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Research information systems in the nordic countries Current status from Norway Grete Christina Lingjærde and Katrine Weisteen Bjerde CRIStin and Centre.

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Presentation on theme: "Research information systems in the nordic countries Current status from Norway Grete Christina Lingjærde and Katrine Weisteen Bjerde CRIStin and Centre."— Presentation transcript:

1 Research information systems in the nordic countries Current status from Norway Grete Christina Lingjærde and Katrine Weisteen Bjerde CRIStin and Centre for Information Technology (USIT), University of Oslo, Norway Current Research Information SysTem In Norway

2 Topics I.Common national information systems developed at the Department for Development of National Information Systems at University Center of Information Technology (USIT), University of Oslo : 1.Brief overview of national systems developed at USIT 2.The history from FRIDA to CRIStin 3.Technical solution - Tina Lingjærde, Manager SUN, USIT, University of Oslo II.CRIStin – Current Research Information System in Norway: an organization and common national system: 1.Implementation on national level 2.Main objectives and target groups 3.CRIStin – the organization: tasks, strategy and synergy - Katrine Weisteen Bjerde, General Manager, CRIStin

3 Our main systems FS - Student Information System o In 1993 a collaborate project between the then four universities of Norway was started o The development of a common system began in 1994 o The system went into production in 1996 o FS is used by 60 institutions today o Some private sector institutions o The functionality of FS is far reaching o 12 man years is used in maintaining and further developing FS SO – Norwegian Universities and Colleges Admission Service o The project started in 1991 o At the beginning: gathering of applications to each institutions for statistical purposes o Redeveloped year after year o Today all applications to higher education are managed by SO, and only one positive answer is presented to the applicant o We are close to a paperless admission o About 9 man years used

4 Our main systems DW – Data warehouse o Much more to do o Still some challenges ahead o 5 man years CRIStin – Current Research Information System o Development of a common system, Frida, began in 2003 o Frida was owned and used by four universities and some additional institutions o Now developed into a common system for the whole public research sector in Norway o About four man years used on the development side before 2011, now 7,5 man years o From Frida to CRIStin in 2010

5 Building an organisation Began early 1990 We built upon the experiences gained by developing systems for the University of Oslo We needed to prove nationwide that we delivered value Prerequisites Methods Competence in project management Knowledge of the field

6 The process from Frida to CRIStin From institutional registration to common registration and responsibility across member institutions Background Several institutions showed interest in Frida - Within the sectors of higher education, Health centres and Research Institutes Needs from ministry for results based financing - Need for high quality data Report ”Climate for Research” - The Ministry of Education and Research emphasizes the importance of easily accessible research results - Also emphasizes the need for efficient administration of research resources

7 Public report 2008 A national group was asked to analyse the potential in establishing a national research information system to meet these needs. Also including all the research institutes and Health Trust /hospitals. In september 2008, the group concluded: Building such a system is recommended Expand the system to include more research activities in addition to scientific publications A restructured Frida is the best solution

8 Extensive hearing during spring 2009 In the autumn of 2009 the Ministry decided to follow the recommendations A restructured Frida chosen to be the research information system for 150 institutions in Norway Decision in 2009

9 Going from Frida to CRIStin Restructuring Frida Global and local data Data model and VPD Prerequisites Well founded data model for Frida VPD -Virtual Private Database Use of Social Security number

10 Restructuring Frida Extended sharing of common data Maintained the institutional perspective or view of the system

11 Global and local level in Cristin

12 Cristin in production November 29th 2010 Points to observe The data model is becoming more complicated The institutions must adjust to common deadlines and obey common rules

13 Benefits of CRIStin  Data is entered once and reused by other institutions  Centralised import of bibliographical data saves work for the researchers and institutions  Reduced number of duplicates  Unique publications are presented for the first time (no overlap between co-publishing institutions), i.e. data is more suited for subsequent analysis  Overview across institutions and research sectors  Access across levels = reduced work load for reporting (the Ministries can access the data themselves)

14 Main objectives of CRIStin Provide value to society by facilitating cooperation between different research areas Collect and compile information from the research institutions based on a principle of free access for all. Provide high quality data on scientific publication as a basis for the funding system for universities/colleges, research institutes/foundations and specialised health care.

