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News Quiz October 28, 2010 Episode #2607 - News Quiz is KET’s weekly 15-minute current events television program for upper elementary/middle school students.

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Presentation on theme: "News Quiz October 28, 2010 Episode #2607 - News Quiz is KET’s weekly 15-minute current events television program for upper elementary/middle school students."— Presentation transcript:

1 News Quiz October 28, 2010 Episode #2607 - News Quiz is KET’s weekly 15-minute current events television program for upper elementary/middle school students.

2 CHALLENGE QUESTION What is the capital of Kentucky? 1. Lexington 2. Frankfort 3. Louisville

3 1. Kentucky is the only state holding elections on November second. 1. True 2. False

4 2. The President and First Lady are campaigning for candidates who are … A. Democratic B. Republican C. Independent

5 3. Megi was a … A. tsunami B. tornado C. typhoon

6 4. Megi battered several countries in or near … A. Africa B. Asia C. Antarctica

7 5. The students demonstrated their projects featuring … A. English B. science C. social studies

8 6. NASA believes the moon could have billions of gallons of … A. oil B. oxygen C. water

9 7. New C-P-R guidelines say the first step should be for the … A. heart B. brain C. lungs

10 8. Locate Tennessee on the map. A B C

11 9. The record-breaking monsters are … A. sweet potatoes B. pumpkins C. tomatoes

12 10. Atomic Tom’s hit song was performed in … A. subway car B. minivan C. airplane

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