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Weapon of Mass Destruction How to change the course of history…

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1 Weapon of Mass Destruction How to change the course of history…

2 April 1945 US President Franklin Roosevelt dies US President Franklin Roosevelt dies In office since 1932 In office since 1932 Iconic hero of the country Iconic hero of the country Harry S Truman to take over as president Harry S Truman to take over as president

3 The Manhattan Project Truman is immediately told about a secret project started in 1942 1941: Gov’t tries to spilt the atom 1942: The Manhattan Project 150 scientists worldwide J. Robert Oppenheimer Mostly done at U of Chicago and Los Alamos, NM Objective: Build an Atomic Bomb!


5 Research complete by time Truman takes office and tests are ready to be run Research complete by time Truman takes office and tests are ready to be run None of US allies know about the bomb None of US allies know about the bomb Truman sets up committee on how to best use the bomb Truman sets up committee on how to best use the bomb Suddenly and without warning Suddenly and without warning Soldier and civilian residence Soldier and civilian residence July 16 th July 16 th Successful detonation Successful detonation

6 Potsdam Declaration Letter sent to Japan following detonation test: Surrender or Else! Letter sent to Japan following detonation test: Surrender or Else! Japan refuses Japan refuses US military prepares attack on Japanese mainland US military prepares attack on Japanese mainland


8 Truman’s OptionsNegatives with Option Invade the Japanese mainland with American troop Hold a demonstration of the bomb for Japanese dignitaries Wait for Soviet help with a possible invasion Bomb an atomic bomb on an industrial Japanese city

9 August 6, 1945 Enola Gay Leaves the Mariana Islands and is heading to Hiroshima to drop an atomic bomb “Little Boy” Hiroshima 8 th largest Japanese city Bomb explodes 2,000 ft above city 70,000 die instantly

10 August 9, 1945 Three days after “Little Boy,” Japan has still not surrendered Three days after “Little Boy,” Japan has still not surrendered Second Atomic Bomb launched from Enola Gay Second Atomic Bomb launched from Enola Gay “Fat Man” “Fat Man” Nagasaki Nagasaki Not as large as Hiroshima Not as large as Hiroshima 20,000 die instantly 20,000 die instantly






16 Effects of Atomic Bomb Short Term Short Term Long Term

17 Japanese Surrender Despite pleas from military advisors, Emperor Hirohito surrenders to the US Despite pleas from military advisors, Emperor Hirohito surrenders to the US World War II over Sept 2, 1945 World War II over Sept 2, 1945 Battleship Missouri Battleship Missouri 3 rd Atomic Bomb? 3 rd Atomic Bomb? Thousands die over the coming weeks and years from radiation poisoning Thousands die over the coming weeks and years from radiation poisoning

18 Results 60 Million dead throughout the war 60 Million dead throughout the war Civil Wars in Greece, Middle East, Indonesia Civil Wars in Greece, Middle East, Indonesia DeNazification DeNazification Decolonization Decolonization Nuremberg Trials Nuremberg Trials 22 Nazis tried for War Crimes 22 Nazis tried for War Crimes 12 Executed, many killed themselves in jail or before 12 Executed, many killed themselves in jail or before

19 Most Powerful Countries in the World Pre-WWIIPost-WWII

20 Results We have officially entered the… We have officially entered the…

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