15 Target groups of CRIStin Institutions Internal division/distribution of assets Overview of scientific activities (analyses, statistics, marketing, promotion of own research) Developing an institutional strategy for research activities Efficiency, quality and accountability in research administration (need for increased resources and administrative relief) Increased confidence in the research through visualization of research ethics and documentation Scientists Overview and profiling of own research activity (need to make the expertise visible and attractive) Efficiency in research administration - project applications, reporting (time-saving and administrative simplification) Access to information about resources and results of Norwegian research

16 Target groups of CRIStin Government Performance based funding of research - documentation Research statistics for policy and management Media Profiling of researchers and research activities Overview of the competence profile Increased attention to research in the media and society Access to published results for use in popular scientific materials User Institutions HE-sector:55 universities and university colleges Health sector:38 hospitals and hospital trusts Institute sector:68 research institutes

17 Implementation on a national level: 2010 (autumn/winter) Establishing close contact with users and with relevant organizations and committees Establishing of new institutions in CRIStin -gathering personal data -gathering organisational data 2011 50 new institutions in the HE sector have produced reports from CRIStin April 1st 58 research institutes, 50 health enterprises produced reports from CRIStin September 15 th Establishing close contact with users and with relevant organizations and committees Establishing of new institutions in CRIStin -gathering personal data -gathering organisational data 2012 All three sectors (161 institutions) have produced reports from CRIStin April 1 st National statistics Further development: - facilitating re-use of registered data - simplify administrative routines for researchers

18 The five modules of CRIStin Research results Projects Scientists Research units Annual reporting

19 Scientists (the catalog of expertise) Presentation/ overview of scientists and research competence: Brief description of research units and persons, in terms of searchable keywords Can easily identify persons and units with competence in a particular scientific field Can easily obtain an overall picture of the competence of given persons or units



22 Research results Presentation/overview of scientific work and activities: Journal publications Books Reports Chapters in books/reports Talks Posters Media contributions Exhibitions Artistic work Products Patents



25 Project catalog Overview of projects with information about title, description, url, picture, etc. Project can be connected with central information objects in CRIStin, such as: persons organization units research results (e.g. publications, talks, reports) search words other projects



28 Research units Overview of research groups, research centers and organizational units with information about name, description, url, picture, etc. The research groups centers, units etc, can be connected with central information objects in CRIStin, such as: persons organization units research results, for example publications, talks, reports search words projects other research groups, centers




32 Premise for a national solution Data is registered only once across the institutions The control of and responsibility for the data quality remains at the individual institution Completeness Transparency Reuse of data One national database: Consequences The data model becomes more complicated The institutions must adjust to common deadlines and obey common rules All the institutions depend on each other. Data registration must be done within a reasonable timeframe. The solution requires that a user has to log in via one institution. Existing data in the institutional systems are converted to the new CRIStin structure. Quality assurance. Common rules for registration have been worked out. All institutions depend on each other... Approval of data. All data records that are reported to the Ministry have to be approved by someone other than the researcher.


34 Ministry of research and education in cooperation with ministry of health and social services CRIStin – the organization Established January 2011 2012: 12 FTEs in CRIStin + 7,5 FTEs IT from UiO

35 Strategic long term goals Provide access to relevant information for Norwegian researchers Provide visibility for Norwegian research nationally and internationally More research – less administration Simplify everyday administrative tasks for researchers and reseach institutions

36 Overview – Main tasks CRIStin- system Open Access Licence Agreements

37 Consortia and licence agreements Main tasks: Provide access to e-resources for all researchers according to need Negotiate agreements Investigate alternative models for licencing Coordinate with Open Access work Cristin-system Open Access Licence Agreements

38 Open Access Cristin-system Open Access Licence Agreements Coordinate and promote Open Access (OA) development in Norway “In principle, this Government holds that the results of all publicly funded scientific research should be publicly available.” Klima for forskning (Government report 30:2008-09) True OA publication (gold OA) defined as wanted solution Making copy of publication openly available (green OA) a pragmatic start

39 Open Access + CRIS: 1 + 1 > 2! CRIS as the single point of entry for both metadata and full text simplifies administrative process Easy transfer of full text to institutional repositories (in testing now) Combination of metadata and full text makes it easy to provide lists of candidates for green OA (in testing now) Search covering both metadata and full text

40 Open Access + licencing: 1 + 1 > 2! Making sure licencing work does not hinder movement towards OA Making sure OA work is based on real world needs – not idealistic visions Licencing agreements gives connection with publishers Lots of discussions and questions between the two teams

41 CRIStin at a glance: Number of scientific publications in 2011: Scientific publications in the HE-sector:16339 Scientific publications in the institute sector: 3794 Scientific publications in the health sector: 3204 Total (unique number)19291 Number of reporting researchers this year: 18419

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