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Czechoslovakian Wolfdog Commentary on CSW judgement Dr. Sonja Bognarova, Slovakia.

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Presentation on theme: "Czechoslovakian Wolfdog Commentary on CSW judgement Dr. Sonja Bognarova, Slovakia."— Presentation transcript:

1 Czechoslovakian Wolfdog Commentary on CSW judgement Dr. Sonja Bognarova, Slovakia

2 General appearance Important proportions Firm type in constitution. Above average size with rectangular frame. In body shape, movement, coat texture, colour of coat and mask, similar to the wolf. Length of body : Height at withers = 10 : 9 Length of muzzle : Length of cranial region = 1 : 1.5

3 Czechoslovakian Wolfdog – typical male



6 Czechoslovakian Wolfdog – typical female



9 Faults...longer format (and worse condition)...

10 Faults...longer format, short limbs...

11 Constitution...weak constitution......coarse constitution...

12 Head Symmetrical, well muscled. Seen from the side and from above, it forms a blunt wedge. Sex should be unmistakable.

13 ...typical heads...

14 malefemale

15 Faults...longer ears, weak mask......typical head, but darker eyes

16 Faults...minor wrinkles on forehead......missing mask...

17 Faults...coarse muzzle......coarse, untypical head...

18 Faults...longer ears, narrow head......weak mask...

19 ears......round-shaped eyes...

20 Faults -...overdrawn stop...

21 Body (faults)...incorrect topline (also short pasterns, weak mask).....too sloping loins and croup (also weak mask)...

22 Body (faults)...bigger chest......bigger chest, also coarser overall constitution...

23 Body (faults)...deep chest, incorrect topline...

24 Tail (faults)...typical female, but longer tail...

25 Forequarters The front legs are straight, strong, clean and close together with slightly turned out feet....correct forequarters...

26 Forequarters (faults)...short and weak pasterns...

27 Forequarters (faults)...wide stand...

28 Hindquarters (faults)...overangulated hind limbs...

29 Gait/movement Harmonious, light footed, ground covering trot, limbs skim over the ground as closely as possible Head and neck incline to horizontal Pacing when walking

30 Coat (frequent faults) Open hair on the neck, back or/and loin Hair damaged on withers Long hair Short hair

31 Behaviour/Temperament Lively, very active, capable of endurance, docile with quick reactions Fearless and courageos „suspicious“ vs „aloof“

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