy Longstanding nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug use Large and numerous diverticuli Gastroparesis Previous pelvic or abdominal surgery

13 Complication Capsule retention is the major and for practical purposes the only complication of capsule endoscopy Patency capsule (Curr Opin Gastroenterol : )

14 GE Junction Duodenum Jejunum Ileocecal Valve

15 Phlebectasia AVM Lymphangectasia Bleeding Lesion

16 Lymphoma GIST Polypoid Mass Polyp

17 NSAID stricture Radiation Enteritis Sprue Villous Drop Out

18 Comparison with other modalities in OGIB
Significant increased diagnostic yield of capsule endoscopy over push enteroscopy and other modalities in OGIB Diagnostic rate : 55~70% At the time of overt bleeding: success rate 92% Pennazio M, et al. Outcome of patients with obscure gastrointestinal bleeding after endoscopy: report of 100 consecutive cases. (Gastroenterology 2004; 126:643–653)

19 ICCE 2005 Consensus for OGIB (Endoscopy 2005;37:1046-1050)

20 ICCE 2005 Consensus for OGIB (Endoscopy 2005;37:1046-1050)
the number of hospitalizations, tests, procedures, and units of blood transfused ICCE 2005 Consensus for OGIB (Endoscopy 2005;37: )

21 Limitation 진단 이외에 조직생검이나 치료가 불가능
검사에 8시간, 판독에 1시간 이상이 걸리므로 급성 장출혈 환자의 경우 사용이 어렵다. 시야 확보가 어려운 경우가 있다. 밧데리 수명 때문에 전체 장을 관찰하지 못하는 경우가 있다. 검사비가 고가이다.(우리나라의 경우) 높은 진단율이 실제 환자의 임상 경과에 미치는 영향에 대해서는 아직 밝혀진 바 없다. Retention된 경우 수술이 필요할 수 있다.

22 Double Balloon Endoscopy (DBE)

23 Double Balloon Endoscopy (DBE)
2001년 Yamamoto등에 의해 처음 소개 실시간으로 소장의 관찰, 조직 생검 및 치료가 가능해짐 Diagnostic rate: 70 ~ 80% 단점: 검사 시간이 오래 걸리고, 넓은 범위의 관찰을 위해서는 경구 및 경항문 검사가 모두 필요하며, 이 경우에도 80%의 환자에서만 전체 소장의 관찰이 가능

24 and Obscure Gastrointestinal Bleeding
American Gastroenterological Association Medical Position Statement: Evaluation and Management of Occult and Obscure Gastrointestinal Bleeding (GASTROENTEROLOGY 2000;118:197–200) Capsule Endoscopy

25 ICCE 2005 Consensus for OGIB (Endoscopy 2005;37:1046-1050)

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