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Friendly Letters Blair Turner Kelly Vickers 2 nd grade Kelly Vickers & Blair Turner, ECED 3400 B, 11/15/2007.

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Presentation on theme: "Friendly Letters Blair Turner Kelly Vickers 2 nd grade Kelly Vickers & Blair Turner, ECED 3400 B, 11/15/2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 Friendly Letters Blair Turner Kelly Vickers 2 nd grade Kelly Vickers & Blair Turner, ECED 3400 B, 11/15/2007

2 Friendly Letters Kelly Vickers, ECED 4300 B, Dr Tonja Root, Fall 2007 Grade Level: 2 nd grade Specific form of writing: Friendly Letters Stage of Writing: Prewriting Kelly Vickers & Blair Turner, ECED 3400 B, 11/15/2007

3 Prewriting Friendly Letters Georgia Performance Standard: ELA2W1 The student demonstrates competency in the writing process. The student e. Begins to use appropriate formatting conventions for letter writing (e.g., date, salutation, body, closing). Kelly Vickers & Blair Turner, ECED 3400 B, 11/15/2007

4 Prewriting Friendly Letters PRIMARY LEARNING OUTCOME Students will use the prewriting stage of the writing process to complete a graphic organizer to use in drafting the friendly letter. Kelly Vickers & Blair Turner, ECED 3400 B, 11/15/2007

5 Prewriting Friendly Letters A friendly letter is a informal letter written to a friend or a family member. These letters are usually filled with information about yourself and/or asking questions to the other person about how they are doing. There are many reasons for writing a friendly letter but he majority of the time a friendly letter will consist of information on a personal level. Kelly Vickers & Blair Turner, ECED 3400 B, 11/15/2007

6 Prewriting Friendly Letters Prewriting is the first stage of the writing process. During this process we “get ready” to write. In the prewriting stage for writing a friendly letter we need to first decide who we are writing the letter to. We must then decide what we want to tell this person. Kelly Vickers & Blair Turner, ECED 3400 B, 11/15/2007

7 Prewriting Friendly Letters Graphic Organizer Name:________________ Prewriting Friendly Letters Step one: Who are you writing the letter to? __________ Step two: What is the main idea of the letter? (What do you want to tell this person?) __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ Step three: What are some supporting ideas to support your main idea? (Additional interesting facts that you want to tell this person.) __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Set up for a friendly letter: Heading: Name Address Date Greeting: Dear _______, Body paragraphs: This is where you will tell the person you are writing to about yourself or the subject at matter. Be sure to indent each paragraph and make sure your sentences flow and are in order of importance. You may more than one paragraph if you change subjects. Closing: Love, Signature: (your name) Vickers, K.C. (2007). Prewriting Friendly Letters. Unpublished graphic organizer, Valdosta State University, Valdosta, GA. Kelly Vickers & Blair Turner, ECED 3400 B, 11/15/2007

8 Prewriting Friendly Letters This is an example of a friendly letter. It shows you all of the parts of a friendly letter and those parts should consist of. Parts of a Friendly Letter. Retrieved November 9, 2007, Web site: Kelly Vickers & Blair Turner, ECED 3400 B, 11/15/2007

9 Example of a Friendly Letter Ann Clark 506 Country Lane North Baysville, CA 53286 July 16, 2007 Dear Susan, It feels like such a long time since the last time I saw you. I know it's only been several weeks since I saw you. So far my summer has been great! I spend my all my weekends at the beach. I am getting a nice tan and you can no longer say I am paler than you. I have been playing lots of volleyball, surfing and building a nice collection of sea shells. Just this past weekend I took second place in a sandcastle building contest! On the weekdays I work. I drive an ice cream truck around and sell ice cream to the kids. It is so cool. It is a combination of the two things I love most, ice cream and kids. The pay isn't too great but I love the job so much. I hope the summer's been going well for you too. There's only a month and a half left in summer vacation and after that it's back to school. Would you like to meet up some time to before school starts? Your friend, Ann Clark Kelly Vickers & Blair Turner, ECED 3400 B, 11/15/2007

10 Prewriting Friendly Letters Practice activity: The graphic organizer to help get the main idea down on paper before we start drafting the letter. We first want to decide who we are going to write this letter to. Then we want to decide what we are going to tell them or ask them. Last we need to be sure that we have additional information to support our main idea so that the person we are writing to does not get confused. Kelly Vickers & Blair Turner, ECED 3400 B, 11/15/2007

11 Prewriting Friendly Letters Assessment: To assess students on the prewriting stage I would make sure that they have completed all of the steps on the graphic organizer. They should have each of these steps completed: Step one: Who is the letter to? Step two: What is the main idea of the letter? Step three: What are some supporting details? Kelly Vickers & Blair Turner, ECED 3400 B, 11/15/2007

12 Friendly Letters Blair Turner, ECED 4300 B, Dr Tonja Root, Fall 2007 Grade Level: 2 nd grade Specific form of writing: Friendly Letters Stage of Writing: Drafting Kelly Vickers & Blair Turner, ECED 3400 B, 11/15/2007

13 Drafting Friendly Letters Georgia Performance Standard: ELA2W1 The student demonstrates competency in the writing process. The student e. Begins to use appropriate formatting conventions for letter writing (e.g., date, salutation, body, closing). Kelly Vickers & Blair Turner, ECED 3400 B, 11/15/2007

14 Drafting Friendly Letters Primary Learning Outcome: Students will draft a friendly letter, while using their prewriting graphic organizer. Kelly Vickers & Blair Turner, ECED 3400 B, 11/15/2007

15 Drafting Friendly Letters Drafting is the stage of writing where we complete our rough draft. In this stage we only worry about our content and not our spelling and grammar. Make sure to skip lines, so we will have space for revisions. Kelly Vickers & Blair Turner, ECED 3400 B, 11/15/2007

16 Drafting Friendly Letters Practice: Students will use the graphic organizer that they completed during the prewriting stage of writing a friendly letter for the drafting stage. Students will begin at the top with their heading and follow each step of the graphic organizer, until they have reached the last step, which is signing your signature. Kelly Vickers & Blair Turner, ECED 3400 B, 11/15/2007

17 Drafting Friendly Letters Assessment: Check to make sure that all components listed on the graphic organizer are drafted into the student’s friendly letter. We are checking to make sure that all the information needed for the letter is in the correct position for a friendly letter. Kelly Vickers & Blair Turner, ECED 3400 B, 11/15/2007

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