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O ANOTACE: O Anotace: O Didaktický učební materiál je určen žákům středních škol k zopakování učiva. Prezentace se skládá z přehledu daného učiva a ze.

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Presentation on theme: "O ANOTACE: O Anotace: O Didaktický učební materiál je určen žákům středních škol k zopakování učiva. Prezentace se skládá z přehledu daného učiva a ze."— Presentation transcript:


2 O ANOTACE: O Anotace: O Didaktický učební materiál je určen žákům středních škol k zopakování učiva. Prezentace se skládá z přehledu daného učiva a ze cvičení určených k upevnění materiálu. O METODICKÝ POKYN: O Očekávaný výstup: pravidla užívání přítomného času prostého včetně výjimek, na základě znalosti pravidel schopnost doplnění jevu do textu a jeho užívání v mluvené řeči.


4 THE PRESENT SIMPLE: AFFIRMATIVE O Affirmative form: O We add – s (-es) in 3 rd person singular (he/she/it) O I play volleyball every Monday. O You play volleyball every Monday. O He/ She plays volleyball every Monday. O We play volleyball every Monday. O You play volleyball every Monday. O They play volleyball every Monday.

5 THE PRESENT SIMPLE: NEGATIVE O Negative form: O We add – don´t/ doesn´t(only in 3 rd person sg.) + verb O I do not (don´t) go to school O You do not (don´t) go to school. O He/ She does not (doesn´t) go to school O We do not (don´t) go to school. O You do not (don´t) go to school. O They do not (don´t) go to school.

6 THE PRESENT SIMPLE: QUESTION O Question form: O Do/does (only in 3 rd person sg.)+ subject + verb O Do you like an ice – cream? O Where does your father do? O How do you get to school? O Does your brother play football? O Do you have a brother or a sister?

7 USE THE PRESENT SIMPLE O To express repeated or regular actions in the present O I usually have for breakfast cereal with milk. O My brother goes to school by bus every day. O My sister never goes out on Saturday evening. O I sometimes help my brother with homework. O Time expressions: every day, every morning, every week, sometimes, usually, often,…

8 USE THE PRESENT SIMPLE O To express things that are generally true O I live with my parents O My grandmother doesn´t drink coffee. O The Earth goes round the Sun. O Cats like milk. O I was born in the Czech Republic. O Doctors help patients in hospital

9 PRACTISE - TRANSLATE O Bratr jezdí do školy vlakem. O Mluvím anglicky, ale nemluvím německy. O Bratr pracuje v obchodě. O Kde bydlíš? O Neznám jeho kamarády. O Sestra dělá domácí úkoly každý den. O Moje teta nepracuje v kanceláři, ale pracuje doma. O Nepomůžou mu, protože nemají čas.

10 TRANSLATE - SOLUTION O My brother goes to school by train. O I speak English but I don´t speak Spanish. O My brother works at a shop. O Where do you live? O I don´t know his friends. O My sister does homework every day. O My aunt doesn´t work at the office but she works at home. O They don´t help him because they are busy.

11 FIND A MISTAKE IN SOME SENTENCES O My sister play volleyball every Tuesday. O Does your brother has a car? O How do they get to school? O Does your parents live in a house or in a flat? O He don´t know the anwer. O I like chicken with rice. O He don´t have any money. O How do you spend your holiday?

12 FIND A MISTAKE - SOLUTION O My sister plays volleyball every Tuesday. O Does your brother have a car? O How do they get to school? O Do your parents live in a house or in a flat? O He doesn´t know the anwer. O I like chicken with rice. O He doesn´t have any money. O How do you spend your holiday?

13 WRITE/TELL A NEGATIVE O I listen to radio every day. O My father smokes. O My cousin studies at university. O I usually drink coffee for breakfast. O We go out every Friday. O Small children go to bed at 9 o´clock. O They prefer travelling by train. O My brother often goes to the cinema.

14 WRITE A NEGATIVE - SOLUTION O I don´t listen to radio every day. O My father doesn´t smoke. O My cousin doesn´t study at university. O I usually don´t drink coffee for breakfast. O We don´t go out every Friday. O Small children don´t go to bed at 9 o´clock. O They don´t prefer travelling by train. O My brother often doesn´t go to the cinema.

15 WRITE/TELL QUESTIONS O I have two brothers and one sister. O My younger brother studies at university. O I play basketball twice a week. O My mother cooks for us every weekend. O A car mechanic repairs car. O My grandfather buys newspaper and magazines. O My favourite colour is blue. O Parents go to work by car.

16 WRITE QUESTIONS - SOLUTION O Do you have any brothers or sisters? O Where does your younger brother study? O How often do you play basketball? O How often does your mother cook for you? O What does a car mechanic do? O What does your grandfather buy? O What is your favourite colour? O How do your parents go to work?

17 RESOURCES O Slide 3 – 16 Vlastní tvorba

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